Tuesday, February 9, 2016

LIVE :: from a TV or smartphone near you :::

As it happens from the renounced birthplace of Ted Cruz (Calgary)
I'll be goshdarned!  I wouldn't have guessed it: Sanders is beating Clinton AND soundly ::: if that is the case early on (multi-tasking aka watching as I write this for my three followers). If you looked at the preliminary numbers it was a fait d'accompli (french) ::: Trump is ahead 30% with Cruz in his dust.  

Yes'm folks, there very well may be a revolution and you will have to continue along with the media bombardment and (sometimes with the distortion of) the facts ::: organizations taking on the establishment ::: with broadcasts upon channels theatrically gifted anchors and guests acting like it is a return to the hay day of the Kentucky Derby or Vellenieve (oui, Canadian) in F1 racing.  

Food half way to the mouth stopping ::: before the populace is politics of all politicking to eventually come to a finish justifying heady predictions ::: statistics running across the bottom of the screen like a ticker tape, back in the days of old (those words scrolling across the bottom of your screen).  There they were, even to the untrained and nonAmerican viewer,  the early predictions coming true this time from the polls ::: based on what?  You got it:  1% of 1/10th percent!!!

Image source:  Wallpaperscraft ::: Dragon Fantasy (via Google Search)

Switching gears:
Ok, so who else loved the love story of a long time from "Game of Thrones"?  Jack Snow with gal with the foul mouth ::: remember her?

Now, who else was a little cheesed off when they killed that whats-her-name girl with the fiery red hair and Irish lilt?   I was kind of liking having some warm and fuzzies for a change after sooooo much brutality and heads chopped off or hanging ::: holy Hanna talk about violence!  

Well guess what friggin what!?!  The handsome Jack Snow is dating her in RL (real life).  Yes ::: her

Speaking of which, what a fantastic surprise from my hubby who almost never brings me surprises:  gave me a leather notebook with this stamped on the cover.  Unlined so I can doodle or write or .... whatever I want to think about or do.

So, as I often do when I write, I go to look for a photo or image that will make a SPLASH ::: say visually what I am trying to put into words :::


Well, shiver me timbers ... the first response from our friends from Google ::: when I searched for "Game of Thrones images"  and People.com was the first response.  On auto pilot, I click and then wowzers, upon splendor, Jack Snow and his little lady are in love in RL (real life).

Yah, I know, they are young, single (they better have been or I would withdraw my vote) met while filming and fell in love.  I mean what a set! Epically, appealing I would say and no wonder set the internet on fire faster than Trump's first Sanders insult ... outpacing Reality TV audience transfixed by watching the New Hampshire drama unfold ::: my husband is annoyingly flipping multiple channels that tell him the same thing, just different voices and faces.

I have to apologize for messing up their names ::: Game of Thrones costars Kit Harington and Rose Leslie.  Phew, sorry.  We so often get wrapped up by the truly talented best (cinematography, costumes, writing, direction, special effects and crew) assembled into a mesmerizing character we forget that they are very different, very real, people.

One last beef ::: People.com only "highlighted" the guys name:  Kit Harington.  That sucks.  It disappoints me gravely.  I dunno, I guess I thought that People was an establishment made up mostly by women.  BOINK :: BONG :: WRONG.  Then again, women don't often help other women.  Ever notice that?  Well, I'll leave that for another day.  Here's the quote that was embossed on the notepad:


               ~TYRION LANISTER

Source:  Game of Thrones 

Monday, February 8, 2016

Immortally memorable: Christopher Reeve

I admit that I had a secret crush on Christopher

Reeve and wanted to stumble onto​ his path 

when he was in Calgary filming Superman II in 

the 80s. Unfortunately, that never happened. 

Yet this unforgettable quote came from an 

ordinary movie star who became an 

extraordinary hero.

His life demonstrates to us that however much

we think of ourselves, we can be humbled by a

power outside our control to become our true

destiny in whatever form that makes us 

memorable forever.

Once a beacon of strength in character and out,

Christopher Reeve became a symbol of courage 

in his quest for a cure by spinal cord research.

Within us (sometimes disguised) is a powerful 

talent that we need to discover. It may not 

be destined as glamour or glory, it is not ours to

decide. It lies beyond our dreams to reach out,

to grasp, capture, and embrace it.

Stroll down memory lane with me in this clip from

Superman who is getting drunk in the East 

Village of Calgary. You will see some

of our landmarks (Calgary Tower, St. Louis) ...

In our days of pining for what we want or

dwelling on what we don't, we should remember

what we have. Be full of gratitude for each 

moment and extend forgiveness when it is ours

to give.

Thanks Chris.


Saturday, January 30, 2016

Telling you straight .... outta Compton

Granted, I'm Canadian, as many of you know.  What you may not recognize is that we do tend to pay attention to controversies, news and politics south of our borders.

My first reaction to the blasphemy gone amok everywhere would be the fuss over the white out of the Oscars this year.    I thought:

  • let the best man or woman win.
  • it is the academy, peers, who votes on the nominees
  • color or gender should not sway nominees
  • the best performances are recognized
  • being nominated raises your value 
  • movies you may not have heard of inspire you to watch 
  • the big studios, i.e. most capital, gain the most attention
  • above, except if you're Oprah Winphrey
I was wrong.  I watched "Straight out of Compton" last night and was really impressed for many reasons:

  • I didn't know how RAP or HIP-HOP or GANSTA evolved until now
  • While I was in my 20s in the 1980s, this phenomena was emerging
  • The story itself is worth recognizing
  • The evolving characters transformed into big names in the music business
  • What they did for music was profound
  • We need this kind of music in our world, as musical journalism per se
  • There was a lot of racism, bias experienced these gifted musicians 
  • They had to be dedicated and passionate to keep on no matter the struggles
  • I like the music now (in the 80s I was probably tuned into David Bowie)

IMAGE COURTESY of http://www.hitfix.com

There was a grave oversight by the Oscar community to ignore this poignant film that is both historical and inspirational.  Although, I may not agree with the stand that black (that's what we call them in Canada since Afrocanadian hasn't been given as an option to African American) artists like Will Smith have taken by boycotting the Oscars.  By being there in person they ARE making a stand for artists of any color contribute to our entertainment.  Come on, we all have gone through days when we didn't want to go to school or work because we didn't agree with something, but we were forced to by our parents.  

You have got to be stronger than the issue at hand.  Don't align yourself with a statement that takes a side that you don't want forever to be associated with.  I vaguely recall Marlon Brando using his Oscar nod for creating sympathy for the cause of Native North Americans.  

Think about Leonardo Dicaprio's statements on Canada's oil just because he filmed at a location close to here.  All of a sudden, he is an expert.  Why not take a stand with class like Clint Eastwood did when filming his Oscar film "Forgiven" filmed close to my home in Calgary.  He captured the beauty and magnificence.  We aren't all roughnecks drilling for oil.  Some of us love where we are from and what that means.  We don't need a brief visitor like Dicaprio to insult the citizens of his host.

"Straight outta Compton" SHOULD have had some nominees for the Oscars.  It was breathtaking in its honesty and historical significance to how black lives mattered in bringing a whole new genre to our musical ears.  The cast transformed themselves into the heroes unfolded during the 80s, making a significant impact by its honest lyrics and reflection of the times.  Personally, the upheaval that groups like Led Zepplin and The Rolling Stones had on our older siblings, were lost until many years later.  We rode the short-lived disco wave but started the dance movement that allowed ABBA, David Bowie and Fleetwood Mac to be  forever iconic in our minds.  While many of us were watching those artist, there was a musical revolution going on that we were just too self-absorbed to have noticed.  Have a look at this brief trailer:

I'm really glad I watched this movie.  It brought so much reality to the bias, racism that these wonderKIDS plowed through and brought the gift of musical journalism:  a voice of what was REALLY going on around us.  I agree, it shouldn't have been acceptable.  While it is easy to glance back shamefully noting that we may have been more than ignorant to the plight of these citizens.

I  stand behind Paul Giamatti's portrayal of a sleezy white manager who filled his own pockets long before his clients ever did:  I can just imagine how widespread this was.  I like how the film brought into the fold how wrong it was.  Some of us may have been aware, but not at the same capacity that black musicians and artists were ripped off.  For that fact alone, this film should have more widespread recognition for its statement alone.

"Straight outta Compton" is definitely worth a watch.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Slumber, or sleep, or nap

Yayyyyyyyyyyy I did get to write again:  the "Lil bit of Attitude" as an ode to my daughter's BDay and to release my brain of all these ideas, so I can slumber.

  It is snowing outside a bit.  (that is why we reference slumber, you nap during the day, or sleep during summer).  Nothing anywhere near the East coast of the US, we would be just as shocked with this sort of storm:  it would be unusual for Canada, except the very far oceanic east coast.  They share the Atlantic:  blame her!

I truly would like to thank Mark  Zuckerberg ..........

Thanks https://www.facebook.com/zuck and Facebook ... I haven't quite figured out why or how you blessed me? But 100 or more followers a day is quite outstanding. One could wonder if you are merely showcasing how greater the power of Facebook + Commerce is over Twitter? Whatever the reason, big THANK YOU. Although, I have no idea how to respond to the imploding direct messages: I can't possibly answer you all. Although, I will continue to manage and respond under "NOTIFICATIONS" to those that include me in public communications. That will keep the integrity of social media: it isn't a gi-HUGE dating meat market or chat room. I am not looking for anyone nor trying to solve anyone's problems in love. I'm taken. Simply, nuff said. Thanks again Mark ~ what a ride! Thank YOU.

Lil bit of attitude

"Oh, my, this one has attitude!" exclamed the delivery nurse.  Who may have been saying "here's another one" to the tired, adrenaline-rushed parents of this newborn creation ..... of theirs.

 A mixture of disbelief and amazement as this gaze upon this near perfect little human girl.  Minutes from being in a warm, comfortable womb.  Indignant at the harsh introduction she hadn't anticipated she let out a howl.

This little beauty grew and grew:  and sang "take me out to the Ball Game" at a mere 16 months.  As a party favor, she blasted through the adults polite conversation, as their jaws dropped and gaped open at a special experience unfolded.  Discussion began.  How amazing is it that a little burst of energy could sing to the rafters, in such abandon, glorying in the musical flutes her own tonsils gave. Oblivious to the expressions of anyone around her.  She liked bursting out and singing.  Her abandon to anything akin to self-conscious expression.  The audience crossed between envy and awe.  How could such a little thing stand up, be so proud, and sing with such abandon?  At ONLY 16 months.

The parents who were always ready with a video camera were stunned into inaction.  The musical notes combined with gusto and self-exuberance.  How could they have created such a ... umm... creature?  Alas, it was a daughter.  They should have had their seat belts tightened.  Yet they didn't do anything. Why should they?  They weren't puppeteers, merely creators.  

They wondered, however, how can they take credit for such a beauty with such a powerful voice? 

As the little girl developed and continued to grow became as ever a sight to behold.  At 2, this confident, clever,  creation would insist that she was a princess.  Her hard-working mother and father fascinated, would wonder:  how could a princess be born and insist she was one.  They  were, although not average folk, wondered how they could be responsible for this envisioned little lady?  

Then, one day, when the father was away at work, slagging dragons called life and career, the mother bent over a captive keyboard for job.  A nanny, on call, living out, ever present, vacuuming the castle always to shine, was focussed on leaving a tread in the carpet, hadn't noticed her charge, who had transformed into an escapee to her mother's home office.  Sneaking in, quietly, taking and absorbing every last detail.  Alas, the mother noticed the scamp in her midst.  The little joy did ask: "Mommy, what are you doing?"

Lest the mother cause disillusionment of the responsibility of working and career, she tenderly said:  "I am working.  When you grown up, you will likely work too.  What is it that you think you'll do too?

The predictable reply did unfold "why, when I am grown up, I will be a princess!" Said with such convincement, less mortal men or mothers would never argue.  However, the mother did sigh.  She then glanced around, realizing that the King was not home nor was the princess' guard on command.

She did try to dispell the disillusionment which chance had burst, said to her darling daughter with such thirst, for life, for dreams, goals and confidence:  "why Sweetie, you will be princess when I am a queen!"  Rationalizing that being realistic of drastic importance.

Then to her utter dismay her daughter did respond:  "Why mommy, I didn't know that you were a queen!!"

The days grew onwards and upward the girl grew, when tragedy did brew.  The media, the news, the television, no matter how one flew, protested the death of a princess many thought they knew.

When dinner one day, was being prepared by her mother.  As the news and the television broadcast the cover:  A princess died while so many fed .. on the photos, paparazzi with the princess photos they led.  How sad to have such a wonderful soul cut short, would end up causing this young four-year-old lady to retort:  "That is so sad to hear about the princess."

The mother, astonished, that this little girl wisdom, attuned to the news and the stories that bloomed.  She asked her daughter, in parenting skills on high alert, how do you feel about this story?  The daughter said "Sad".  The mother now curious, nowhere near mad.  Asked her little one why would she say so.  When the gem said "well, I am a princess, so this one I should know".

This is a reflection of a mother, rediscovering the journey she started with her daughter.  She has just turned 23, in second year of university, dedicated to  fine arts, art history and philanthropy.  

A mother's pride never diminishes with age.  If anything, it flourishes as cheerleading captain of her daughter's journey.  

Happy Birthday sweet, beautiful daughter O mine.