Showing posts with label influence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label influence. Show all posts

Friday, September 8, 2017

know the NUMBERS ........ UR numbers examined lately?

Maybe I've found my sweet spot

I've admitted to being a knowledge junkie, wearing it like a badge on most of my social media bios.  

Giving a tip here and there 
is something my readers ask for about social media, back in the day.  I was channeling sales speak and advice left and right, then injecting a blog here and there about what I was learning on social media as my online personality grew.

If I were to Google my name
it would fall on to likely my LINKED IN profile first, consistently always.  I do like to see where Google places me ::.... the first step in understanding your online audience with numbers.

KLOUT worthy of note
If you take a gander of your KLOUT Score these days, there are some really cool content sliding across your radar, so smoothly that it feels more like a natural, instinctive rational click.  A feather touch not a heavy punch.  If you pay attention to what is being shown to you, heed it.  Klout is providing brands a much bigger wallop than even they may have not have bargained for.  When Klout couldn't convince the money men [far less women, proportionately shallow] ... Klout continued to re-invent themselves.  I would imagine they read and watched the numbers, and hardly registering what it was telling them.  Lucky that they aren't afraid to try something new. ,,,...::->  copyright (c)

CHANCE is no accident
similar as LUCK being a blessing of sorts.
THOSE who make things happen
appear more like happenstance

You pay close attention
to what your numbers tell you.
Even if it is to watch numbers,
whether they rise or may fall.

CHANCE for fame+recognition
by degrees of authenticity in a world of disguise.
THOSE who take risks
by trial and separation.

Have the gift of raising softly
to the masses they resound and inspiration 
rebounding .....
To resonate, inspire, educate, and help others
is the battle cry.
That creates a rhythm nation of those that inspire

Are you one?
Why don't you know?
You may not be reading the real numbers
hidden by so much fluff.

Your championship concludes
when quality outweighs quantity.
The knack for clicking winners
whom others quickly drift
towards .......

Do you pay attention to what I post to the right?  The most being my blog total readership numbers.  I have been transparent about that.  I'm probably going to change my widget so that each blog is dated:   if a direct plagiarism discovery would to surface, proof of date of publication would be captured on my blog.

With the beauty of translation, how would one know if someone is merely translating your content and posting it as there own?

I would like to think of a fairy tale dream come true where initially someone was just copying and pasting my content in a new and different language other than English, would be infringing upon my (c) Copyright as the creator of what has been repackaged, erroneously claimed.  

Then perhaps by continually taking a look at numbers, I see what story they want to tell.  In this case Brazil, so proud and at the same down trodden by hosting the Rio Olympics.  Maybe I was attracted to the heart of the story:  people overcoming major obstacles, to create a dream, and hearts beating as one.  That was the true beauty of Brazil as my observation of anxiously looking for my Goddaughter's swim, to later discover she didn't make the cut [ as a Canadian record holder in Swimming whom nobody remembers or knows because of her teammates quick rise to fame:  that Penny girl, with the long last name or difficult one to spell.

Have a look at this website whom I profess to read regularly as it is listed to the right ->  I owe him a return email, and this shows procrastination at its BEST!!

Saturday, May 28, 2016

The STATS attack!

You can't hardly call yourself a "social media enthusiast" if you don't know how to get into the "stats ATTACK".  

A stats ATTACK is when you start caring about how many likes, retweets, shares you get.  Actually, paying attention to what seems to appeal to people who follow you.  Then carefully observe how they handle themselves:

  • * classy
  • * informative
  • * intellectual
  • * stylish
  • * branded
  • * poise

If you're a gal, I am going to suggest you go with a pink and black theme.  Those are the two colors that mean feminine yet strong.    In fact, after I'm done this blog commentary, I am going to redesign my optioneerJM blog.  Use those colors, have graphics that compliment this new energy.  That is so exciting!!

Then, I will go jump over to MeanderingsABOUT to update to my new colors, like a logo or an illustration, except just with a color combination that can immediately identify me in a flash.  Vibrant colors that at one point seem to crash then bounce off each other causing vibrations.  Notifications.  Identifications.  Notoreity.  

Experiential Evidence
I did an experiment tonight.  As you all know.  For the past two years, I have used this blog as an experiment.  Of sorts.  To test crazy ideas (remember seeing if I could tempt anyone to buy my social media personality for a fee, by bid process only.  Which I will send out the offer again.  NOW.  If you want to buy a ready made up, 72% KLOUT SCORE, Top 1% KRED, 18,000 followers on TWITTER, 500 of the finestly cultivated group of followers, supporters and exhillirators in knowledge, authority on all subject matters related to relationship selling, social media community creation, cultured CONTENT curators (think imagery, artistry, sculptures, greenery, elegant interiors, motivating quotes with awe-inspiring graphics, fonts, everything together.   If you want to buy this name for your own social media blitz, it's for sale.  optioneerJM is a pretty ambiguous name that could be adopted for a clever, a cause, a choice,  campaign or cosmic reach of the universe.  A brand that doesn't promote hate, violence, greed, or fame.  Where only the people decide what is the #bestofeverything simply by promoting, adopting and using this hashtag everywhere, so one of my other experiments is to test whether if one were to promote one #hashtag called #bestofeverything on every social media giant or platform, would it hook together to rise to the top search on google, register on Facebook, and be on everyone's moments on Twitter.  Why not have a trending hashtag that is voted on the people, where no machines or automation can steer the results, where only the top of the best of the best of #everything dominate the peak.  

Collaboration Nation
So the experiment is whether this group that was included in this Facebook post would notice, come read this blog, or jump on the bandwagon of fun.  Learning together, collaborating together, and determining the outcome of this experiment.  I can report on findings as I start to track and check to see what people are liking these days.  Kind of an ad hoc experiment within the experiment:: what are people really paying attention to across all the viral campaigns.

Fan Favorites
The people I like the most are the most personable.  They may touch on some mighty influencial fan favorites, but those fan favorites are not in this group.  Because they either didn't respond to me as much as others.  

Favorite picture of the month, if not year. Breathtaking, haunting, with just a hint of the red faded, enveloped into the rust. Thank you immensely Tim Fargo for sharing this brilliant image. Unfortunately, the artist photographer who created it is faded on the left and should have greater acclaim and recognition. Try this: Send it out as a tweet: " #bestofeverything photography artist @________(the name) OptioneerJM @optioneerJM #RT with the image attached. Then, share on your own Facebook Post with the same paragraph with image, sharing with all of your followers. If I'm not mistaken, this group will rise in KLOUT + KRED + PEERINDEX +Quora influence metrics, because I have hand picked some very under recognized social media and personality plus WHIZ peers. We're not an actor, creative, musician, media personality, professionals. We're professional creatively minded and musically in tuned group of personalities. Sharing inspirational images, quotes, thoughts, leadership, humanitarian, creative, beautiful messages, wisdom, writing, tweets, posts, bios.

#bestofeverything TWITTER #bestofeverything FACEBOOK #bestofeverything G+

Testing, testing ... one, two three
I want to firstly test who responds the quickest, what they respond to, and whether they actually read my post and follow the instructions:  to follow/friend all the "FRIENDS" I've included on the list.  Then reshare it (because when you add someone and follow it immediately with a #RT or share of something they've posted or you include their name, you've increased the likelihood of about 90% that they will follow you back, but not only that, pay attention to what you post.  Not merely a flittering registration among the clutter of a lot of pots and pans, drums or thimbles fall into the background with their noise.  Then the group will create posts, including @optioneerJM and #bestofeverything adopted as their own approval stamp.

Favorite picture of the month, if not year. Breathtaking, haunting, with just a hint of the red faded, enveloped into the rust. Thank you immensely Tim Fargo for sharing this brilliant image. Unfortunately, the artist photographer who created it is faded on the left and should have greater acclaim and recognition. Try this: Send it out as a tweet: " #bestofeverything photography artist @________(the name) OptioneerJM @optioneerJM #RT with the image attached. Then, share on your own Facebook Post with the same paragraph with image, sharing with all of your followers. If I'm not mistaken, this group will rise in KLOUT + KRED + PEERINDEX +Quora influence metrics, because I have hand picked some very under recognized social media and personality plus WHIZ peers. We're not an actor, creative, musician, media personality, professionals. We're professional creatively minded and musically in tuned group of personalities. Sharing inspirational images, quotes, thoughts, leadership, humanitarian, creative, beautiful messages, wisdom, writing, tweets, posts, bios.

FANTASTICO!! Love this quote don't you? 

Shared by one of my FAVORITE facebook 

poster boy -- Mott Marvin Kornicki. Not sure if he

 is for the ladies with his resonating quotes, cool 

*stuff* :: or the guys with his Miami beat on social

 media :: check him out. Add him, fan him. 

Superb guy. How can't you adore him with a 

quote like this? (Follow each other on this list as

 you all come highly recommended by be to 

follow each other. You will notice that they are 

vibrant over achievers who I affectionately deem

 *Mental Energists* on

MEANDERINGSabout ..... 

If you do follow everyone on this list. 

Please ‪#‎RT‬ on Twitter including 

OptioneerJM or Jeannette Marshall 


Twitter's FollowFriday Ranking 

I apologize if  

I included you and you haven't experienced the 

fierce force of connecting with really smart 

people. They are also extremely talented on

 social networking, standing out on top of heaps

weaker fame measurement of TV, Movies,

 Radio, the Media en masse :: people who are 

brilliant and stand out, catch this wave, and take

 it for a wile ride. If you add all these people, then

 share this post, adding comments as who you

 think the best of the best is by traits, character,

 humanity, humor, spiritual, wise, intellect are 

standing at the cliff reading to be pushed off by 

old age. Some jump early, most go with the 

masse, but there are a few hanging off the cliff,

 fighting the need to lose grip and fall down, 

keeping their young, energetic spirit alive with


Now, it is finally time to get off this writing and 

get on to creating.  So much love and adoration.

xo Jeannette

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Telling you straight .... outta Compton

Granted, I'm Canadian, as many of you know.  What you may not recognize is that we do tend to pay attention to controversies, news and politics south of our borders.

My first reaction to the blasphemy gone amok everywhere would be the fuss over the white out of the Oscars this year.    I thought:

  • let the best man or woman win.
  • it is the academy, peers, who votes on the nominees
  • color or gender should not sway nominees
  • the best performances are recognized
  • being nominated raises your value 
  • movies you may not have heard of inspire you to watch 
  • the big studios, i.e. most capital, gain the most attention
  • above, except if you're Oprah Winphrey
I was wrong.  I watched "Straight out of Compton" last night and was really impressed for many reasons:

  • I didn't know how RAP or HIP-HOP or GANSTA evolved until now
  • While I was in my 20s in the 1980s, this phenomena was emerging
  • The story itself is worth recognizing
  • The evolving characters transformed into big names in the music business
  • What they did for music was profound
  • We need this kind of music in our world, as musical journalism per se
  • There was a lot of racism, bias experienced these gifted musicians 
  • They had to be dedicated and passionate to keep on no matter the struggles
  • I like the music now (in the 80s I was probably tuned into David Bowie)


There was a grave oversight by the Oscar community to ignore this poignant film that is both historical and inspirational.  Although, I may not agree with the stand that black (that's what we call them in Canada since Afrocanadian hasn't been given as an option to African American) artists like Will Smith have taken by boycotting the Oscars.  By being there in person they ARE making a stand for artists of any color contribute to our entertainment.  Come on, we all have gone through days when we didn't want to go to school or work because we didn't agree with something, but we were forced to by our parents.  

You have got to be stronger than the issue at hand.  Don't align yourself with a statement that takes a side that you don't want forever to be associated with.  I vaguely recall Marlon Brando using his Oscar nod for creating sympathy for the cause of Native North Americans.  

Think about Leonardo Dicaprio's statements on Canada's oil just because he filmed at a location close to here.  All of a sudden, he is an expert.  Why not take a stand with class like Clint Eastwood did when filming his Oscar film "Forgiven" filmed close to my home in Calgary.  He captured the beauty and magnificence.  We aren't all roughnecks drilling for oil.  Some of us love where we are from and what that means.  We don't need a brief visitor like Dicaprio to insult the citizens of his host.

"Straight outta Compton" SHOULD have had some nominees for the Oscars.  It was breathtaking in its honesty and historical significance to how black lives mattered in bringing a whole new genre to our musical ears.  The cast transformed themselves into the heroes unfolded during the 80s, making a significant impact by its honest lyrics and reflection of the times.  Personally, the upheaval that groups like Led Zepplin and The Rolling Stones had on our older siblings, were lost until many years later.  We rode the short-lived disco wave but started the dance movement that allowed ABBA, David Bowie and Fleetwood Mac to be  forever iconic in our minds.  While many of us were watching those artist, there was a musical revolution going on that we were just too self-absorbed to have noticed.  Have a look at this brief trailer:

I'm really glad I watched this movie.  It brought so much reality to the bias, racism that these wonderKIDS plowed through and brought the gift of musical journalism:  a voice of what was REALLY going on around us.  I agree, it shouldn't have been acceptable.  While it is easy to glance back shamefully noting that we may have been more than ignorant to the plight of these citizens.

I  stand behind Paul Giamatti's portrayal of a sleezy white manager who filled his own pockets long before his clients ever did:  I can just imagine how widespread this was.  I like how the film brought into the fold how wrong it was.  Some of us may have been aware, but not at the same capacity that black musicians and artists were ripped off.  For that fact alone, this film should have more widespread recognition for its statement alone.

"Straight outta Compton" is definitely worth a watch.