Showing posts with label content. Show all posts
Showing posts with label content. Show all posts

Monday, January 22, 2018

A Tale of Two Silos

"Stray the course every once in a while.  Be innovative and a creative thinker."
~Jeannette Marshall

It has occurred to me that so many of the world”s woe would be mended and solved into a peaceful Utopia of world reviving the sun and our major offtime is shrouded in darkness,  probably fine for the fewer nocturnal humans - if we stopped “if” or “either” “or” one or the other of just about anything.

Brilliance would abound if companies stopped either your the doers or the workerBees.

I’ll show a third component strongly urged to consider: remove the worst factor in most employees’ minds: to fall onto either heep where the “either” is the most repulsive to you xx you never hear the good news first in an either or situation.  

Thinks about it as you take a few deep breaths: I am just guessing without any evidence, just instinct with logic stealing my course.

I reported to an executive once who’s favourite directive, delivered with flourish would say: “Stay the course!”

In the end meaning either you produce OR perish was the sizzle amongst all that steak where you were a workerBEE or you are a DOer.

Looking back now, I’ve had this attraction to reading my RECOMMENDATIONS on +LinkedIn when I’m going through turbulent waters whether Work or Personal life.  One of my former colleague wrote one for me stating that I “stay the course” just now realizing it.

In general, in life there are the matches by culture, upbringing, beliefs of multitude categories and sub sections which spread out as waves upon the ocean making it infinitely more possible that no two opinions match, merely bounced off one and another of either conflict or harmony.

Taking this as a hypothetical example, either seem to be in a state of either conflict or chaos with the longing for harmony.  By bringing in a third element infused with technology you are more likely to thrive.

I’ve bounced from a DOer to a workerBEE and fell into a cultural shock.  Not really too bad unless you’ve acted like a queen before the high/nose dive into the pit.

Injecting a hyper performer among coasters or followers can create havoc.

Friday, September 8, 2017

know the NUMBERS ........ UR numbers examined lately?

Maybe I've found my sweet spot

I've admitted to being a knowledge junkie, wearing it like a badge on most of my social media bios.  

Giving a tip here and there 
is something my readers ask for about social media, back in the day.  I was channeling sales speak and advice left and right, then injecting a blog here and there about what I was learning on social media as my online personality grew.

If I were to Google my name
it would fall on to likely my LINKED IN profile first, consistently always.  I do like to see where Google places me ::.... the first step in understanding your online audience with numbers.

KLOUT worthy of note
If you take a gander of your KLOUT Score these days, there are some really cool content sliding across your radar, so smoothly that it feels more like a natural, instinctive rational click.  A feather touch not a heavy punch.  If you pay attention to what is being shown to you, heed it.  Klout is providing brands a much bigger wallop than even they may have not have bargained for.  When Klout couldn't convince the money men [far less women, proportionately shallow] ... Klout continued to re-invent themselves.  I would imagine they read and watched the numbers, and hardly registering what it was telling them.  Lucky that they aren't afraid to try something new. ,,,...::->  copyright (c)

CHANCE is no accident
similar as LUCK being a blessing of sorts.
THOSE who make things happen
appear more like happenstance

You pay close attention
to what your numbers tell you.
Even if it is to watch numbers,
whether they rise or may fall.

CHANCE for fame+recognition
by degrees of authenticity in a world of disguise.
THOSE who take risks
by trial and separation.

Have the gift of raising softly
to the masses they resound and inspiration 
rebounding .....
To resonate, inspire, educate, and help others
is the battle cry.
That creates a rhythm nation of those that inspire

Are you one?
Why don't you know?
You may not be reading the real numbers
hidden by so much fluff.

Your championship concludes
when quality outweighs quantity.
The knack for clicking winners
whom others quickly drift
towards .......

Do you pay attention to what I post to the right?  The most being my blog total readership numbers.  I have been transparent about that.  I'm probably going to change my widget so that each blog is dated:   if a direct plagiarism discovery would to surface, proof of date of publication would be captured on my blog.

With the beauty of translation, how would one know if someone is merely translating your content and posting it as there own?

I would like to think of a fairy tale dream come true where initially someone was just copying and pasting my content in a new and different language other than English, would be infringing upon my (c) Copyright as the creator of what has been repackaged, erroneously claimed.  

Then perhaps by continually taking a look at numbers, I see what story they want to tell.  In this case Brazil, so proud and at the same down trodden by hosting the Rio Olympics.  Maybe I was attracted to the heart of the story:  people overcoming major obstacles, to create a dream, and hearts beating as one.  That was the true beauty of Brazil as my observation of anxiously looking for my Goddaughter's swim, to later discover she didn't make the cut [ as a Canadian record holder in Swimming whom nobody remembers or knows because of her teammates quick rise to fame:  that Penny girl, with the long last name or difficult one to spell.

Have a look at this website whom I profess to read regularly as it is listed to the right ->  I owe him a return email, and this shows procrastination at its BEST!!

SOCIAL MEDIA revisited FORECAST educated

I was wandering around social media, as I often do.  Living a country song in real life:  married to a Hunkster Hubster, my faithful companion Buddy [my Border Collie]; a productive week of sorts [battle my demon of "anxiety" caused by the realization that BULLYING is alive and well in some toxic corporate cultures that are so cloaked in manipulation and a play on words, causing it to be very difficult to prove::... EUREKA!  After a great deal of reading, researching on a potpourri of organizations, help associations, evaluations, discussions and distinguishable by authentication by psychologists, psychiatrists, therapists or medical practitioners ] they all basically agree that IF YOU THINK YOU ARE/HAVE BEEN BULLIED you likely are/have. ]

Take a look at this YouTube post by my content source favorite:  MASHABLE [which I reSHARE their content on Twitter faithfully, with never an acknow- ledgement of even a #RT never mind a #ThankYou hashtag on the feed.  Once, I had someone who was very observant that I tended to share @Mashable content consistently asked whether I belonged to or an affiliate of a compensated kind:  aka Brand Ambassador ].  

HEREIN is my comment, nestled among three really stupid ones ::... which makes me ponder if only gamers pay attention to Mashable.  Here I am a white, 50something, Canadian, Lady [how unique can one get on Social Media eh?] a solid follower of Mashable's since I can't remember when?  Likely, far at the beginning when I just grooved to the beat of their vibes from their posts:  unique, coolio, informative, positive or bizarre [pick your own perception of this really cool e-zine online!! ].  It is my intent to become a Brand Ambassador of sorts:  which usually include:

  1.  Informative, helpful, unique, inspiring, bizarre content under one umbrella
  2.  A cache of intellectually stimulating content
  3. Attractive to a distinct, talented crew of writers, assemblers and ensemble 
  4. Provides a wealth of information to sop up and absorb
  5. Has created a groove and a beat that resounds among a hipster or yuppy
  6. Is unrelated to race, country, politic, faith, color, educated or economics
  7. Has the gift of the spirit of sharing by creating share-friendly buzz
  8. Is more about the name "Mashable" than any singular contributor, artist, writer, innovator, video, mainstream oriented - NOT - material
  9. Eye catching wording or visuals, it begs to be clicked on 
  10.  Appeals to the curious, knowledge junkies, innovative, creative types.

Have a look with my comment after you take a look at the video link:

Brilliant!!  [ HEY! Who are the Bozos commenting here? ] I noticed the clear tribute to Hyatt which is signifying that this was "sponsored by" Hyatt ::.... which in social media terms means:  "PAID for by" .... I think that authenticity and credibility would go a far longer way if every Brand Ambassador, Blog, Website or Social Media Brand [ think:  instaGRAM as what I consider "the universal endorsement" social media site ] ::.... if it was REQUIRED to show in Profile that u are paid by a Brand 4 what U tweet or share.  

Another gem I uncovered while letting the content follow through on the headline after garnering a click:

It's no wonder the most prolific personalities or brands online are actively followed and sought.  There is so much abundance of information that allows you to discover a deeper insight to your own being by what attracts you and then ultimately you attract in kind.  

A giving bunch who belong to the inner sanctuary of the giving kind.  Not of financial means, more often abundance thin by monetary value but rich beyond imagination by having something in common:  helping others or helping the world become a better place.  

By observing your own stats with some sort of frequency, if not any kind of regularity, you can reach and get in touch with what others want to hear from you about.  Mine have been sitting there as plain as day or the sparkle of sunshine.  Understanding what it means is a great discovery.

Take a look at the numbers.  My consistent mass hails from Brazil.  Maybe a sign that this is the place where my soul aligns.  Or, if more pragmatic, objective observation is where you're inclined, the simple fact that Google's blogspot features easily translation, that removes restriction of reach by language distinction.

Brazil loves and keeps on giving the love to "Build a 30-60-90 Day Plan".  More instructional than philosophical, it lays out how to do just that.  Even to this day, Google is often my best online friend.  As it gets to know me, successful results abound.  Closer to what I have had in mind then my mind knew.

Taking a queue from my faithful crowd:  what is the content they most enjoy or find of value?  The ingredients to a successful sales path.  Less philosophizing and more educational.  You have a feel for what you are looking for whenever you are creating the content, the report, the analysis, the research, yet until you see it emerge does it create a spotlight.

I will proceed in the coming days on writing a more instructional blog on how to forecast accurately and consistently ::.... primarily geared towards the sales professional or those that aspire to be.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Wisdom cultivated by age

As I sit back and take stock of what advice I 

consistently tell my kids, believe to be true, and 

are mantras to living the best life possible, I 

thought I would share them.  I have discovered

them to be true.

1) You are the company you keep

I'm fortunate to

have a wonderful

group of talented

people surrounding me. 

They push me harder to strive to be better.

I continue to work at being the best they believe 

in me to be.

2) Make others proud of you

I often think 

that my father

is looking down

from heaven and

cheering me on.

My father could offer advice, he could hold 

me accountable, but he never failed to show 

his unwavering support of me.  He would not

tell me what I wanted to hear when life was a

struggle, he would listen.  Then he would say: 

"what's the pay off?"

3) Life IS about choices

The choices we make are not always the best, 

and we can end up scarred or with a few bruises

but we have to believe that our reasoning for 

doing what we did, was because we thought it 

the best option at the time.

4) What did we learn?

By sticking to our path, doing what we think is 

right for us at the time we do it, we make mis- 

takes.  But from those mistakes do we reflect 

upon the life lesson? Do we avoid it the next 

around?  Does our vibe send a warning signal?

5) Failure happens 

How we react to failure becomes our legacy.  

Did we extrapolate from it the lessons that we

needed to learn?  Would we do it again exactly 

the same or would we do it differently.

6) Listen to others

Did we have the chance to get advice from 

others wiser and choose to ignore it? Why even 

bother to ask for an opinion if we're just going to

do what we want anyhow?

7) Bees and honey

You attract more bees with honey than vinegar: 

should resonate among my children's minds 

often.  I have said it so many times, they can 

finish it before I finish with "bees".  People will 

react more favorably when you frame it with 

niceness, politeness and manners.

8) Show gratitude

Never fail to find an opportunity to thank some-

one.  If you show appreciation, you will be 

rewarded as often as you express gratitude.

9) You are the company you keep

Be wary of those that want to tarnish your talents

or destroy your confidence or put you in harms 

way.  Misery may love company but you don't.

9) Please your soul

Play some music, paint or draw or write or cook 

a fabulous creation.  For it is something you 

enjoy. You aren't doing it to please others.  Do 

whatever sings to your heart and heals your 

inner self.

10) Trust your instincts

They could be telling you something that you did

not necessarily see but felt was wrong.  

11) Optimistic and positive

It isn't always possible to stay upbeat, positive

and optimistic.  Life has a way of pushing you 

when you step outside the boundaries.  It is

just that sometimes you need a reality check. 

Get over it.  Take a hot bath.  Reflect more on

what you should be thankful for.

12)  Recovery

How you recover from failure or disappoint-

ment or from being off track will determine how 

far you can  reach.  Did you fall to the bottom, or

did you catch yourself before you did a complete 

tumble?  Were their others there to help catch 

you?  Did you stop yourself or ask for help when

you needed to avoid self-destruction?

13) Goals and dreams

Goals are dreams with deadlines.  Do you have

a vision on where you would like to end up that

is not fueled by greed, envy or power?  Your

success will likely be determined by the value

it represents.

14) Believe in yourself

Often it is only oneself who can decide if we are

on the right path.

15) Discover your purpose

Allow that purpose to drive your passion, path,

and continual learning.  It is then you will likely 

discover what it is that you love to do.

I hope my kids read this and remember the 

times we had discussions around any of the

wisdom shared and reflect upon the situation

that caused it.  They know they have my 

permission to hold me accountable.  The worst

part of it is that I didn't always listen to myself.

The best part is when they toss my words back

at me.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Drifting away :: imagination information innovation inspiration

Let me know if you're the artist and I'll link your site here ::) 

Why log on
Or why not is more like it.  The world is becoming two sides no matter how you look at it:

* white or colored
* black or white
* christian versus islam, or vice versa
* the east and the west (unlike Game of Thrones slant 
       that it's a conflict between the North :: soon to be 
* in any category, there is an either or an or that also 
           * the good and the bad
           * the kind and the evil

* you're either home or at work
           * which one defines you

* you're either goofing off or getting things done
            * which one defines you
            * which one do you lean towards

I love this site
This site is magnificent.  It has a lot going on.  It responded to my query with this incredible escape.  Why so fantastic.  Well, firstly it was all in the name

You can't even determine what's trendy unless you are on the pulse.  These tricksters are sending a beat out to the ones, regardless of age, what to be considered the hipsters not the hippies.  Where a gang of like minded gravitate toward it and bounce back to their following.  The site probably has what is the definition of the

Depending on what era you're from, you're like a crew out of 
* Happy Days :: a show that is fun, light-hearted and Family Approved, or First Date Recommended.  
* 90210 :: I really never watched it.  I don't even think I've really thought about it.  This show was really explosive around GENxers.  The first bubble of hipsters.  Hipsters times a poof of popularity.

That's why some shows or movies really resonate among us.  Who do you think should be considered the #bestofeverything most popular?  Well if it is not filtered paid for media, what else can be the voice but a hashtage of merit #bestofeverything :: to be tapped on a clicked out :: setting the benchmarks by the people.

Is a pulse, whether echoing or with force.  Triumph over paid media.  Hahahaha where the Neilson's Ratings become instinct?  

Why not?
The best example in humbleness was a young lobby barman/server at the Hilton's Lobby Bar named Oscar.  I will have to scrounge around and see if I have any pictures of him.

The problem with pictures
I find it really difficult to attribute | credit | most if not all of them.  The artists, whether by stroke of a brush or click of a photo.  They deserve to be 

For their brilliant vision :: captured.  Spurning the vibration across all nations.  

The creators
Who are the creators, innovators, imagineers, informative, inspirations?  The are the instigators.  Of an idea, a positive movement.  To outcast the evil to ban it from our world.

The ones who are digital orators
You know it is really tempting to want to approach a publishing machine like The New Yorker to give a Canadian viewpoint of the great metropolitan center of the universe.  It used to be The London Post wasn't it that used to define London, England and now called the UK?

Why for?
I mean seriously.  They take my content (after a bazillion attempts) and completely implode it across the universe.  To be translated.

Nobody thinks like me
At least I haven't found any.  Sure I know of quite a few I would absolutely look up to.  They could be even contributors in the expression that envelopes me so closely, then sends it out like shooting stars across the universe.

Was hatched here on this blog.  Date stamped if you will.  With multiple references on the seeds that were sprinkled around the best social media giants glued on two, allowing it to rise even more as an upside down pyramid.  Only the best float to the bottom because only the very best of #everything had to start at the bottom at some point.

The first published site(s) for the #bestofeverything was under the author, Jeannette Marshall.  Creating a link back back back back.  Hoping for a demand for a spot on that ever-present voice.  What are folks doing, how are they using such a powerful tool like #bestofeverything :: racism, violent tendencies, mean vibes, bullies, cheaters, haters :: are kept between those two sets of dots.  Never permitted to escape, confined by the borders.  So that only truly great stuff emerges at the top of the pyramid upside down.

A release
This blog has given me such a release on ideas, creativity, imagineering like a puff of misty dust.  A writing language often experimented with.   Forming foundations for ideas like #bestofeverything :: which will be the main #hashtag that will define everything. 

For sale
From the beginning the soul purpose of creating #bestofeverything I kept returning to the dream of just writing.  Helping people.  Making them more fashionable, respectful, creative souls.

A matter of commerce
Taking it to be a major brand.  Nothing skewed.  No recounts.  The social media brands will shout the statistics :: what is the 

* best brand 
           * where the best things are branded by the                              people

We know about the left and the right #brain but this explains/shows example. #bestofeverything 

if this is your first visit to my brain implosion.  Where nothing is kept in and the more I exercise it, the more it allows to filter in. 

The new Hipsters
Recognizing something neat or instinctively thinking it will go to the stratosphere.  Assemble, follow each other and beginning #bestofeverything in only positive observance.  

The uncommon
Where the unknown or unaware had not hit a radar.
The blast they creating by their repetition of that hashtag.  To be officially credited by stats on where the viewers are i.e. The United States being 80%.

Top 20 percent
Earn the recognition for 80 percent of making our world a better place, solving a great problem, like global warming.  The top 20 percent of anything great, nice, kind, creative where :: violence, hatred, radicalism, racist, corrupt unhealthy :: stay outside the confines of this trend.  Where the super Socialmediameisters like Google, Twitter, Facebook stand against the other traditional media brands liked

* Magazines (established first in print and not online) which exclude Socialmediameisters who they follow.

* Radio going from station signal to digital access driving listeners to traffic to their site where they are still, but more subtly now, attracting very instinctive and savvy advertisers.  

*Buyers so focussed on the bottom line without creating masterpiece marketing success.  They will have website stats, from the start, like me.  To the finishers who set the high bar as the great :: as in MASHABLE.  

Just pow!  (What was that movie or TV show that used that term? SNL perhaps.)  But that is what and how Mashable makes me feel.  They are so intune with the nuances of my moods, curiosities, and unfound treasures amongst the noise of constant chatter.

A one woman show
Well, this my honeys, is a one lady goal.  To be full of optimism as I face challenges of growing older.  Wanting to fight it with a awesome attitude, gregarious personality that is turned to low audio compared to this voice I get to show.

Who can question
Whether she is right or wrong.  Well you can't.  Because you see.  We are a one person opinion.

An open opinion
Used faithfully, positively and openly to look at the bright side of most everything.  Turning the knob face down at anything negative :: abuse, bias, hatred, rants :: are kept aside.

Strength in number
Firmly, optimistically am convinced will unfold.  I mean, really.  Do you want to only hear about things that are geared towards your explosive in numbers Millennials to drown you out?  

A meeting of minds
Where the need for optimism matters.  For with optimism drives making our world a better place.  Not any borders.  No areas to :: discriminate, violate ::  human rights take command.

Where the artistic or creative
Assemble when they see themselves or their mentor rise to the top.  Because their image, cartoon, art, photograph, illustration, musical will be celebrated.  The rise to the top determined by #bestofeverything

People will speak
Where only the people who are beyond the :: bracketed :: words will join.  Give opinions.  I'm just the narrator, instigator, navigator, orator, communicator for everyone agreeing on who they really think is

As the originator, proven by datestamp originated in this blog.  Only the best in categories I can extrapolate, eventually with the help of the social media platform, springboard to real information on what matters.  Because if you ban those :: bracketed :: words.  Then only the very best can float to the bottom, peacefully.  Focus on keeping that up in both your life and your work.

A prediction 
I made a year ago.  A blog on how I was going to be able to predict the next groovy trend, whether it be by fashion or beauty or smarts.  A little sophisticated in the approach.

No creative imagination parts were ever left off nor unexplored.  Just scan across your information zone on here.  But you can certainly can establish it on here and then I'll ReTweet, Post and share.  

At the top of what's trending
Or maybe at the bottom with the seed being scattered.  To folks that are the Hipsters.

* THANK YOU IF YOU SHARE :: Tweet, Like, Post, Pin, + let me know if I missed your point of view because as far as I'm concerned @Vine hasn't made it on the register of the great innovators

was my first approach to socializing through media more like wirelined and now wireless. I rarely admit this but years ago, like 10, I had hit on Yahoo chatting.  It must have been the infancy of professional bloggers abound.  We could chat, emote through typed word, and it was not refining egos but defining quality.  

Survival of the fittest
That's what life's all about.  The survivors, the champions, the leaders, the gifted, the talented, the musical, the creative mingle.  Inspiring, constructively criticing each other, push the other to move higher.  

Will continue upwards, as my described upside down pyramid.  Floating before dispersing after their mad energy to stay at the top, exhausted the natural talent and burnt out the best.  Those that worship what others think are the egotists.

The strongest philosophies will traverse across written spheres, mostly on computers, rarely on television unless a savvy Millennial producer catches the positive vibe surfing across the waves, both wired and wireless.  

Where comments will be where the commentary is gathered, willingly while captured by the creativity and fellowship that spreads farther and father.  To drown out the fear mongers, violators, terrorists to a faint whisper.

Resonation Nation
Is established its home on this blog.  Because that is the only banner over our heads, faceless, only identified by its shear exuberant positiveness.

Thank you for visiting again.  You thought I forgot you?  Heck, golly, jeepers be gone.  That idea.  No.  A special shout out to the earliest readers.  Then there are the sharers.  Maybe once in a very long while.  I know there are only a few who read this.  

My mother
Marie probably reads this.  At 81, she has to do click exercises and since she can always nag me, reads this. I'd love to be a fly on the wall if we could do a seniors jinx trick, capture it on video and make it go viral under #bestofeverything :: where people share their greatest stories.  

Y'all comment
My favorite champion I've ever met was my "sister from another mother" down in the US who did our introductions to the tools at HP.  Training?  You can't be serious.  Only the smartest assemble to say that they have worked or work at the greatest corporation of all time:  HP.  

Became more of the norm at HP.  It completed moved the spindle from one side to the left.  As in the creative side set aside for the more practical.  Showing you that only the best, most enduring and endearing companies are those ones that had a lot of moving parts in our world :: think Disney and that Graphic Interface fueled completely by the strength of HP.  When fools that think stock price is more important than human innovation :: be gone.

Your CANADIAN Ginny Pig.
Or is that spelt Ginnie Pig?  Help!  Ah, thank you Chrome spell check.  How do you do that?