Friday, May 13, 2016

Cause for embarrassment Calgary?

Calgary::photo by ?? Please reach out to insert name~or remove if requested)

I went a strolling on social media and ended up on as I do more and more these days.  Before, it was "Mashable" whom I sponged from to feed my mental energy.  Needing to gain information and reshare it if it stays on my worthiness meter via +optioneerJM @optioneerJM as would be the most common spots I would stay for longer than a visual eye scan.

Never have I ever felt so ignited by a story that seem to pop out like a sore thumb among optimism over Fort McMurry's recovery and unified neighborly goodwill as @thecanadianredcross has been able to triumph over devastation.

Then tonight truth reared its ugly head.  We're not perfect.  We have a lot more to learn from humanity.  If this post on were any indication:

submitted  by Thor-away90
Hi r/calgary,
For the past few years my mom, sis, and I have been dealing with our next door neighbour. He made it very clear to us that he believed that we did not belong in his neighborhood.
One time, My sister had a friend come and pick her up at the house and he came out and called her a bitch and slammed on her windows because he had an issue with the music. I came out to mediate and he said to me "there is no way someone who looks like that lives around here."
He continued to verbally assault me so I told him that I would be calling the police. His response was that he was a retired firefighter who worked with the calgary police and that he had no problem with me doing so.
I did not call the police. (I should have, i know.)
During the next 6 months he was unwilling to open his door and communicate with us. He chose a different route instead. Numerous 311 bylaw complaints. Grass complaints in the spring/summer and snow complaints in the winter. He has even made complaints that arent real ( idling in my own car in my own parking space (a friend of mine is an avid smoker and my mom wont let him smoke in the house. )
Once when we were sitting there smoking, he came out and took a photo of my friend's license plate. I asked him what his problem was, and he hurried into his house and wouldnt tell me what his poblem with us THIS TIME, was. So I finally called the police.
When the police came they went to speak with him first. When the officer came to speak to me his advice to me was to bake him a cake. Try to mediate the issue. I told him that I had tried to, but he wasnt open to communication. The officer then said to me, "I own my home too, so I understand his concerns with renters bringing down his property value."
Honestly, I've never felt more hopeless in my life. I feel like Im being bullied in my own home. Ive been advised that I could file a harassement complaint but since most of the harassement is in the form of 311 complaints, and not actual verbal harassment, that not much would be done.
We just got another one today and it was hard to see my mom cry while she was telling the bylaw officer how attacked she felt. What my mom didn't tell me until today, was the fact that even our landlord feels like we are being attacked because of racial prejudice.
Is there anything we could do to get this arrogant asshole off our backs? I dont want to retaliate and I dont want to move away.
Could we take legal action?
Do instances like these help our case?

Where more empathy than I can say I have ever experienced before, forced me to use my god given gift of empathy and being able to write.  A blogger, slowly emerging.  I have the ability to write and share what is usually right in our world, but every once and a while there lies a story that convinces me that there is a lot more work to be done to make ours a better world.  

These were my comments ::

I'm sorry to hear, to my dismay, all the harassment you and your family have had to endure. This doesn't sound like a "Calgarian" ... REF: Calgarians are nice people, mostly from other places, joined in community for the betterment of society, our kids, our homes. For some, Calgary is a short stop or a visit, to others it is our home. How dare someone within our city be allowed to keep doing this. Why haven't any of the news media caught on to this story? Like @CBC whom we have tended to rely on for credible stories catching the heart of our citizens. (Someone is asleep at the news roundup workstation ~ is that from apathy?) 

Words like anti-neighbour, racial intolerance, hostility, harassment, bullying are not common here. Well, for the optimistic many. Who made a little City on the prairies grow up, deal with hardship, economic downturn, yet be more optimistic, positive with pulsing vibe. A beat of a nation, the core of its wealth, and friendship to the world as Olympic representatives, ambassadors to the world during 10 days each summer (called: The Calgary Stampede).

The first time I ever came to was because I wanted to learn more about an upstart politician who appeared to have become our mayor. An unlikely cast member thrown among the mainly white oil tycoons - Nenshi, or Naheed most of his new friends and supporters say.
How can Naheed Nenshi not take heed from this plea? Oh, probably because his purple dinosaurs are flaked out, zoned out, without a drum to beat. They should know that there is more going on in Calgary except Nenshi and still support and give others a break.
I realize there are links to this story from The Edmonton Journal and ever-reliable Huffington Post. (Which I dislike the name because it is synonymous with a name, not a vibe, not a beat like "Mashable").
I apologize for my rant, except that this should have a lot more attention! It really shouldn't even have to happen, it should be so objectionable behaviour that its existence would be shunned.

I then realized that the only thing we've heard about from Nenshi is going to have to start fund raising to pay back our City over a legal battle, not whatsoever related to Calgary business.

We must really be asleep at the wheel as citizens to let this one slide in and slide out.  Are we beaten down by oil prices slashing jobs, tired out by the energy required to restore Fort McMurry to the workhorse it has always been?  

Or we're all so caught up in the atmosphere of good neighborly spirit that the ugliest of events slip outside our sphere?

Are the media so enamored of Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton theatrics that they have been distracted to what is happening at home?

Or, it most likely is from Canadian corporations centralizing operations, which in turn churns out most of the news stories?  The CBC, The CTV, The Global (plural) in our world are only equipped, manned, technologically able to cope with central Canada and Prime Ministerial stories?  Are the attennaes only set for only a few goings on by a very few?

courtesy of News 

How dumb does he think we are?  Trying to recover from this averted political disaster, he acts like its back to Mr. Feel Good Mayorship again on his Facebook Page:  

Neighbour Day is coming! Once again, The City is waiving fees if you want to book a public green space or block a street for a block party. Deadline to apply for a permit is May 27. See you on Neighbour Day!

No, I didn't sit idly by:

Jeannette Marshall Are you wagging the dog at us? ... quit looking so damn surprised that you scammed us

SOURCE:  Our city mayor's home page front story:

Sadly, according to Google, his comedic dumbness over-shadowed even that story:
If you say, you do:  "Uber CEO is a dick" ~Naheed Nenshi (Courtesy of 

I agree this story is alarming for our peace popping eye opener like this:

Border Officers seize guns at Alberta borders:

Courtesy of The Calgary Herald  <click here for link 

Embrace Friday the 13th as if it means only the #bestofeverything

Yes, you got it :: today is Friday the 13th and you had better not have been belly aching about bad luck, this or that.  Have a listen to this swan song that came out in 1980 from the Talking Heads that pokes fun and demystifies complaining and inspires us to get a move on if we want what we want:

Once in a lifetime
Is pretty startling.  It is a resonating message that today, May 13, 2016, is once in a lifetime.  You will not have another chance to relive it.  So make it worth a story worth telling.

I was fiddling around with my camera app on my laptop and decided to ignore it and just get down to writing, darn it.

I am all showered and made up to head out and meet my husband as we drop our inherited car off to have new tires put on.

Inherited?  Well, it's part of the 50s inheritance plan :: It's when you cosign a car loan and your daughter decides to head out to make her mark in the world, leaving you with the loan so you start driving it.

Now you may get the reason why I have the gadget to the right with cars called "Pump this ride".  It is my expressive rebellion on taking responsibility over want.  

I realized that I really don't post many pictures of myself so I did a couple of selfies to show that I'm not short on attitude, just in height.

My husband is already texting me to see if I've left - we're meeting in an hour and 15 for darn's sake - my way of gaining control over my life is being late more often than not.  That's from a gal who was meticulous about being on time, so much so that I was always 20 minutes early for everything and had to fight the boredom of waiting.

So I'll write about the favorite makeup used today later on.  The texts are coming speedily and if I want to meet my husband after work again, I'd better disprove his "always late" label for me (which wouldn't be far from the truth).

Remember to make today, your BEST day ever!!


A culture of work ethic and optimism

Any smart employer or start up would be smart to consider an Inbetweener (1960-65) for hire.  Just take a look at what The New York Times said dispelling the myth that older workers are less productive and generally are weighing down the economy.

I agree with their observation.  Why?  Simply because I’m an older worker and I was hatched when there was a lot going on.  In fact, the first cold war, economic downturn not experienced since the 1920s depression.  There is a strong likelihood that my parents were children of the Great Depression, and raised me to be able to cope with such an event.

Think about it, the next recession to hit occurred just as I was graduating from high school, completed college, ready to get started with optimism and a strong work ethic bestowed by my parents.

Employers are missing the key element that brings the younguns the right example and proper expectations to reality.  We were born to be responsible, accountable and soldiers of work.



This same group that is debated also worked through the optimism that emerged in the late 1980s.  Some of the greatest discoveries and technological wonders impacted the world just as we were getting started.  There were no fancy training courses or charts to reference, we simply had to have a “can do” attitude to survive.  If we survived the prolific foreclosures of that era, unscathed, it was likely because we capitalized on others’ misfortune and scraped our pennies together to buy our first house.  Our aging parents were perplexed as to why were were putting home ownership before having children.

Not really surprising, looking back.  Almost anyone could have a child, but mostly everyone was uncertain whether the economy and opportunities were going to get any worse.  So we had to seize the moment and dive in.




We were fueled by the fear of not wanting to have to face what our parents’ childhood did, nor did we want to be victim of what was circulating around us:  doom and gloom.  Not just economically either.  There was a cold war going on.

I watch CNN’s series on the 80s and it sometimes makes me wonder if I was asleep during this period?  However, the biggest news stories of the day did register on my radar.  Yet I was simply too busy buckling down and working to keep from drowning from economic disaster.



One could take a look at that period and extrapolate a culture of survivorship, strong work ethic and ingenuity that came along with that era.   We weren’t afraid to start at the bottom and work our way up from the bottom.  So different from the sense of entitlement expounding today.

So, if I happen to be surrounded by Millennials, they should be so lucky.  Anyone in their 50s, born of the 80s careers, has an element of work ethic and the right attitude that an employer should want to sprinkle into their workforce.



Today’s employers think they’re pretty nifty to use technology to prove who is producing and who should be perished to the unemployment line.  Metrics have displaced instinct and doing what is right for their business and their customers.  Why, because they have strengths that are likely not acknowledged, never mind recognized:

  1. They know how to get it done right the first time – slower does not mean stupid.
  2. Speed and agility is aligned with accuracy – what happens when it’s done wrong?
  3. They have pride in their work and are often overlooked because employers want to fast track the younger workers to ensure that they are cultivated to perform.
  4. Beauty is often disassociated with age.  When there are so many beautiful people that are aging and setting strong examples for the youth.
  5. They avoid sitting around feeling sorry for themselves because they were not brought up to think that way.
  6. They were taught that if things aren’t going your way, it means you have to work harder.

Can you think of other attributes that the aging workforce contributes?  I certainly can think of at least a dozen more.  But I’m more excited to write this commentary and send it out into the universe to capture others that agree and stop the downward spiral of misinterpreting value that should be embraced, not shuffled off into obscurity.



Then again, there are some of us that write a Blog to expel our wisdom to the masses.  To head off mistakes that surely are happening from this mistaken philosophy.  There are simply so many of us that began our careers at the worst time in decades, until recently, that can be learned from, not banished.  We’re survivors, we’re really smart, and we have the “can do” attitude that no metric or test can uncover.




Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Mental exercise

I thought it may be interesting to see what I'm looking at, clicking on and sharing randomly.  This is going a lot faster than I may usually.  But as a mental exercise you can see the information, visuals, entertainment and interaction unzips on social media world, in particular, Twitter.

As an experiment of sorts, to share the images, quotes and quips that draw my eye and register in my brain.  Only to be expelled to allow mega room for more information.  Stretching beyond its perceived borders.  No longer imploding with information, instead omitting that information so as to avoid hanging on to toxicity.

To train your brain to only acknowledge items that are enlightening, appealing, outstanding, people, things or anything!  Avoid looking at, listening to, or watching anything that would make you gasp.  Starting with the hardened, victimized, big chips on shoulders people.  They suck you in faster than a Jedi master could disclaim.

Sidetracked and scanning like crazy for a cutesy bird to go along with a witty comment, I fell into awe with this photography.  I found it on Google and I truly believe the creator should be recognized for one of the most iconic photographs for the transcending ascending group of really remarkable people.  I'm just guessing that is who it will appeal to.  I've been tweeting a number of tweets starting with "What I'm thinking lately?" with the hashtag or a mention under #bestofeverything ::

What I'm thinking lately?  
Awful 2 B photographed 24x7 by how many weeks months? This popped out #bestofeverything or should I have said pooped out or barfed out (80s kids remember this, lol)

What I'm thinking lately?  
Awful 2 B photographed 24x7 by how many weeks months? This popped out #bestofeverything or should I have said pooped out or barfed out (80s kids remember this, lol)

We're trying to make a minstrel show out of a big heap of broken people. :)

We're a community of recovering souls here with a diverse array of talents, including "unknown", like me. Perfprmance troupe.

I suppose it's fair to say I don't know what I am out here in SoMe land. I see it like ping-pong with recovery mixed in.

Such a fun image to find.

Hidden in my treasure box on my PC where I 

store my most favorite quotes and images.  I

may be sliding around as if to a symphony, 

gathering images that speak to my soul.  Some 

silly, some glamourous or others driven by need 

(that drowns out wants).

If I were to picture someone I am. This would be

it. True to who I am.

When my world seems all too fuzzy, my mind 

can drift around and release.  I like to exhaust 

the fumes of negativity that consumes me.  

Surrounds me with a lot of noise.  I can escape

with headphones or I can surf here.  On the 

feel good waves.  

Of friendships

Found swirling around the world of our brain :: 

attaching to only the great and beautiful things.

Still working on exercising the brain so that it 

only see positive things.  

Negativity ignored

The brain mental exercise creates a shield to 

nasty humanity, tragedy, catastrophe, beyond 

the guard.  

It's possible

Is still like IMpossible as in i'm possible.  Really 

smart from Audrey Hepburn.  I'm writing, not fact 

checking mode.  That's an excuse for the

Mentally active

Who have been working as middle aged word 

JEDi knights.  Bestowers of opinion and creating

optimism that is contagious.  Where fear-

mongering is banished forever.  Like any plot out

of a J.K.Rowlings epic.  The evil energy is 

negativity and as it is ignored, its mass 

disintegrates, getting smaller, and smaller, and 

tinier and tinier.  Becoming a mere speck in the 

atmosphere, relegated to historic tomes of years

long past.

Some become the light to which others flock.

Sidelining pornography a mere speck within the

speck of negativity.

Uplifting, motivating, inspiring stories and music

unbound.  Drowning out even more any hint of 


Do you wanna join the club? 

Subscribing to my posts, resharing amongst your

SoMe social media communities.  To create an 

inspiring site for mostly those hitting their 50s, 

and help others cope with the loss of youth, in a 

more fun and heck of it attitude.

If you have done so.  The easiest is to attach 

hashtag #bestofeverything .. where one voice by

a huge amount of people, across many different

lands, cultures, income, finances, occupation, 

job or career.  Founded by creative imagineers. 

Who assemble together by a joyful, energetic 

and optimistic vibe.  

Of course, commenting is always welcome.  

Wanting to contribute customized material?  I 

will look at your comments and go wander thru

your SoMe brand.  

Selection will be limited and time lapses will 

occur when there is no material.  Then again,

why not post some of your best, uplifting, 

nonCommercial art or stuff?  I'm receptive to 

accepting help in a positive and only beneficial

to others way.

Love + Motherhood

My kids are my biggest inspirations and happi-

ness gauge in life.  How I'm getting along with

them is certainly my balanced thermometer.  




And, never to forget (how could I?) ... my best 

DOG friend a masterful girl could ever have?


What I'm thinking lately?  
How can Tiffany only have such a small audience?

Astronomical and transcending ... but only 3348 views? I will post an ad for you on my BLOG: or reach out to me @optioneerJM here on Twitter or Facebook under the same name (ok, like everywhere:: InstaGram + Tumblr + Reddit + Pinterest + G+ + Facebook + Twitter)

My comment there:  created this here.

"Don't buy me anything, unless it's in a blue box." 

Jeannette Marshall 

#RT #bestofeverything

What I'm thinking lately?  
How come I never aspired to become a ballerina?  Oh, right, I'm 5 ft.  What a reality check!

What I'm thinking lately?  
How awesome this is.  I circulated it on Facebook just before my birthday, so I would avoid belly-aching about turning 55.  Perspective can be healthy if it does focus on the right things.

What I'm thinking lately? 
Perspective can be healthy if it does focus on the right things.  This could be depressing or considered expressive? 

What I'm thinking lately? 
Tis time to hit the hay, cause I'm starting to think bout #bacon #bestofeverything