Showing posts with label CalgaryBlogger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CalgaryBlogger. Show all posts

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Posted on Wordpress

The updated version of today’s CEO … writing more on #CalgaryBlogger at on WordPress < doing Facebook from my iPad sucks! It doesn’t automatically link when you type with www . com > THAT @Microsoft is impressively intuitively improving its force quietly. I’m not surprised Bill Gates is becoming even more legendary successful dominance in technology. Constantly being of the social UNIVERSE: giving back and paying it forward. Leading by example that it is POSSIBLE to be the BEST version of himself AND help the world be a better place. 1000% control of his personal brand, for example what he’s reading…I’ve followed on Linked In for 12 years now…

Here is my opinion on what your CEO is doing:

A CEO is the frontman of every great band.

…. to be continued …..

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Know the rules of engagement if you are going to approach a CEO

Don't ASS-U-ME that the founder or CEO is a man.  More women are starting home-based startups and leading corporations because awareness is better that this an under-recognized issue.

Major accounts sales tip for selling to executives, particularly CEO

Sales to executives is a whole different kettle of fish:  THINK numbers if you're meeting/have audience with a CEO=Chief Executive Officer | Chairman of the Board + keep your meeting request including any PowerPoint presentations to 20 minutes with Q&A at the end = Practice practice practice doing your presentation in front of audience of colleagues who can constructively give feedback.  Even if you don't make it to Q&A you HAVE to ask PERMISSION to extend time allotment or reschedule to continue the conversation - that allows them the chance to absorb your initial presentation and come up with questions as it would apply to their company 

Always send a thank you note:  or two
1) Email recapping what you told them, any comments or feedback -- take a colleague or manager on the call (no more than one other for total of 2) to write notes and itemize NEXT ACTIONS by BOTH parties in the meeting (who agreed to do what) - reiterate what your next appointment will cover - ask for their input and edits or additions; 2) anyone else that may be needed to attend the meeting (i.e. Marketing Executive/Ops) to allow the CEO to get their input and evaluation extra set of eyes and ears and opportunity identifier.

2) send a handwritten card thank you note - it can be generic but better if you have cards printed with logo and your contact details - like a postcard or put in an envelope with a stamp and your own handwriting with Personal&Confidential on seal side.  Here, you make a social comment like - have a great vacation, day on the golf course, board meeting, union sit in - you get my point?

Before each meeting, you send an agenda beforehand, with time length beside it - to show that you are only going to take the 20 minutes allotted.  Ask for confirmation of agenda and whether they have anything to add, or people to add.  If they say they want to invite one of their executives, offer to send an email, coordinating event with the CEO copied in.  That is called leveraged selling in my book (don't know if there is such a term in sales?)

When you end the 2nd meeting with a more gelled action plan from both sides, again you follow up the meeting with notes, next steps, action owner, timeframe and again confirm the follow up timeline - 90 days on the third Friday in January, for example -- giving both parties plenty of time to gather needs or cultivate services or proposal with estimate, costs and timelines. Or topics that were tabled for the sake of time.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Monday, December 18, 2017


Maybe this will be my rantings blog     


Yet that is just what fuels a lot of misconceptions of women in general.  There are a lot of funny references to levels of contribution in the world, like:

* domestic goddess

* Mary Tyler Moore famous role or Donna Reed character from the early years of television (which was invented LONG time before I was born)

* Screen sirens like Marilyn Monroe to wannabes like Madonna and Britney Speers (however you spell that since it confused spell checker, back space, highlight, right click on mouse, then click selection from option or suggestion to go on a bigger digging expedition with Google .... )

* Perky, cute role models like Katie Couric (and I'm Canadian eh?), Maria in The Sound of Music character, Samantha in Betwitched, Olivia Newton John in Grease or whomever you would insert as a name that you relate time for this genre.

The less popular, yet more communicated is the aggressive female executive.

Re: CareerBuilder Job Application : Banking Administrative Assistant

7:20 AM (10 hours ago)

to me

Can I confirm you have a valid Canadian securities course?


Talent Management Leader

On Dec 15, 2017, at 1:52 PM, Jeannette Marshall via CareerBuilder
You have received .... by replying to this email. Your Reference ID for this job is CAN_s.

 Thank you for your response Michelle.  I appreciate the reaction :o)

No, I did not state in my CV or anywhere having taken the Canadian Securities Course certification, however, I did confirm that I have Canadian (Secret-past and Reliability-now) Securities Status issued by the Canadian government.  To some, that is valuable validation:  me, for one, to indicate that I am an honest person.

Intellectually, I have had to go from a newly hired to jump into one of the most critical portfolios by one of my greatest managers who recognized my strength in my ability to parachute in with both feet landing on the ground:  exuding confidence and expertise, building trust immediate.  I could communicate with executives on a personable level after being kicked out of the nest within only a month of onboarding to attending a festive cocktail..... smoozing with distinguished executives of Canada's most high-powered, rubbing elbows in a small circle where one woman was engaging support and advice from the other women, pretty oblivious to the aggressive antics of single ladies and young manifico males trouncing on former friends to get ahead:  I could actually contribute.  I had the experience of deciding I would not go back to work fulltime unless my children would have no less care than I, myself, would provide [ aka super woman extraordinaire or Yuppy ] settling with a full time live out nanny to enhance my home, children, spouse, career, employer without any sacrifice other than my pocket book.  

But some days don't you just wanna send an email response like this?  Instead, we're required to remain refined and poised when all we want to do is scream!

Speaking of screaming
I jump on Quora fairly infrequently but deciding more recently that I really like the experience there.  Since I have this thirst for knowledge and pursuit of really interesting things.  It allows me to keep the vibe of catching the vibe of what is going on online.

I had a best friend who became my enemy. I don't think she knows or cares, but after winter I'm afraid I'm going to scream at her in class. What do I say or do to avoid that?

5 Answers

Jeannette Marshall
Jeannette Marshall, in order to reinforce my own learnings and leanings, i try to help others

More questions posed to me
and my responses.   An unofficial, non-compensated version of Dear Abby or who is doing that anymore anyhow? (Search and insert information and link] to which I dole out habitually and consistently.  My take on motherhood and what my takeaways are from the experience:

Well I want to be a Queen, princess at the very least. With it the responsibility of always being fashionably dressed, impeccable coif, an assistant, a butler, a maid, a financier, at the very least. People curtsy or bowing upon meeting. I would wear gloves to avoid germs, dirt, disease.
I am financially reliable since I can provide my own tiara, having a selection of a few.
I am humble, I try to help others without any monetary reward. Although, treasuring honesty, admit that I salvitate at the thought of compensation from people reading my gripes, quips, tips, trips posts.
I am truly sorry!
I got sidetracked, totally disregarding the question. I apologize. Oopsie.
Go to the Nobel website and determine under which category you feel more aligned with: peace, literature, for examples, then study who have been the most recent recipients that you more closely identify with: can adopt a believable adaptation of anyone of them by providing the skill and talent to stand beside them. Then I’d say:
Go for it!
Who is anyone that could contradict YOU?
YOU are the ONLY person in lives in that house: your brain, body.

I Representing distinguished "Career" mothers
Not the ones who decided to stay home, afforded or forced or otherwise.
That is the stereotypical response to when most people think of what the 
term means.  Immediately conjuring up the names from the past, deeply
entrenched in our subconscious and belief system.

YOU CAN. When you determine the qualities and define what a “good relationship” means to you.
YOU CAN. Continuously keep in touch whether it is instantaneous via technology like SKYPE or FACETIME (Apple(c) at a mutually agreed schedule or scheduled time.
YOU CAN: Express how important this “good relationship” is to you at every opportunity, whether verbally, over the telephone, video, web, email, post, handwritten or printed letter, diagrams, cartoons or poems, including the person who is whom you share this “good relationship” with. [I am answering from the female perspective, uniquely my own opinion].
YOU CAN: Be devout, devoted, moral, demonstrative, philosophically and physically showing your commitment to both the relationship and continuing to be worthy of the relationship. Understanding, you reap what you sow.
YOU CAN: Control your own behavior regardless of circumstance or circumstances you find yourself in. Being worthy of that ‘good relationship’.
YOU CAN: Keep in touch steadfastly and faithfully, divulging periods of blackout due to foreseen or surprise.
YOU CAN: Hold the same expectations of yourself as you would the other member in the ‘good relationship’.
YOU CAN: Withhold from behavior that you would not have should the object of desire or person within the ‘good relationship’.
YOU CAN: Resort to inspiration from scripture or literature or art. Be wary of bad habits or undertakings that can deteriorate the eyes of the ‘good relationship’.
YOU CAN: treat your significant being in the ‘good relationship’ no worse than you would your mother, daughter, friend, military team mate.
YOU CAN: continue to be the person to whom the ‘good relationship’ was formed from.
YOU CAN: go home or wherever said “good relationship” is at every chance you get.
YOU CAN: communicate your love, devotion, feelings, missings, musings, fears, desires, goals, ambitions.

YOU CANNOT: control the other person while you are away. They will make their mistakes, face their consequences, commit niceness or nastiness, without you.

 As it should be.

I know, easy eh?

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Where a title can't explain ....

The following is a post I wrote on Facebook when I wanted to share the comments I saw online under job site INDEED ...... Maybe INDEED has hired someone to cross the pavement from that other G-spot on Facebook where employees, clients, interviewees can voice their opinion, anonymously or aligned by a brand.  

A very public scathing review of companies and apparently organizations that hire others, is becoming a central voice of opinion.  CEOs tremor at the power of opinion if one of the opinionator's were approached by a mainstream media or create a video for community support and advancement in ethics.

Our opinions are starting to matter a lot more.  Our opinions are our voice.  There is nobody else like you thus it is impossible for anyone to think, act, voice .... unless we have the acclaim:  "My opinions are my own ...." Does that really protect us (must find out).

I wrote this a few days ago on Facebook with the intent to repost it her on my meanderingsABOUT blog.  I chose Facebook to see it first because that audience is continuously showing and demonstrating their loyalty and support.  Now secondly, it is here on meanderings because this is where a 56 year old woman who is fighting her 50s while trying to be a fashionista fashion voice and social media personality for women 50 and over .... a growing following who like the vibe I transmit and bump into me in other social sites ..... 

Google's blogspot blog allows me to see stats every single day, subtract my own clicks to keep authenticity, and it has allowed me to grow an understanding of the following I catch vibes with.  Presumably you would think the two ME-generations (Baby Boomers and Millennials) ....

The greatest support for my Blog comes from my Facebook followers so thank YOU!!  However, honorable mention has to be to the WordPress crew who actively engages with YUPPYdom (my blog there).

Perhaps I am scattered around the various blogs but I'm not worried.  Why?  Because I read seven years ago (2010) that content was going to be king in the new generation of opportunities.  Perhaps an honorable follow to comfort which was the retail king launched and mastered by Steve obs' APPLE was devoted to comfort and ease for customers (with a critical eye on aesthetics to match the quality and value it was going to be branded as).  

Maybe all these scattered blogs identify with a specific audience by looking at the numbers and the hashtags that they're likely to react (aka click under), I observed a pattern evolving.  If I paid attention to the numbers under an article segment came from a particular strong regional audience from abroad, then I would cater the conversation in that direction.  For example, I blip on my blogging was actually on travel under optioneerJM.  Conjuring the dream to travel and discovery on new lands, unique people, honorable cultures and all-round good people.  I would have to thank Mazatlan, Mexico for that.  I have a blog in the works:  I'm now creating my own art for my posts (an advocate for artists who should be compensated for their work) I started to dabble with painting and then uncork this need to come up with the graphics as I gurgle the ideas in my mind -- big multi-tasking to be sure!!

I will write about these matters.  I have a blogging fever!  Being away for most of November, with a major delay in getting into the Christmas spirit (something my youngest daughter told me was one of her fondest memories:  how I went all out decorating and festivities surrounding Christmas.  I remember saying:  "I guess I figured out what must go up, must come down.... there was nobody around to help pack it away or help put it up".

The following was posted on Facebook yesterday:

An example of the power of statement made online ........ reviews galore! There's no fire to put out. It appears as though it were lit a long, long time ago. I've watched with fascination [wanting to understand the history and learn the culture] and dismay [ Canada's shameful treatment of so many honorable people, of Canada, at the hands of the residential schools.

There's a difference, I see. Not so long ago, Many non-indigenous folks, like myself, only saw what we saw closest to our homes, mode of transportation, path, event, city or town street or avenue: sprawled, sleeping or drunken indian man or woman underneath a tree, in the transit station, the stench of vomit mingled with body odor that would indicate bathing and hygiene have been ignored. Sometimes approaching one trying to get from point A to point B, staggering forward with barely audible slurred words requesting a donation towards their next meal, which would also appear to have been neglected or compromised regularity or shelter to have them, a soup kitchen, even kind words.

I admit to be one of the Canadians guilty of ignoring this great people. Hidden behind my own limited self-perceptions based on a VERY small percentage of a proud community and our country's founders. In so many ways, we have done them dis-justice very likely with shame, no differently one would with a son or uncle or mother struggling with addition.

Then, to make matters worse. We allowed the traditional media to influence those perceptions: NOT stories of courage, overcoming great obstacles, the struggle to keep a culture alive as its youth flock to the city, often recycling the affliction of their adult influences: I wonder how many of the youth of indigenous origin escaping the need to commit suicide, towards severe conditions of negative bias, fall to more dangerous additions like heroine or Fentanyl ?
A crowd across the universe is possessed by the cloud, data extrapolation of information from people everywhere to create algorithms :: who knows what Artificial Intelligence AI will tell, what stories will unfold.

If we think that racism and bias is alive and thriving in a pathetic world of people just trying to keep living, without struggle, starvation, addictions, health inflictions .... can you imagine what will happen when some computer generates an algorithm that dictates by stating the pure numbers that this is the preferred response rate, what will happen then?

We've already become a toss away society and we cannot blame our offspring, the Millennials, shoulder the cause alone. Because where did they learn that from, the offspring of the war era babies who learned to make one dollar stretch into five [ reference to my meanderingsABOUT.blogspot where I captured a conversation quip from my 82 year old mother, how she wore underwear made from potatoe sacks until her mother figured out that flour sacks made much finer cloth -- of Ukrainian heritage, can you say perogies without yum?

I rambled on a little too long. I will continue to blog and want to thank you for your support for a long time!! I am initially writing this on Facebook on my OptioneerJM page because my greatest readership falls like stars in the sky from Facebook.
I've started to expel the knowledge I learned about 30 years ago on numbers. I had the best example and will also write about that more.
"Tough nut to crack": There are great people, some amazing employees to work with. Everyone is overworked and underpaid, however. The political climate is intense, and the direction is scattered and usually unrealistic. Don't expect a long term position, but if you can handle…