Showing posts with label opinion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label opinion. Show all posts

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Defining your soul purpose

Welcome Spring and month of my birth
I appreciate every person who has taken the time to read a blog of mine, what an investment that is at times.

The real reason for MEANDERINGSabout
was because as I started to write and get some traction and smattering of loyal readers, it was like the uncorking of a bottle of champagne!  I wanted to write about positive things, circled around me, me, ME .... why not?  As our good Mexican friend, Oscar would always say during our visit to The Hilton in three years ago.  The main server at the Lobby bar.  One of the best Lobby Bars I've experienced from across fantasy, all inclusive, 5-star resorts.  It wasn't a Piano Bar, it was a social nucleus of the resort.  Open, spacious, tastefully decorated in the 60s/70s vibe.  Subtle creams, white, with bursts of burnt umber (hey, I remembered that from my oil painting days -- yes, I took lessons off and on over the background years. )  Oscar had a whimsical personality with a genuine heart and a broad smile.  I remember the exchanges each and every time ::... with my awesome older sister, Diana as my wing girl at the time [she complains slightly but really gets a kick out of my theatrics when I decide to unleash that side of my secret character].  She would come across her normal good-natured self, with a keen perception magnet ready to catch a dust of ego, which she just couldn't abide by.  From the times I can remember she loved being the older sister.  Minus any accusation of being snoopy, reframed in positive light of being ever so curious.  Imagine the Millennials gasping at the thought that I am going to share.  You see, back when I was in my teens, we had only one analog phone in our house and it was usually black with a rotary dial.  All six members of our family that included my mother and father, older brother, older sister, and younger brother.  We ALL shared the phone.    Everyone took turns answering the phone, a burdensome task best for someone else, yet the ceaseless ringing because the phone didn't know how to stop, did not go into voicemail, did not have caller ID, nor were there even fax beeps to contend with.  Similar to the battle of who would get up and change the channel?  Where the only way you could watch anything was on one television that was 20 inches and encased in a cabinet with surround sound (a radio in the same cabinet that was not in any way connected to the television, that would have been way way way too out there.  There were no other viewing monitors anywhere else in the house.  We would have to collectively agree on one thing to watch.  There weren't any remote control hogs even because there weren't any.  If you wanted to change the four (you were an early adopter) channels to watch something, you would have to get up and turn the dial directly on the television if you wanted to look through the limited channels.  There would be some hesitation by all simply because if it was your idea for what everyone would watch, you had the responsibility of getting up off your chair or section of the couch likelier with 6 family members and a dog were crowded around, to turn the channel.  Then manners were a BIG thing.  Or you may be getting the point that it was a pretty lazy house by now.  If you got up to go to the bathroom, it was required to take orders for the kitchen that you had to go past to go down the narrow hallway.  That the six of you shared.  Just think about the covert operation nailing down getting up in the morning, having a chance for a shower and any other laboratory needs, like shaving, pooping or peeing, eating breakfast, making lunch, getting off to work the 5 miles to school (substantially less than the 10 miles our parents had to travel in waist deep snow back in their day).  To survive in this household I took up reading.  I didn't know how smart I was at the time.  Everything else seemed too much of a hassle.

I'm watching theWorlds
the Figure Skating Championships and just loving it.  Last night Rob spent 28 minutes (yes, I timed him) while I was thoroughly amused at his thought process and determination to find figure skating that I wanted to watch last night.  I really am lucky.  Life isn't as complicated as we make it by ourselves.  We take on more than we should bear at times, but no more than we are able to bear.  Great people handle great responsibility.

I started thinking about reflecting upon these few questions.  Hoping others might join me.  Either by personal or business perspective, or artistic endeavor, what is its soul purpose?

You have to be able to define your soul purpose.  I don't think you can be on track unless you can define that.  So many fail, hit walls, yet bounce back and try another route.  It helps whittle them down to their soul purpose.

I was thinking while driving home that the more I try to explain the website domain I've created, the better the vision becomes and starts to gel as its soul purpose is defined.  Pretty cool.  So if you were to force yourself to answer, what would they be:

* What is your soul purpose? __________________________________________
* Who do you see yourself with? __________________________________________
* How will it help others (or will you...) __________________________________________
* What will it look like? __________________________________________
* What will it do? __________________________________________
* Can you define it in 6 words or less? __________________________________________
* What are those 6 words? __________________________________________
* Where will you be? __________________________________________
* What will you have? (pen, paintbrush, camera)
* What will it mean when it is done? ___________________________________________
* What sort of recognition will it have? ___________________________________________
* Will it create awards?  Rewards? ___________________________________________
* What is it a stepping stone to? ___________________________________________
* What will you need to learn to do it? ___________________________________________
* What sort of money would you expect to make? ___________________________________________
* Is it a title or a meaning? ___________________________________________

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Leave transgenders alone, give it a rest ::...

Too few role models:  SOURCE

A question was posted on QUORA and I felt compelled to respond:

Why don't transgender people use the restrooms corresponding to their genitals to try and end the needless transgender bathroom controversy?

It is none of our business.

This reminds me of things we have to struggle with growing up::…. what IS our identity? What IS our moral standard? Should others have THE right to determine what is best for US?

Almost ALL of us in the age of inBETWEENers (born 1960 to 1965, neither Baby Boomers, Generation X, nor Millennials) must REMEMBER what the biggest questions of our day were? If others forgot, I can share with you: Do you or don’t you circumcise your newborn son?

SOURCE:  "Boys" by William E. Rochfort 

Remember that? I do. Is it necessary or more to do with mental well being our our son: likeness to daddy. It was something I read avidly read about because sometimes reading becomes “PEACE of MIND”. In this instance, we were RESPONSIBLE for making decisions for our children.

However, this topic should be a NONtopic because it is simply none of our business. If it is not us, nor our child, we don’t belong. I, for uniquely one, could not imagine the struggle this mere question asks ~ it is SO very judgMENTAL on so many fronts. Nor is it a practical questions. Why? Girls bathrooms in elementary school have stalls. Even at swimming pools and gym lockers: there are closed stalls.

If we don’t make a BIG deal out of this question, then the persons it affects are free to chose the best way that puts them at PEACE. To imagine what it is like to be DIFFERENT when the word itself claims: “Freak”! That is so far from the truth and requires each of us to delve deep inside our humanity humanitarianism by avoiding an opinion on what is personal and none of our business.

SOURCE:  Follow Will Rochfort on Twitter 

The worst thing you can do is underscore the misconception that there is something wrong with a transgender. Especially when each one of us have our own skeletons we hide.


On the practical, logical side. If a boy that identifies as a girl, looks and acts like a girl, feels more comfortable with girls, rather than boys, goes into a girls washroom, they can simply go into the bathroom stall. To say that everyone bares down to the birthday suits multiple times a day, more likely a month, or more….. there are girls that are shy and will go into the bathroom stall to change into swimsuit or gym clothes. Which one is different than the next, is for each individual to decide, not anyone else’s claim to identification.

SOURCE: Matheus Pinto

There is a solution. Certainly a priority would be to STOP talking, covering, writing, posting, chatting, murmuring about this topic as though there is something wrong with a transgender person. I repeat:  a person.  It wasn’t for them to decide who they are nor is it mine, or ours, to judge.

This viewpoint was in answer to a question posted on ::.. an escape to learn about what matters or what people are talking about.  Originally, I used as a sales blogging tool, now it stimulates interest on topics that one may not have the opportunity to discuss, rationally, online.  It is monitored, it avoids abuse of any kind.  It is healthy.  Good mental health.  A setting that allows you to take a stand on your viewpoint or nudge others to your point of view.  

Best of all:  a safe place to investigate your own perspective, on your own time.

Monday, February 13, 2017

A little bit of this :-( and a lot more of THAT :o)

Anyone who has read this blog more than a few times (which most fall under) has joined me in reflection, especially approaching my birthday.  Every person, businessperson, sales professional, artist, writer, creator, imagineer, imageer and optioneer should do this annually:  
Your own Annual Life Plan
Taken with a twist on my REALLY popular Blog called "The 90-Day Plan" (I really wish I knew who the person was to give it a lift, sharing it somehow outside my typical social media radar.  
Before you can move FORWARD 
you have to have a heart to heart with yourself.  Seriously.  Honestly.  Barely a hairs breath away from your nose touching the mirror.

It can be your Journaling all at once!  
For any other procrastinators like me.  Once I discovered a way to exhaust my mindfulness times 100% ::... by BLOGGING!  

A cork popped open ||\\"//|| 
Ideas that had been brewing began to become released.  By sharing knowledge and seeking even more to fill up the depleted.  

New Curiosities
unfold, gliding across your vision or glimpse of an expression, a beautiful attention getter image.

Stretching the imagination
because as it explodes into the universe, some small particles, fall glittering into a receptive hand.
My year in review
has been one of where I have been putting others first.  Not an easy feat to consider the impact one has on others, and try to obtain a lofty one, for them, not me.  That is one of the biggest struggles I've been wrestling with:  am I an impostor of greatness?  Was I really a big sales professional once upon a time?  Maybe I got lucky for a few years when the timing was right.
A social media experience

as I ride the waves from the tide pushed by others before me.  Am I just a toe in or knee deep?  Thank goodness for analytics to appeal to my numerical musical notes, de-scrambling and decoding information that is mine for the taking, just as I log on and click in.  

Like a sponge floating
soaking up, but not falling too deep beyond the grasp of realization that maybe I've been looking at it all wrong.  I mean, I read A-LOT!  It never sinks me in, it expounds wonder at all the information at my disposal, my right, my actions, my clicks revealing a true, authentic person.  
Not a persona but a brand
I've been continuing the brand I started so many years ago.  I tap into what has delighted me (like last night I was surfing the PINs on PINTEREST on "figure skating")  .... who cares how long I look?  Nobody, my WIFI provider LOVES the moola it extracts from me:  I have an "unlimited data plan".  
True Authenticity
is when you allow your spirit and soul to guide you to what you find intriguing, moves you in its beauty.  The next wave a super social media rock stars will need to be authentic in a crowded noise of ME me ME (like Guy Kawasaki, who forgets was among his small tribe when he moved on to Google Plus G+ not remembering who they were, ah-hem, like moi).  

I didn't adopt someone else 
to build my brand by trying to be someone I am not, claim to know something I do not, brag about knowing someone to build your brand?  Well, my not-so-reciprocal friends aka |devils in disguise| narcissists | fake | crooks | egotistical | famed | self-proclaimed experts.
Honesty has been my guiding star
towards bright lights without sunglasses to block the glow.  Truthfulness is a strength in character, it is ingrained and cannot be replicated by large degrees.
Believe in me?
The jury is still out.  I just know that I'm not doing my God-given gift.  I keep looking and stretching to find it.  Sometimes I think maybe I've found it, when instead I've found some new great hobbies ::... like painting objects and making them into art.  Really a fun sidekick to have.  
I may have become too scattered
creating far too many blogs, when here I should just write.  Focus on making one site really really good, then a bunch of others mediocre.

I've had this ah-HA moment before
I realize.  When I was jumping from advertising to the world of publishing ::... the how before the what.
The how before the what
Is really what makes me stand out.  I'm not suggesting that I really do, but I was trying to appease you, your time and dedication for reading thus far.  
Whether it is sales, business 
or communication people gravitate to the explosive environment we allow ourselves to tumble into ::.... traditional media that has the explosion with headline before any details.  Saying WHAT??!!??

I gravitate towards  the HOW
which basically covers the how, the who, the where, the speculation as to the why, or the scientific explanation of the how.  I think people's eyes and sensibilities are been drummed out of the noise, and only ENGAGE with those they believe appeals to their own values, opinions, knowledge, genre, topics, interests, hobbies, visuals, emotional well being, what grabs them NOW.  
I'm going to continue on this journey
with you by my side.  Continual in experimentation on a quest for new insights.  The insights that I share may be long and somewhat rambling.  But there is a nugget in there somehow.  
Too many people haven't discovered

who they are so they try to invent themselves to be someone they're not.  For personal, professional, relationship reasons, known only to themselves.  They hide behind a character or persona in which they want the world to see them as.

An enthusiast
is what I tagged myself.  Does it really suit me?  OKay, thanks for the reminder mirror | DANG! (borrowed from my 22 y/old lovely daughter) | I am not always in a good mood.  Gasp, shocked?  Probably not those that know me and still love me would say.  
Determined and tenacious
would be a common affront in succinctly describing me.  That's what is great.  As a woman who is 5 ft TALL and petite curvy figure ::.... it is a gracious honor to be synonymous with STRENGTH.
A nod for the new year ahead
will be the stretch to willpower.  Where I should examine these fair questions:
Am I trying to prove something?
To myself?  To someone else? Or bigger?
Am I doing my hardest to avoid and stay out of toxic environments or people? Am I being true to my GIFT that I am working to discover:  a teacher? a writer? an advertising Adonna?  | HA!  Google Chrome spell check:  "Ladonna, Madonna, Donna" | fooled YA!  Yes, I meant to make up a new word since GURU isn't even in the cards for a lot of knowledge to beget.
A website
I've been struggling with this for almost two years.  It doesn't fall under my PROCRASTINATION leanings, but I keep coming up with ideas on sections, which will fall under an umbrella of an e.zine.  I have experimented with blogs, Word Press, Go Daddy | good grief: worst experience EVA!  They didn't mind taking my money | "there's a sucker born every milisecond on the internet" | they fall into my bucket of ::... "NEVER AGAIN" pile.  Of which there are few, it's a small crowd, like my "former dentist" Lee (first or last name, I'll never tell, except from what it rhymes with "Cal-gar-y" ('y' pronounced "Eeee")

I'm going to write and let him know.  This young fellow, who shall not be named, unless agreed to by name).  I would like to showcase his work from Word Press websites.  

What's in a name?
I can't settle on a name is what a name is about.  You'd be surprised how much time I spend waving on the tide of websites, website hosts, and a few creative outfits in between.  
designCA has been born.  I guess pretty much anything I spend doing ends up in a blog of some sorts.  I launched it about a week ago.  What I want to do is showcase what I uncover for the social media crowd or blogging tribe.  Tools, resources, gallery, creative, writing host of a colossal kind!  
Getting pumped up
now, creative juices flowing unabated, from feeling a strong sense of cabin FEVER since my skin erupted from either Shingles or a skin reaction/infection | doctors have conflicting prognosis | first time ever the Wicked Witch of the West has been nice to me in months, if exactly a year ago from now.
I think I have an idea
so I guess I better go.  Thanks for joining me while I uncork another idea for others to be amused by, inspired from or motivated to ..... JUST DO IT!

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Plagiarism rules

The following post was initially shared on Linked In.  I've expanded to post on other blogs to weigh in on public opinion.  Is there any recourse or protection for employees?  Tell me what you think:

Cake wars are on fire:  claims of plagiarism unfold on Twitter.  It is a cake boss of the inauguration kind.  

Sadly, if you are renowned in some way and your craft is shared online you are exposed to plagiarism.

But what do you do if you are not renowned in any way, a mere blogger who shares ideas openly to help others?

What if your blog logo, an orange, is used as a logo for an internal initiative by the company you work for?  How do you prove that the idea stemmed from your own creativity and borrowed or used?  

The same logo I unveiled on my blog was adopted by a corporate initiative:  coincidence?  Recourse? 

Aren't you glad I chose orange?

Does it even matter?   Coincidence or not?  How can one make such claims when the logo is used internally and not for public scrutiny?

I can certainly say that I was not, am not, involved in any form of marketing, messaging or creative for said company.  

Outrage?  Controversy?  Not me.  I probably was naive initially, taking it as a compliment that one of my ideas would be adopted by any company.    I continually safeguard my opinions as my own and not that of my employer.    Do I really own my ideas while earning a pay cheque?  

If you are an online personality or enthusiast who's ideas began long before working for the company.  Still, you have to ensure that you remove your opinions from associating with any company you work for ... now or in the past.   What about while various policing by companies to ensure you are not slandering the company, disclosing confidential information, or saying anything negative, they have you on their watch list that you cannot prove, as it is undercover cloaked in disguise.  


Then voila, your idea, information, logo is adopted! You are really handcuffed to not say anything: avoid appearing negative or open for discipline or loss of job for making claims that would not appear to be obvious. 

Intellectual capital ownership really belongs to you or the company you work for?  

There are safeguards in place for artists, musicians, writers for their protection from plagiarism.   Safe to say, it protects their intellectual, artistic capital.  If you read many Code of Ethics you sign with an organization you are paid by, you relinquish any creativity or ideas you come up with.  Doesn't that cover those that are credited, recognized and are compensated for coming up with ideas and not a lowly person on the totem pole who expresses ideas unrelated to the company?  

I'm curious what others think about this?  Try to claim ownership rightfully.  Ask to be recognized properly.  Or, keep the trap shut?

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Postings from the edge

Postings on the Edge
a twist of words as reference to Postcards from the Edge.  

Kindred spirits
join the journey.  But first, you need to begin with me
firstly by watching "Bright Lights" with Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds  Take in the poignant moment when Carrie visits her dying father, Eddie Fisher, with more forgiveness than any one I've ever known.

Compassionate creatures 
enveloped from the vessels of "Singing in the Rain" fame, Debbie Reynolds, and her daughter "Princess Leia" Carrie Fisher who wrote "Postcards from the Edge" starring Shirley McClain and young upstart Merle Streep.  I watched this  this afternoon after taking the HUNKster's suggestion of HBO's "Bright Lights" last night when we returned home after sharing a hearty dinner with great friends.  

Quality overpowers time every time
Suggesting quality is not defined by length
of time spent together, but in the value and peaceful-ness with whom we share gain.  

Tables are turning
as we recognize to one of the wisest un-refrained aha moments in our lives:  when friendship and love overpowers money or fame.

To sing in chorus together
regardless of fortune or name, age or culture joined at the hip, where Millennials created into a noun that describes a person, want to be.

Commitment more than ever
to help others, be humble, be humane.  Assembled to follow, advocate and help each other.  Non-monetarily united in creating brands that are bigger than those to be made extinct.

The shear force to be reckoned with
online everywhere who proclaim the winners of the #bestofeverything :: decided merely by using the #hashtag :: 

To unfold mysteries
to be solved by understanding, gratitude, friendship, peacefulness with love, honesty, truth and giving.  To help others solve problems, eliminate poverty, solve health dilemmas, educate populace, rejoice spirituality of any kind, eradicate violence, terrorism, fear mongering, egotism or greed.   

I'll give it a try.  How about you?

Friday, January 6, 2017

2017: when the age of "advertising" is diminished with the adopted currency & recognition called "brand"

damn it all to heck
i really become annoyed when Facebook can't keep my post stored as a draft if i haven't posted it yet.  This is a BIG weakness by Facebook.

what the fuss is all about
i'm sticking my neck out with an opinion clouding predictions of any sort.  Early on in my blog writing, developing skills as i applied them:  as a disciple of #EdwardSnowden school of thought: be a self-taught expert, uphold moral beliefs for mankind including everybody (avoided being diminished by greed or ego).  Edward's quest was for knowledge.  He had an unquenchable thirst for learning anything he was interested in, curious about, wanted to learn more about.  

if inspiration for 2017 is your game
relax in a comfortable atmosphere, devoid of distractions of any kind:  give the spouse free reign on the credit card with the kids for a play land (are there any more of them anymore?  aka Chuckecheese paradise for kids and a break for parents).  << that's a blog better meant for ... as a light bulb goes off.  

if you want to have a glimpse of the new thermometer and full enlightenment to what is going on in cyber wars, that the traditional media has only sniffed around ignorantly focus on Russian cyber attacks against the US for political posturing.

our world has expanded a billion fold
as succinctly pointed out by Edward Snowden.  I love watching movies that seemingly portray the person behind the persona (also recommend SULLY as well, as the contrast between the 2 movies i watched back-to-back on ANDROID TV.

the BRAND phenomena
is what everything has come down to.  It no longer is what used to be first top of mind when a word came to mind in association with a noun:  KLEENEX(tissue paper); XEROX(photocopy|photocopier).  We GOOGLE(use GOOGLE search to find what we are looking for, regardless of reason or final objective).  Yet we don't APPLE anyone instead of call them on our smartphones.

the SOCIAL MEDIA empire
has been formed and is going to rapidly expand.  Simply because the reversal of sources has already occurred.  No longer are we reading the newspaper or magazine, listening to the radio, or watching television to gain access to what is happening in our world.

has anyone NOTICED?
that regardless of the media outlet you are surrounded by, they are doing somersaults and handstands all over the ticker message, page footnote, whatever:: they're asking you to FOLLOW them on Twitter almost firstly and all the time.  Or, they are attempting to create an organic trending topic without having to FLAG as "advertising" because "viral" supercedes all else (google is not finding me a word close to this, unusual but perhaps not so because i haven't been online for the past month or so, committed to a job that is subpar but pays the bills if not cherished by the heart.  Then Christmas was hectic, made even more so with only one day off on Christmas Eve in two weeks (i wondered who i pissed off to be relegated from  having to work on Christmas Eve (but off by usually 8 o'clock) then back at er on Boxing Day.

i tried to reach out to my COMPANY
show them where they are falling short as a BRAND.  I continue to frown and shake my head when the antics of West Jet continues to surge, with many copycats in tow (go GOOGLE Tim Horton's something about making dreams come true YouTube video that followed in WestJet's footsteps by creating a warm and fuzzy video on how they are giving such splendid gifts of televisions and other material things.  Saving millions in advertising dollars even offsetting the costs of the gifts, the sharing on the universe via social media catches it afire.

traditional ADVERTISING 
is married to traditional media.  I talked about that in that earlier blog a bit.  Maybe the realization hadn't fermented yet.  As it has now.  Traditional ads are dying a fizzling death.  MEDIA brands begging for increased followship while barely hanging on their fingertips that, if they fail, will plunge you into the BIG and not-so-BAD universe of SOCIAL MEDIA.

by no means a BOTTOMing out
certainly a new measurement of scale, reach and return (or ROI).  There were very early adopters of social media who were visionaries in the direction of where this brave new world of walls disappearing and blocks removed.  Where everyone and anyone can enter boldly or with trepidation.  What everyone will AGREE about is that the central force of news, events, communications has shifted to ONLINE.

when every NEWSCAST includes
something happening online.  Exponential volumes of content and snippets ready to be clasped by the influencers online (why do grammar and spelling check not add "influencer" as a reference to a person, personality online.  

where BRAND is king
and anyone can be in the game.  There is no distinction between a person, an organization, a corporation or a government.  The winner of BRAND becomes the king or the queen (where a woman can be crowned by her spirit and knowledge, evoking trust more quickly than men by observation and not any scientific substance or supporting facts).  

where an elected PRESIDENT
can tweet policy and engage hostile exchanges with those he should count on.  if you want to know what your new president is thinking:  just follow him on Twitter, to get it faster than the Evening News or Morning Headline.

the manipulation of TRUST
will continue to be a common thing, more likely to be beyond a cancerous growth.  Where the innocent, naive, trusting, home bound, infirm, lonely, lost human existence dwells with alarming rapid growth.

where FACT blurs with FICTION
when reality and FALSE are blended.  We have been trained to read in order to learn.  We instinctively want to read something of which information or knowledge we wish to gain.  We grew up with news journalism benchmarked credible content by scrutiny on ethics, backed up with facts, the best being unreproachable resource for news, events.

streaming LIVE is going to implode
as traditional mediums like television start to join the ranks of the almost eliminated advertising channels, words, hearing.  With technical digital engines developed to push that content out to the universe, developing sophistication evolving to glide into the sphere of the influence(r) BRAND who may bless them with a #RT, a read, and/or blessedly a share, their comments shrine built from within and without.

PERSONALITIES read or visualized
by anyone, anywhere, any age, any country, any language, any religion, any education can rise to become the relegated status of SOCIAL MEDIA SUPER STAR.

are the INFLUENCE, VOICE, MESSAGE of what the masses want to hear, read or see.  Almost invisible, they can be beyond a murmur of voice to a clout of opinion, expression and resonance with the universe.  

COMPANIES will be exposed
for viral manipulation currently embraced and not recognized as sophisticated marketing, with visionary digital markets at the helm.  Art directors continually challenged to not only make the BRAND website pleasing to the eye, but also welcome to curiosity to click, tempting to learn more about, less distracting because blinking has been removed (avoiding the annoyance causes the visitor to depart).

psychoGRAPHICs | demoGRAPHICs
expertise will emerge as a viable consultancy sought after.  Right behind it or better hand in hand would be to engage, if not employ, a lead psychologist counsel created.  

the MIGHTIEST will survive
when they realize that theatrics and tricks will end up diminishing any credibility as people online become more SAVVY with where they place their TRUST.  The BRANDs that will win, are those easily trusted.  

Clear RESONATORS will win
not likely representing a group, organization or company, but a person who encompasses the very singular banner of trust.  The visionary committed to the amazing ability that communicating online allows.

TRUST:  the currency of NOW
where the compensation is like the old term of CONTRA.  Where an opinion that matters is worth that of a product, service or recognition.  

the MORAL of the STORY 
people, owners, executives, marketers begin to acknowledge this increasing trend.  Rethink your strategies.  Align yourself with brand ambassadors that add value and class.

AVOID tricks and manipulations
to only be uncovered as such.  Remember, people are smarter and smarter every day they're online.  As traditional media continues to reference social media as the originator of the source, gimmicks and tricks uncovered will severely dampen any momentum once people whom others trust, expose them as so.

COMPANIES try to create #hastags
that matter, are exposed for trying to create trending topics which they can capitalize on, fueled by paid promotion, to trick others into thinking they are popular online.  

Not nearly as SAVVY
because they have not yet recognized that they earlier influence BRAND of person is who they may want to consider replacing your marketing executives and dismantle that costly team and team who have limitless costs.

greed, corruption, violence, terrorism, untruths, cyber attack, hack, money.  The knowledge a gift to others without purpose of gain.

Monday, December 5, 2016

Ranting like a NINKOPHpoof

Is there such a word?
I sure think so.  Or made into one.  Why not?  If the social media universe allows me to be myself, then I can think myself, alone, in flighty thought, I will, why not give it a try?

Imagine the power
if it were to be embraced.  Others think it is a much kinder, gentler way from calling someone an asshole, or bitch, or one I’m fond of WWW for wicked witch of the west.  I live in the West.  In western Canada.  In a world caught within the western culture.  Of cowboys, of proud Indians (probably the last community to withdraw from that historical reference to the indigenous roots),  of manners, of two-stepping, of rodeos, of oil, personal pride, upstanding behavior, neighborly, dance stomping, square dancing, pancake griddle-in, beer and coffee guzzling, good-nature and optimism in ample supply kind of people live here.   

My hometown Calgary
whom I love with the same passion I had at 18 to come to the city of my own choosing to start my road on the path of education to continual knowledge improvement.  There are mostly the good things about it and the good people within it that envelopes me with a sense of contentment and a sigh.  

I love where I live but I want to vacation more
As only a Canadian could possibly know, Danish never admit, while the Swedish show aglow:  that there is a really special, peaceful, calm time when the first light of snow falls in the evening, against the backdrop of a very dark sky.  Or even sometimes more beautiful with the Northern Lights.  

I’m pretty proud of being a Canadian too.  I’m more qualified than most and I’m not boasting.  I was a miniature Canadian Ambassador starting at 8 years old.  There were no rules or any guidebooks to follow except having the proper etiquette and manners befitting royalty or a very young lady, who grew up wearing gloves and a hat every Sunday for years before that.   We moved to Germany when my father was tasked to go there to be among the airplanes for the military.  In the eyes and ears of an 8 year-old, it wasn’t any more complicated than that.

As a Canadian living overseas in those days, shortly after the man walked on the moon, for the glorious first time, holding the world captive.  Its no wonder I think that optimism can simply be a byproduct of having the right life and the right people around me.

I was very fortunate to be a tag-along-little sister to go to Holland to stay with the Dutch head of amateur hockey’s daughter.  Neither one of us speaking the other’s language, but communicating somehow.

If I was a snotty little entitled gum popping, belly flopping, outrageously rude lil gal that is suited more easily for this day, I would not have been invited, not been able to create such a memorable experience.

So I’m happy to be Canadian.  The wonder of the first sprinkle of snow softly falling, reminding us that the Holidays are around the corner:  when we see friends and relatives we have seen in ages, give gifts and be so full of wonder at a gift of any kind.  Who would trade that experience of the smell of baking floating around your house that foretells the event of Christmas, where people are sharing and caring, where families put aside their differences and any anger to be drawn together to be together to celebrate.  Of what they celebrate has certainly lost its way in recent years.  Myself not immune.  

I was asked on Quora to answer a question, or maybe I was drawn to it somehow.  All I know is I got that twitch and clicked on those keys and expressed myself, not suppressed myself.  Here is what you got to the question:

Why do Canadians say sorry so much?

Because there is one thing most, if not all, Canadians will admit: that they’re much politer to other countries than they are to each other. In fact, a new friend or a new employee may be cherished and considered more valuable than old or older ones. We are sorry we lost Carney to the U.K. but the timing was right for them with BriEX around the corner. Yes, we are known more as a giving Nation, than selfish. That isn’t what it means to say you’re sorry. We are sorry that a lot of our talent gets moved to the United States, except for a few of them like Michael Buble and Bryan Adams who remain. I’ve never heard William Shatner say “I’m sorry” about anything, least of all that he IS Canadian. As far as Justin Bieber goes, well, he should be sorry for the normal antics that your typical 22 year-old lad mischief he is going to get into, and we Canadian just wish he could be ignored, because we know its a phase that he will get through. Although, I’m not sure we’re sorry when most of those shenanigans are done offshore and away from home. Yes, we hope he’ll meet and marry a sweet Canadian girl, even French Canadian gal if it means he’ll settle down, a bit … OR a lot more!

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Ranting like a NINKOPHpoof

Is there such a word?
I sure think so.  Or made into one.  Why not?  If the social media universe allows me to be myself, then I can think myself, alone, in flighty thought, I will, why not give it a try?

Imagine the power
if it were to be embraced.  Others think it is a much kinder, gentler way from calling someone an asshole, or bitch, or one I’m fond of WWW for wicked witch of the west.  I live in the West.  In western Canada.  In a world caught within the western culture.  Of cowboys, of proud Indians (probably the last community to withdraw from that historical reference to the indigenous roots),  of manners, of two-stepping, of rodeos, of oil, personal pride, upstanding behavior, neighborly, dance stomping, square dancing, pancake griddle-in, beer and coffee guzzling, good-nature and optimism in ample supply kind of people live here.   

My hometown Calgary
whom I love with the same passion I had at 18 to come to the city of my own choosing to start my road on the path of education to continual knowledge improvement.  There are mostly the good things about it and the good people within it that envelopes me with a sense of contentment and a sigh.  

I love where I live but I want to vacation more
As only a Canadian could possibly know, Danish never admit, while the Swedish show aglow:  that there is a really special, peaceful, calm time when the first light of snow falls in the evening, against the backdrop of a very dark sky.  Or even sometimes more beautiful with the Northern Lights.  

I’m pretty proud of being a Canadian too.  I’m more qualified than most and I’m not boasting.  I was a miniature Canadian Ambassador starting at 8 years old.  There were no rules or any guidebooks to follow except having the proper etiquette and manners befitting royalty or a very young lady, who grew up wearing gloves and a hat every Sunday for years before that.   We moved to Germany when my father was tasked to go there to be among the airplanes for the military.  In the eyes and ears of an 8 year-old, it wasn’t any more complicated than that.

As a Canadian living overseas in those days, shortly after the man walked on the moon, for the glorious first time, holding the world captive.  Its no wonder I think that optimism can simply be a byproduct of having the right life and the right people around me.

I was very fortunate to be a tag-along-little sister to go to Holland to stay with the Dutch head of amateur hockey’s daughter.  Neither one of us speaking the other’s language, but communicating somehow.

If I was a snotty little entitled gum popping, belly flopping, outrageously rude lil gal that is suited more easily for this day, I would not have been invited, not been able to create such a memorable experience.

So I’m happy to be Canadian.  The wonder of the first sprinkle of snow softly falling, reminding us that the Holidays are around the corner:  when we see friends and relatives we have seen in ages, give gifts and be so full of wonder at a gift of any kind.  Who would trade that experience of the smell of baking floating around your house that foretells the event of Christmas, where people are sharing and caring, where families put aside their differences and any anger to be drawn together to be together to celebrate.  Of what they celebrate has certainly lost its way in recent years.  Myself not immune.  

I was asked on Quora to answer a question, or maybe I was drawn to it somehow.  All I know is I got that twitch and clicked on those keys and expressed myself, not suppressed myself.  Here is what you got to the question:

Why do Canadians say sorry so much?

Because there is one thing most, if not all, Canadians will admit: that they’re much politer to other countries than they are to each other. In fact, a new friend or a new employee may be cherished and considered more valuable than old or older ones. We are sorry we lost Carney to the U.K. but the timing was right for them with BriEX around the corner. Yes, we are known more as a giving Nation, than selfish. That isn’t what it means to say you’re sorry. We are sorry that a lot of our talent gets moved to the United States, except for a few of them like Michael Buble and Bryan Adams who remain. I’ve never heard William Shatner say “I’m sorry” about anything, least of all that he IS Canadian. As far as Justin Bieber goes, well, he should be sorry for the normal antics that your typical 22 year-old lad mischief he is going to get into, and we Canadian just wish he could be ignored, because we know its a phase that he will get through. Although, I’m not sure we’re sorry when most of those shenanigans are done offshore and away from home. Yes, we hope he’ll meet and marry a sweet Canadian girl, even French Canadian gal if it means he’ll settle down, a bit … OR a lot more!

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Ranting like a NINKOPHpoof

Is there such a word?
I sure think so.  Or made into one.  Why not?  If the social media universe allows me to be myself, then I can think myself, alone, in flighty thought, I will, why not give it a try?

Imagine the power
if it were to be embraced.  Others think it is a much kinder, gentler way from calling someone an asshole, or bitch, or one I’m fond of WWW for wicked witch of the west.  I live in the West.  In western Canada.  In a world caught within the western culture.  Of cowboys, of proud Indians (probably the last community to withdraw from that historical reference to the indigenous roots),  of manners, of two-stepping, of rodeos, of oil, personal pride, upstanding behavior, neighborly, dance stomping, square dancing, pancake griddle-in, beer and coffee guzzling, good-nature and optimism in ample supply kind of people live here.   

My hometown Calgary
whom I love with the same passion I had at 18 to come to the city of my own choosing to start my road on the path of education to continual knowledge improvement.  There are mostly the good things about it and the good people within it that envelopes me with a sense of contentment and a sigh.  

I love where I live but I want to vacation more
As only a Canadian could possibly know, Danish never admit, while the Swedish show aglow:  that there is a really special, peaceful, calm time when the first light of snow falls in the evening, against the backdrop of a very dark sky.  Or even sometimes more beautiful with the Northern Lights.  

I’m pretty proud of being a Canadian too.  I’m more qualified than most and I’m not boasting.  I was a miniature Canadian Ambassador starting at 8 years old.  There were no rules or any guidebooks to follow except having the proper etiquette and manners befitting royalty or a very young lady, who grew up wearing gloves and a hat every Sunday for years before that.   We moved to Germany when my father was tasked to go there to be among the airplanes for the military.  In the eyes and ears of an 8 year-old, it wasn’t any more complicated than that.

As a Canadian living overseas in those days, shortly after the man walked on the moon, for the glorious first time, holding the world captive.  Its no wonder I think that optimism can simply be a byproduct of having the right life and the right people around me.

I was very fortunate to be a tag-along-little sister to go to Holland to stay with the Dutch head of amateur hockey’s daughter.  Neither one of us speaking the other’s language, but communicating somehow.

If I was a snotty little entitled gum popping, belly flopping, outrageously rude lil gal that is suited more easily for this day, I would not have been invited, not been able to create such a memorable experience.

So I’m happy to be Canadian.  The wonder of the first sprinkle of snow softly falling, reminding us that the Holidays are around the corner:  when we see friends and relatives we have seen in ages, give gifts and be so full of wonder at a gift of any kind.  Who would trade that experience of the smell of baking floating around your house that foretells the event of Christmas, where people are sharing and caring, where families put aside their differences and any anger to be drawn together to be together to celebrate.  Of what they celebrate has certainly lost its way in recent years.  Myself not immune.  

I was asked on Quora to answer a question, or maybe I was drawn to it somehow.  All I know is I got that twitch and clicked on those keys and expressed myself, not suppressed myself.  Here is what you got to the question:

Why do Canadians say sorry so much?

Because there is one thing most, if not all, Canadians will admit: that they’re much politer to other countries than they are to each other. In fact, a new friend or a new employee may be cherished and considered more valuable than old or older ones. We are sorry we lost Carney to the U.K. but the timing was right for them with BriEX around the corner. Yes, we are known more as a giving Nation, than selfish. That isn’t what it means to say you’re sorry. We are sorry that a lot of our talent gets moved to the United States, except for a few of them like Michael Buble and Bryan Adams who remain. I’ve never heard William Shatner say “I’m sorry” about anything, least of all that he IS Canadian. As far as Justin Bieber goes, well, he should be sorry for the normal antics that your typical 22 year-old lad mischief he is going to get into, and we Canadian just wish he could be ignored, because we know its a phase that he will get through. Although, I’m not sure we’re sorry when most of those shenanigans are done offshore and away from home. Yes, we hope he’ll meet and marry a sweet Canadian girl, even French Canadian gal if it means he’ll settle down, a bit … OR a lot more!

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