Showing posts with label family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label family. Show all posts

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Tip toe thru the tulips of time

Do you just ever wonder?
What it was like waking up and finding yourself back in the glamour days.  When Marilyn Monroe, Cary Grant, Frank Sinatra were of this world.

You dress up
or you didn't go out!  Back in the time when ladies had to be ladies, and fellows were gentlemen around the ladies.  It is such a bygone time, don't you just wonder what it would be like?

Gloves and hats
Were just important as the gown, dress or outfit that were defined by clip on earrings, that you can't give away in garage sales now.

A pinch of this and a pinch of that
If you didn't behave in church, or were moving around restlessly, you could find yourself pinched.  The almighty pinch was worse than a dirty look or a raised voice.  Back in the time, when you didn't have the belt as much as parents of parents, today, want to think.

A generation's generation
who champion manners, a lost grace in a large part of our society.  We were suppose to be scarce between dinner and sun down.  This was the best time of the year.  Right now.

Red rover, red rover
We thought we were pretty smart then, not unlike our own children do.  The sneakiness was different in those times.  When we scattered at the last beloved 30 minutes before the sun was starting to fade.  Grabbing hands, laughing loudly, as we ran through the throng of neighbourhood kids to evade being caught and having instead to do the catching.

The rules relaxed
When there was fun to be had.  The parents slowly stepping off stoops, starting out to call their children indoors.  Instead, assembling, smiling at each other, parents in the Good Parent Club as we bought a few extra minutes of outside time because no one parent would want to be the first to disrupt such a marvelous coming together of children, kids, having fun.

We weren't sure, nor did we care.  We were so caught up in the moment, of laughing, running, catching those last glimpse of the sun.


_________________________________________                                                                            ~..

When a neighbourhood BBQ or a gathering of friends and family, usually meant, we could be out playing in the street lights, with the hustle of dancing, by parents, with neighbours, friends, sisters.  

The spirit of the moment
Where being together was the most important event of the day.  Often happening.  Looking back I never thought we took anything for granted.

A harmony of spirit
A collection of the brave, who faced challenges but never beating down us.  We were outside, we celebrated summer like a gift that would never be returned.  Because it was the thought, the caring, that was the biggest present of all.  

The expectation of a gathering
was never far, always dear.  Not unusual.  Often ever near.  After church, long weekends, or simply a mere assembly of those that live near.  

Hats and gloves
I would squirm through just to return to those bygone days.  Take the time to embrace it.  Hold it even more dear.  

A one day and only day
You never really knew.  Until you grew older, the magic that you lived through.  Blessed and remarkable, even though challenges were plowed through.

Creating a memory
that you would love to return to.  Accompanied by your children and loved ones to know what you knew.  Experience the wonder of feeling special to tip toe the tulips of time.

"Simplicity is never simple." 
~Jeannette Marshall

Two Cheery Cherries by Andes Design #bestofeverything 

"Cream always rise to the surface. 
 Except cherries, 
of course." 
Jeannette Marshall #quote

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Mental exercise

I thought it may be interesting to see what I'm looking at, clicking on and sharing randomly.  This is going a lot faster than I may usually.  But as a mental exercise you can see the information, visuals, entertainment and interaction unzips on social media world, in particular, Twitter.

As an experiment of sorts, to share the images, quotes and quips that draw my eye and register in my brain.  Only to be expelled to allow mega room for more information.  Stretching beyond its perceived borders.  No longer imploding with information, instead omitting that information so as to avoid hanging on to toxicity.

To train your brain to only acknowledge items that are enlightening, appealing, outstanding, people, things or anything!  Avoid looking at, listening to, or watching anything that would make you gasp.  Starting with the hardened, victimized, big chips on shoulders people.  They suck you in faster than a Jedi master could disclaim.

Sidetracked and scanning like crazy for a cutesy bird to go along with a witty comment, I fell into awe with this photography.  I found it on Google and I truly believe the creator should be recognized for one of the most iconic photographs for the transcending ascending group of really remarkable people.  I'm just guessing that is who it will appeal to.  I've been tweeting a number of tweets starting with "What I'm thinking lately?" with the hashtag or a mention under #bestofeverything ::

What I'm thinking lately?  
Awful 2 B photographed 24x7 by how many weeks months? This popped out #bestofeverything or should I have said pooped out or barfed out (80s kids remember this, lol)

What I'm thinking lately?  
Awful 2 B photographed 24x7 by how many weeks months? This popped out #bestofeverything or should I have said pooped out or barfed out (80s kids remember this, lol)

We're trying to make a minstrel show out of a big heap of broken people. :)

We're a community of recovering souls here with a diverse array of talents, including "unknown", like me. Perfprmance troupe.

I suppose it's fair to say I don't know what I am out here in SoMe land. I see it like ping-pong with recovery mixed in.

Such a fun image to find.

Hidden in my treasure box on my PC where I 

store my most favorite quotes and images.  I

may be sliding around as if to a symphony, 

gathering images that speak to my soul.  Some 

silly, some glamourous or others driven by need 

(that drowns out wants).

If I were to picture someone I am. This would be

it. True to who I am.

When my world seems all too fuzzy, my mind 

can drift around and release.  I like to exhaust 

the fumes of negativity that consumes me.  

Surrounds me with a lot of noise.  I can escape

with headphones or I can surf here.  On the 

feel good waves.  

Of friendships

Found swirling around the world of our brain :: 

attaching to only the great and beautiful things.

Still working on exercising the brain so that it 

only see positive things.  

Negativity ignored

The brain mental exercise creates a shield to 

nasty humanity, tragedy, catastrophe, beyond 

the guard.  

It's possible

Is still like IMpossible as in i'm possible.  Really 

smart from Audrey Hepburn.  I'm writing, not fact 

checking mode.  That's an excuse for the

Mentally active

Who have been working as middle aged word 

JEDi knights.  Bestowers of opinion and creating

optimism that is contagious.  Where fear-

mongering is banished forever.  Like any plot out

of a J.K.Rowlings epic.  The evil energy is 

negativity and as it is ignored, its mass 

disintegrates, getting smaller, and smaller, and 

tinier and tinier.  Becoming a mere speck in the 

atmosphere, relegated to historic tomes of years

long past.

Some become the light to which others flock.

Sidelining pornography a mere speck within the

speck of negativity.

Uplifting, motivating, inspiring stories and music

unbound.  Drowning out even more any hint of 


Do you wanna join the club? 

Subscribing to my posts, resharing amongst your

SoMe social media communities.  To create an 

inspiring site for mostly those hitting their 50s, 

and help others cope with the loss of youth, in a 

more fun and heck of it attitude.

If you have done so.  The easiest is to attach 

hashtag #bestofeverything .. where one voice by

a huge amount of people, across many different

lands, cultures, income, finances, occupation, 

job or career.  Founded by creative imagineers. 

Who assemble together by a joyful, energetic 

and optimistic vibe.  

Of course, commenting is always welcome.  

Wanting to contribute customized material?  I 

will look at your comments and go wander thru

your SoMe brand.  

Selection will be limited and time lapses will 

occur when there is no material.  Then again,

why not post some of your best, uplifting, 

nonCommercial art or stuff?  I'm receptive to 

accepting help in a positive and only beneficial

to others way.

Love + Motherhood

My kids are my biggest inspirations and happi-

ness gauge in life.  How I'm getting along with

them is certainly my balanced thermometer.  




And, never to forget (how could I?) ... my best 

DOG friend a masterful girl could ever have?


What I'm thinking lately?  
How can Tiffany only have such a small audience?

Astronomical and transcending ... but only 3348 views? I will post an ad for you on my BLOG: or reach out to me @optioneerJM here on Twitter or Facebook under the same name (ok, like everywhere:: InstaGram + Tumblr + Reddit + Pinterest + G+ + Facebook + Twitter)

My comment there:  created this here.

"Don't buy me anything, unless it's in a blue box." 

Jeannette Marshall 

#RT #bestofeverything

What I'm thinking lately?  
How come I never aspired to become a ballerina?  Oh, right, I'm 5 ft.  What a reality check!

What I'm thinking lately?  
How awesome this is.  I circulated it on Facebook just before my birthday, so I would avoid belly-aching about turning 55.  Perspective can be healthy if it does focus on the right things.

What I'm thinking lately? 
Perspective can be healthy if it does focus on the right things.  This could be depressing or considered expressive? 

What I'm thinking lately? 
Tis time to hit the hay, cause I'm starting to think bout #bacon #bestofeverything 

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

I'm a "10" for sure!

Yayyyyyy I am a 10!  I reached the milestone of 55 on April 18th and in looking at the cup half full, I recognized that I'm finally a 10.  In 1979, the movie "10" starring Bo Derek and Dudley Moore and hit the big screen, and forever after gals wanted to be scored a ten in looks.  

I may be taking liberties with my own definition of being a ten (55 years old:: 5+5=10) but there is so much to be thankful for, I reckoned why not.  My personal benchmark may be different than others, yet they are mine alone:

  1. I'm happily married to a wonderful man who to this day makes me appreciate him and the life we have formed together.
  2. Through blending our family, we have four awesome kids aged 21, 23, 25 and 27 where the eldest, Kyle, has been working at the same corporation for 8 years, Des is solid in her career and engaged to be married this year, Chantal is finishing up her 2nd year of university and Kelsey is off to make her fortune in Vancouver with a great job in a law firm and with the man of her dreams.
  3. Ones own happiness is often defined through motherhood and my kids are happy, healthy and really great people.
  4. I am working for an excellent Canadian corporation that sets the bar in many ways.
  5. I have discovered my love of writing and blog as often as I can.
  6. I have found balance with work, life and love.
  7. I am a fashion forward fashionista where even the young gals where I work often comment on my ensembles.
  8. I have my mom who is 81 years old and still there for me with love, support and an example of how healthy living can carry you to a longer life still able to travel, dance and be true to herself.
  9. I have a beautiful home which I am continually redecorating and improving.
  10. I have an adorable pet dog named Buddy who makes my day every day.

I guess those are pretty basic to most.  Yet, we should stop every once and a while and just appreciate what we have to be thankful for and give gratitude to those who make our lives meaningful.  I am lucky to have a few great friends whom I've known for years and years.  

Aging is all about continual improvement, seeking more knowledge, being satisfied with what we have while still stretching ourselves towards new goals.  

Material things and money are easy targets for setting goals, however, the simpler things are sometimes harder to appreciate.  Certainly, when I was in my 20s, my list was fairly long.  I've experienced great success, great disappointments, periods of sadness or melancholy, and times of money.  

At the end of the day, what makes me the most content are:
  •  spending time with my kids, family dinners and playing games like "Heads Up" or having a backyard fire pit just hanging out and talking.
  • sharing time with my best friend and her husband whom Rob and I really enjoy hanging out with.
  • talking on the phone with my mom or sister, to discover the quick hello evolved into an hour.
  • my youngest daughter calls me almost every day from Vancouver, although I miss her tremendously, I love talking with her on her updates, news, happiness.
  • my stepdaughter, her fiance and my son drop in often just for a visit and sometimes a sleep over.
  • My older brother Greg and I get to go have dinner when he is in Calgary on visit.
  • My sister and I have been on vacations together to Mexico three times and there are wonderful memories that I would like to add to by going again.
  • My husband and I have been able to travel on tropical vacations, we like just going for drives in the beautiful country surrounding us, meandering through garage sales, or me just sitting on the driveway soaking up the sun while he putters around on our "Getaway Car".
  • While so many are unemployed, I have a job with a great company and have learned that my job title no longer defines me.
  • I have Buddy to take me on walks with, snuggle up with and who protects me faithfully.
  • We have a beautiful home that can accommodate our kids and their friends, hosting get togethers and celebrations.
  • I love working on my garden and transforming it year after year into a haven of beauty to be enjoyed not only by us but those who walk back the green belt pathway that goes along our back yard.

Sure, I wouldn't be me without some things we call bucket list as we grow older, transformed from goals:
  • a dream job doing marketing or maybe even dabbling in sales again
  • my writing starts to generate an income, for the extras in life we want:: travel first and foremost
  • I'd love it if my writing were to evolve more into reviewing items geared towards the female 50s crowd, with samples arriving from Brands who value my opinion and a following that trusts it.
  • My mom and sister are always telling me to write a book.  Humbly, I think everyone wants to write a book or thinks they can.  To be any better would be egotistical.  I recognize one just has to "do it".
  • I'd love a chance to go with Rob to Seattle to watch a Seattle Sea Hawks football game.  So strange for a Canadian hockey fan to put an NFL game on her list ... eh?
  • It would be fun to be invited to help decorate a show home or a room to stretch the imagination and challenge myself.
  • See if my painting hobby of re-purposed objects could actually be sold as art :: more designed for the garden.
  • Maybe get a second dog, smaller, for a companion for Buddy, like our teacup poodle Coco was before she passed on at 13 years old and who will trot after me as I putter in the garden (Buddy is too busy running around and playing bodyguard to follow me).

It is safe to say I am able to stop and be grateful for what I have and yet energetic enough to want to stretch farther and reach higher.  I am content for the most part yet still have a restlessness to want to do more.  The next decade is going to be interesting to see what unfolds.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

The one that got away ....

I was having this conversation with my sister the other day.  Heaven help me if I even remember what our train of thought may have been... do you have a sister that you really relate to even though your worlds may seem so far apart?  

                 STOP and have a listen, or play while you read on through 

My sister is as opposite of me as the world could even imagine:

  • she was born in the autumn and I in the Spring
  • we saw our growing up differently: she full of pain; me full of belief
  • while I can come across gregarious she could come across as calm and reasoning
  • our relationships, kids, friends are friends of each other too - they find it easier to like the other
  • you enjoy shopping together and would never imagine skydiving - although one would have if she thought about it while the other wouldn't have dared (me).
  • you both reach for the same things even if our home, our taste, would seemingly be different
Sidetracked again.  Apologies ... then what the heck do you expect of me by now?   It appears as though I have writing AHSD.  Thank goodness not in real life:  I can be excruciatingly organized and detailed while consciously trying not to be so the opposite is perceived.

This is what the conversation was about: the one that got away.  How bizarre eh?

Two sisters of 18 months apart in their fifties having an absurd reminiscence.  Opposite memories, no doubt.  She talked and I listened for a change.  Yeh, not a regular occurrence by any means.

My conscious memory a week later pops this into my head as I'm driving home.  I know I listened carefully.  I am really trying to be a better listener, which is not a natural state.  

She talked about this boy that she really liked when she had run away from home.  As much as she seemed like a radical from candy-coated pink 15-year-old eyes, I seem more like a rebel now that I've hit my 50s.

The memory went on in the manner that this sort does:  what would have or could have happened if she had not broken his heart and stayed with him.  

Astonishing!  The responsible, loving, caring mother, daughter, sister or aunt, was actually rewinding life to check back and check in to what she thought she'd be doing once she hit her 50s.  

STOP and have a listen, or play while you read on through 

So many wondrous movies are about going back in time, less about heading into the future.  It must be a creative dream, to take a situation and from the current state, to what had happened, and how things may have gone differently.  I now realize that the surprise in store for the reader or viewer, is will the hero or heroine return to the current state much differently or very much the same with differences.

That is such  a creative morsel of temptation.  Take a situation or moment in your life, and fast rewind and slowly play forward.  Taking the audience on a ride that even you may not predict.  Will you return differently or much the same with differences ...

What do I mean?  My sister  ... was doing that in a sense.  She was wondering if she had stayed with that very nice boy, not broken his heart, and stayed together.  She wasn't evaluating it, nor was she suggesting that she was disatisfied with how things turned out.

 It was a simple, honest meandering .... My sister  was highlighting what we go through when we hit or 40s and 50s.  We really aren't all that different than we were in our teens.  The ride we'd be on at the time would result in whether we are currently on the ride of our lives, or too conservative.  Or, some of us would recall that maybe they could have been a little bit braver or self-confident at our teens.  Others of us blossom as life and the years make us milder, more content.  While others of us become restless and want to step out.

What would your comfort zone and would you have done things differently then and end up different somehow? 

I am torn between staying the same or being more carefree.  How does one's homelife be the same and yet be reacted far apart?  

I couldn't have imagined things getting any worse so I would madly try to be an over-achiever.  Perhaps some experts would say that was because I was a fighter and did whatever it would take to have a life that would erase anything.  My sister may say that she was acting it out.  

Deal with it now is what most would applaud.  Get it out of your system so you can grow up and get on with life.  In a measured, grounded, spiritual way.  

If you bottle it up you may never know when it will sprout. Maybe that is what they mean by mid-life crisis?  When it hits or skips over anyone, would be a multi-zillion market.  

Many marketers, services or products  are divided into two groups:

ONE:  Going through mid-life crisis.

TWO:  Not.

Are you meandering about the one who got away?  Examine whether you think things would have turned out differently, or would have it made a difference.

Create a balance between the two:  Don't pine for what may have been.  Instead, create the life now that would be a different you .... or the same you with a little change.

Now this is how I really feel: