Sunday, October 20, 2019

Posted on Wordpress

I kept a file on my computer to store some of the creations I came up with using photos that I grabbed by doing a Google Search – if they were copyrighted, I didn’t (usually the photographer has an ugly copyright shadow.

Sometimes you lose sight of who you are. It happens to the best of us to the most of us in one shape, size or another.

Lately, I’ve been using this blog to communicate my frustrations subliminally or outrageous, depending on perception and point of view.

Without the audience knowing, I was sending a message, digging for a reaction.

Hmmmm, I wonder which daughter of mine reads my blog religiously, faithfully. It is probably the same one, whom I had asked a question on, which is forever an unfortunate legacy: “How do you get your Millennial 20 y/o stepdaughter to move out?” –. same gal viewed and read the question and the responses, not likely knowing that I had some knowledge on who’d viewed it. I don’t even remember much else. Except horror.

Imagine, being the living proof of the Evil Stepmother in person!

Wait, I’m going to Quora right now (11.19.19) to see if I can find it….

MEANWHILE …. anyways ……….

I snipped this when I had updated my TWITTER profile feed @optioneerjm
It may have been 2018 >> I tend to write more, the more angst I may be coping with. And paint. It started with the coloring books rage I predicted back a year before it was in Canada’s largest retail bookstore > formerly my beloved Chapters got gobbled up by > I took and posted a picture to see it with the prediction about 10 months later _ on my blogspot/ blog

This is my most favorite cat image of all time! I go all ape sometimes I guess?

In a positive way – being a spark plug conjures something that incites action. A car can’t move forward or able to turn on without a spark plug (unless I’m mistaken and you’d like to correct me in comments — BIG THANKS).

Jeannette Marshall

@optioneerjm Brand Owner + Social Enthusiast
Social Media early adopter follower & Tribe Member
{ with WordPress } 

I’m the sort of person that creates a reaction …..

Unfortunately, not always positive.

This is soooooo me~in fact, I should be Marilyn Monroe again for Halloween this year!

“Either you love me or you despise me, good grief, if you hate me!”

Indifference doesn’t work with me.

That’s probably what made me a spark plug.

Working hard to get people to like me.

Sometimes it worked tremendously, as in I have had lifelong friends, one whom started College with me at SAIT in 1979. That was 40 years ago. Yes, you can do the math. I went to her hometown to share Thanksgiving with her family while we were pursuing our dreams. Maybe, a little differently. Doing the dance. Switching paths: from girlhood to education mode to career highs .. and lows bouncing to motherhood, then almost sainthood with successfully balancing a successful career, while being a wife and a mother and a friend. She exemplifies empathy and she shows it with grace. 40 years ago, I rebuffed her. It was not intentionally. I moved from sitting beside her to the front of the class, closest to the door -> which, to this day, that is usually where I’m stationed during training or conventioning or meetings !! What a spark plug?

I can see it now. How it looked. In her eyes.

To have been given the honor to retain a loyal friendship for the past 40 years.

During highs and lows, lots of boosts and hey ho! Forward …. march!

If you think of Napoleon or Hitler as the same type cast: below average in height, heads high as if to compensate, somewhat crazy, violent yes, but hell no to me ~ my first husband called me “Bobcat” when we first started dating. Maybe if he’d remember’d that instead of fooling around with someone from work.

Okay, explosive?

Perhaps a spark plug in the non verbal, blog kind.

In any and all cases I was an instigator, or what I would like to delicately put it, a SPARK PLUG.

I would say that I got along really well with all of my bosses.

Mostly men, and mostly executives.

Depending upon the personality of that executive, you could predict the reaction.

The chemical reaction being out the door.

I would take 10 unscrupulous cranksters gangsters to one female boss any time of the day, any of the years. Except Virginia. Then again, she was an executive. She was an advocate. It was the highpoint of my career thus far.

I don’t manage women well.

Well, I have been known to motivate a few and retain ever-lasting loyalty.

Women managers or supervisors are hopeless barracuda who eat their young. (REF: “Barracuda” by HEART > one of my favorite go-to songs in the late 1970s, when I was a teenager living in paradise.

Another earlier image and caption I created to post on Twitter as @optioneerjm after I created a second blog called “MEANDERINGSabout” – which I had thought at the time that I would have been able to embed a link to my blog in the image – that was 2010 – social media was still outer space and anyone on there, aliens; where, having a goal to being able to work from home, blog, so I wouldn’t have to have a “real job”. Creating was my passion, which ignited the spark plug.

Creating something lovely, with a quip or a quote with my Twitter handle became my standard.

Writing a blog, is sometimes an event.

You are exhuming thought and toxic behavior.

Analyzing yourself, then putting others to higher standards.

Yes, MOM. To answer her question she asked me over a week ago:

Where has your confidence gone?

What are you doing?

She’s laid off the: Why aren’t you going to Al Anon?

The same reason my one daughter isn’t communicating with me.

Maybe being a spark plug

becomes harder for other to bare.

You place your own high standards on others,

while not always being so.

A hypocrite of sorts?

That’s an heard of, if not rarely heard word: Hypocrite

Jeannette Marshall
@optioneerjm Brand Owner + Social Enthusiast
Social Media early adopter follower & Tribe Member
{ with WordPress } 

An example of how Quora is distinguishing itself.

They’ve been waltzing with its membership since I started back in 2010, I believe. Between jobs, looking on the computer for jobs, as the new way to go. Just before I started working for HP.

Most people that know me, or think they do, may recognize the emerging habit of people sharing articles and sprinkling with a narrative which seems to be the way people can be swayed.

Anecdotal opinions is how it all gets started.

That is, for most people I’ve networked with online.

We all know who each other are, there’s this huge amount of space involved online, where there are few that are simply brand names or known early adopters of social media.

Twitter had tried to do the dance with some.

I’m not sure if it was ineffective Project Management or uncooperativeness to protect knowledge it doesn’t interact well within their oiled technological machines.

Probably both.

Twitter fueled my audience early on.

I met and interacted with strong connections met from a global standpoint on LinkedIN which, thoughtfully or as COpetitors connected with respected folks back then.

All it began with were an ID, which I decided to do, instead of my name.

A spark plug of sorts.

Predictive of the importance of reading, watching and absorbing numbers.

Like rocket fuel.

Released into the stratosphere with some knowledge from those seeking wisdom.

Wisdom is Godliness.

Did anyone say that?

Feel free to comment below. If you know. Or whatever.

After skipping more than 40 days on Quora, at least, these were the NOTIFICATIONS sitting in my screen’s view. Ignite spark plug: do what you know what to do. People are more receptive, using Quora enables establishing credibility. ONLY YOU should answer the questions. Share your knowledge, for free. Giving back, paying forward or just standing in reflection, appreciate the wisdom you have earned, with lots of sweat and tears, sharing it for others to learn from.

To succeed online, you have to have the ability to appeal. To a variety of people.

Fickle, moody, insincere.

Nervous, lonely, bored.

Wanting to bury memories

that TV or VIDEOS or BOOKS

could ignore.

That’s your tribe.


Some may have fast whit – react with words or image or GIF on the fly.

That’s the energy you need online.

It has nothing to do with age or intellect or financial station.

Famous or unknown.

Struggling or successful.

Hidden or transforming.

Into opinions, dabbling with expression

cognitive of corporate responsibility:

include “opinions OWN/OWN opinions”.

Be fearful of saying anything bad about a boss or employer.

Never admit that you were left with uneasiness after a male supervised you sexually harrassed you, using you as a the brunt of a sexual innuendo referencing HH in distasteful manner. Setting the example to very impressionable staffmembers or sharing chuckles with colleagues, it should be expected to be protected.

A spark plug could be your worst nightmare:

Keeping within the theme of the impending Hallow’s Even in about 10 days.

Or, having to vote.

This is the first time in years that I am demotivated to vote.

The HH has our voter cards sitting on the kitchen table and got all excited that the polls open at 7:30 a.m. > another symptom of being primary caregiver for my brain injured spouse, he looks for reasons every day to get me out of bed early.

I’m in rebellion mode or what?

Or, am I just another pissed off senior woman (gosh, already at 58?)?

Or, what the M-generation = Millennial era offspring call “Grandma/pa”

Just vent when I’m ready to blow.

Instead, I blog it here.

Trying to take the wind out of my sails. Per se.

An open book

a kookoo

a kiniseology (SP: ? _ please comment if you know the spelling!) form

A den mother who’s cubs are all on their own, forming their own lives.

Bear cubs don’t visit their mothers in the wild, why would anyone expect anything differently?

That’s when someone scrolls to comment that I need help.

I am getting help. Writing is part of the therapy, as so is the art.

I’m not beaten up.

Just disappointed I didn’t get the dream job a couple of weeks ago.

Taking to heart, that something better would be around the corner.

The spark sputtering and flash slowing.

The plug is not ignited.

That never lasts long.

I don’t get mad, I embarrass.

I’ve been perfecting that for years.

So the spunk can return….

to ignite the spark plug.

You have the control to be known for owning your opinions. And then circulate where those opinions matter. Create philophical thought by asking an inciteful question that attracts an intellectual audience on QUORA is the way I recommend it. It has no gender, age, color, religion, education STAMP – unless what you put in your profile represents you. Who is your brand? I went all in with @optioneerjm 12 years ago. All because there were already a number of Jeannette Marshalls out there already. Just Jeannette was a porn site.
I tried setting up a website with GODADDY for but notoriously procrastinated. I am proactively motivated in my career while disastrously delayed in my personal life.
I’d make a perfect Executive Assistant: I am polished and professional. You would guide me as to how I would express opinions. I understand tact and embrace grammar.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Posted on Wordpress

I can tell when I haven’t been online for a while. A symptom of withdrawal, certainly.

I can be reflective and trying to gain wisdom by surpassing knowledge.

Besides what my CV says, I’ve been dabbling with social media for 12+ years, learning constantly, applying hunches, and circulating around early adopters of social media, evolving my reputation: of trust with leaders from affiliations online.

A respect and trust that is earned. An advisor, navigator of social media nuances and shared by writing a blog on WordPress for other Yuppy women facing their career demise.

I try to give more than I get by sharing on Twitter and Facebook as @optioneerjm

An idea jumped out at me. The knowledge I’ve gained may help others.

Making the formidable permit-able. Taking steps to manage one’s online reputation shouldn’t be forbidden to protect a view to disprove narcissistic behaviour by categorically stereotyping something that you don’t know. Be certain. A pro.

The least you can have is an opinion.

What are you an advocate of?

What is your secret mission?

To help others. Feed the poor. Bring education forward. Claim something. Solve a puzzle or ……

If you want to be known for your wisdom, gain knowledge first.

If you want to be known to be trustworthy, you to personally take responsibility for your online reputation.

Borders blur and evaporate. There are none on social media.

The web you cast are your likes, thumbs up, loves, comments, clicks, follow thru clicks then funneled down into demographic silos of age, education, economics, knowledge or reputation.


Acknowledge, thank, comment when others tag you, especially (and dare say only when) someone quotes you, tags you, heck, your company even. Thank you is easy.

Saying thank you is easy.

Being able to be trustworthy,

a miracle.

Jeannette Marshall @optineerjm

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Posted on Wordpress

Watching on the news how critical our environment is today, does not make you environmentally friendly.

This is the one daughter, whom shall not be named, whom I write about: The one who banned me from attending her graduation this year, with honors, the Dean’s list, so I could beam pride, with tears streaming down my face. In other words, not embarrass her. Be on my best Mom behavior, like I did for her High School Grad, far away that she couldn’t see the tears and tightness of throat, thinking: watch out world, hhhheeeerrrrrreeee she comes! Not far behind her borrowing my pearls, a turtle neck and blazer, practicing her nomination speech for Class President in front of a mirror (as she’d watch me practicing for a Toastmasters speech), successfully accomplishing great things: representing the Junior High with a boy to attend a Leadership Conference for those of her age. She avoids me now and doesn’t come in the house very often. Funny how those same tears and tightness of throat happen whenever I hear or think about her. Which is more often than naught.

I green my home every day — confirmed when my now 26 y/o university grad millennial daughter this year after a summer internship with The Smithsonian in Washington, DC.  < brag every chance I get! > began her new journey as a grad looking for meaningful career posts that honor her commitment to not only finish, but excel.

When she was in Grade 1, without warning, my little activist came home with an assignment we had to do together.  She was to report back what was in our trash that could be recycled instead.  Phew, thankfully, I passed.  She was able to note that there was a bin for cardboard (we’re in 2000 back then), there were cans for recycling and getting money back which could go into the PIGGY BANK — there was a huge pile of daily newspapers, flyers.  She passed.  By her passing, I got higher marks than she did.  I did recycling from when it began, with cans.  Then you hear there is a bin by the grocery store to recycle newspaper, you had to collect it, carry it to the car, drive to the recycling bin, shove it in the overstuffed one I might add because it was collected so infrequently, returned to my car and drove home.  We had a Garburator so we didn’t worry about that, except it taught us what to put in a compost.  Machine…

Today we complain about city taxes: I sort my recyclables, one for the GREEN compost bin (which lawn mowing grass, weeds, twigs, branches along with kitchen waste including bones because they CAN decompose where Garburators break down when one gets stuck horizontally); the recyclables are easy because I have a beautiful GREAT BIG wicker basket that is more of a decorating touch as it serves to collect recyclable jars, cans, cardboard cut up or folded, plastic bottles with two bags hanging in my pantry for one to collect smaller items and the other for plastic bags.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Posted on Wordpress

“I feel what I wear” ~ Jeannette Marshall @optioneerjm Tweed is in this Fall/Winter 2019/20 must have #fashion staple for #Hipsters any age!! don’t go cheap! #CalgaryBlogger

Monday, September 30, 2019

Posted on Wordpress

Great site for empty nesting solopreneurship remotely (from home).

Sunday, September 29, 2019

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⁦@MarioFrangoulis⁩ >> just listening to your song with ⁦@SarahBrightman⁩ how beautiful and lovely

Posted on Wordpress

A text is 100 times more likely responded to.

Unless you’re my sister. She shuts out any communications, your best bet in person because she doesn’t respond to FaceTime for weeks, if ever. I texted her urgently Friday, and just moments ago responded saying she just saw it.

I thought it was unacceptable. Especially because she’s become my 84 y/o mother’s Caregiver.

I wrote Cathy in response to her text : Tweetie bird is flying in Tuesday for at least four months on assignment for her legal firm – one I know is THE BEST from legal being my sales territory at Xerox, back in the day.

My first attempt with click-bait.

I had my dream job flicker in front of me last Monday, the week before, three interviews and a few prescreens. I have another in person interview tomorrow or Tuesday. An indication of apathy.

Apathy is the opposite of empathy. Empathy attracts 1000s more clicks.

People want to feel.

They want to feel what is important.

My guess the algorithms pump out information: the types of jobs I should apply to based on my skills, then monitoring of clicks and from whom, where, when and the types of jobs they’re for.

Ziprecruiter is the most formidable.

Posted on Wordpress

In the world of digital disruption, this is a term you should familiarize yourself with:

CLICKBAIT is what it all means: influence, clickable, shareable STUFF!

“get ahead of the trends by watching the numbers flow; what emerges is a splendor of the algorithms speaking to you personally: telling you where to go, what you may like to read, based on what you say on any social media, wherever, by words or image. — Those fun drunk or stoned parties in front of the fireplace were hip for Millennials back in high school — Now, they’re a reminder that what you post can be your legacy. Foolish youth or not.

However disciplined you are in real life: your alter ego can pop out like Satan and tempt you to get wrapped up in or go places that would be considered sinful or bad by the majority of people.

Be even more DISCIPLINED online.

It is your future, which may be derailed by your past.

The past should be handwritten, forgiven, folded up and tucked away.

On social media: by post, by comment, by article, by image, by who likes it or who clicks on it :: REAL INFLUENCE is “clickbait”

CLICKBAIT is where whatever you post, people trust it, want to read it, want to look at it, or see something more AND THEN click on it.

YOUR immediate value is determined by the numbers.
Algorithms take the assembled data in all its forms and translates it into usable data that can predict outcomes.

Whoever can entirely encapsulate that entire life-cycle into information that can influence the target audience or demographic in order to get the desired outcome. A revenue bite.

Getting the best results with the least amount of effort
translates into even more profit.

Sprinkle in Artificial Intelligence, which I also call Automated Internet: those pesky bots that have just started to erupt under the cloud of controversy.

That AI could be making millions upon ga-zillions of dollars if influencers (those with click bait power) who support the numbers as to having the best tribe, communicated by what is clicked, who is clicking it, and what do they do? Get sidetracked to read a new article? Scroll through to see what comments say, who is saying it and then being sidetracked by when their Linked In profile appears.

You cannot be on my Linked In list if you try to sell me something.
That is called “SPAM”.

Clickbait pros know that you avoid anything that sounds or looks promotional or self-promotional.

Symptoms of clickbait potential is empathy.

If you just scroll and pass on by, you are missing opportunity.
If you are afraid of clicking on something or going somewhere, you won’t be able to satisfy your curiousity.

The curious become the most powerful.

They are never associated with “Fake News” because they are immaculate with fact-checking while simultaneously accountable for any mistakes, while holding others up to the same standards.

If someone crosses the line to porn or erotica, they will be shimmied off my friends list.

UN-CLUBBED is the disaster of our day!
Where one’s reputation falls so rapidly there is no time for damage control.

DE-spite is the action of the day!
Those who spew radical or rants from their point of view.
Spiteful in causing hurt to anyone or anything who disagrees.
Who communicate that only their opinion is what counts.
Intimidation by communicating power from either fabricating an idea before it has taken place, predicting outcomes that they can influence.
The are the spoils of CLICK-BAIT.
People click on controversy, crime, communications in all its forms – from social media to books, to videos, to music.
The algorithms are churning.
The sites amassing the volumes of data expounded from algorithms.
Imagine the struggle to prioritize the most likely for success.
Success meaning the fulfilling of dreams.

Send me a Tweet or tag moi in an Instagram post so I can share it and sprinkle some fun in the socialverse. Use anyone of the images shared when you do. A testament to my aesthetic task and eye. A way to try merging with creative appeal and great reaction, clickbait on your own, or just trying it. Check the numbers and do a screen-captured snippet. This will track your numbers before you start out. Then review them weekly, monthly and you’ll start clicking on the world of information at your disposal.

Imagine these words embedded onto a startling image?

How much further they would go.

An example of transforming into CLICKBAIT.

Have no idea where I got this from – before I started saving images, art or photography named as the artist in my files so I can always remember to give credit, reach out to gain permission, Ive never had anyone decline likely because I took the time to ask for permission. It usually resulted in following each other on social media because of the positive, professional exchange. Turning into advocates and cheerleaders for each other. Loyally who share their information as a nod to the association. The case in point, however, is that the image will attract attention. I like to use the image that underscores and highlights the quote to be embedded, creating a mood.

Sharing or clicking really are the same.

The number hops into the data bin.

The algorithms, churn out usable information from the data sorted into silos.

In order to make money. Some of the platforms try to sell the data.

Remember FACEBOOK shame for profiting off of their users data?

It broke a lot of trust.

I joined others in disconnecting from Facebook personal profiles and remain with my transparent social media one.

HONESTY is your most valuable asset online.

Tricked you into thinking that I’d use the first quote in the image?

You see the point?

The subliminal message I want to convey: that behind every honest person are many piranhas.

What others may think: if they don’t watch out, there are piranhas swimming around online: honesty being the only protection they have.

Then again, you can change the perception simply by changing the background.

What Algorithms do is decide who the first one would appeal to, encourage to click and share? Then, they seek out who those folks are.

Alternatively, if they notice one of their members getting an extraordinary number of clicks, decide maybe the second one would appeal to them, so you create, tag and post (click+enter).

Or, maybe a member has a great number of talented crew.

They may perform acrobatics showing them which story, image to show.

A guiding light of sorts.

CLICK BAIT: know it.

Share if you agree and tag me @optioneerjm

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Posted on Wordpress

“SUCCESS AT WORK FOR MOST PEOPLE MEANS A JOB THAT IS ECONOMICALLY and psychologically satisfying, that makes a contribution to society, and that supports a healthy personal or family life.”

~ John P.Kotter

Author of “The New Rules”

Published by First Free Press Paperbacks Edition 1997

Share quotes from whatever or wherever strikes your fancy.

You can do the most obvious: go to and look one up by author or topic.

It’s an easy way to get your vibe out there.

Always always use with an image. It will attract twice the clicks when in colour.

People retain 80% more when an image is in colour.

That was the first number I learnt from my mentor and coach, Gail, publisher from Vancouver.

There’s a strong case to always print your books, no matter what. They can be recycled, passed on, or discovered at a thrift store or garage sale.

I wouldn’t have found the book (originally owned stamp by a C.E.T. from Gold River, British Columbia – I don’t even know where that is.

Maybe I’ll email the address on the stamp in the 1/1000 chance he’d still be there. Highly unlikely.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Posted on Wordpress

Internal pain can be demonstrated with opposite outwardly portrayal.

Trust is a critical element in any relationship.
When you can’t think of anywhere else you’d rather be,
in the moment.
….. except on a beach in Mexico, soaking in the sun.
Feeling the Vitamin D blend in from your pores.
With your significant other, laying, snoring or smiling
from your side.
That’s a magical accomplishment.
To the instant gratification world we’ve plunged into.
A toxic symptom being we only communicate by text.
No voice calls, the odd FaceTime call (free service that comes with your Apple iPhone).
How can we feel any emotion when the only sense is from hearing,
you can’t see tears, but you can hear the infliction.

I reconnected with a former colleague.
She brightened my few days.
Put a genuine smile on my face.
With courage, she shared her experience with and working with her mother, who has severe mental health attention because of schizophrenia. I shed light on my own experience with my younger brother, who passed away from the opiode infested streets of Surrey, British Columbia this past March 2019.
I sometimes float back to the blogs I’ve written in the past, round it up and place it here.
It’s an exercise of sorts. I was surprised by how accurate were my predictions.
I copied and pasted it here. WordPress is doing an incredible job of helping me define, expand and create a better and better website, not merely a blog.
Creativity by imagining innovation or performing or painting or drawing or word
can be rewarding.
Thanks @Wordpress – I really like the suggestions you’ve made and we’ve adopted together.
The following blog is still on Blogspot from Google.
The images were dropped during cut/paste from Google to WordPress.
That’s when you see zealous competition : where one brand codes in a way that prevents certain features of the competitor. As a means to demonstrate superiority.
Choke em where they stand out
as in my case the images I curate or create
dropped, dumped and left behind.
Who is the culprit? Google or WordPress?
I am curious enough to figure it out across my reading.

The Publisher

About writing, blogging, editing, publishingSUBSCRIBE

A queen of advice …

December 19, 2017

Sir BUDDY:  My sidekick and assistant 

In a meandering mood, without any particular destination in mind, online, of course.  Definitely, with some great mood selections from my really cool playlists [ I say myself attesting to the many hours I categorized my iTunes music library in a mood setting and that means both from where I physically am to where I am continually striving for better moods.
When one is struggling with depression, it means that they are likely grasping for safety nets of positive inspiration or motivation.  Giving back.  Giving what one knows or has sharing honest advice based on one’s own unique perspective in whatever that may represent:  as a person (wife, mother, friend, daughter, sister, aunt, outlaw or in-law I may be. 

Buddy avoided a younger dog-sibling by the masterful decree by HH that I could NOT adopt a dog

I’ve discovered a new identity emerging from the wisp and whoosh of inspiration that glimmers across one’s screen.  Maybe I’ve been hovering in a lot of different areas, appearing scattered, however, there is still consistency from my original vision/mission statement:  “To help others go from average to REMARKABLE”.  I see that slogan here and there.  Maybe I can do that creatively, who knows.
But wandering around, I saw posts and what felt like a flurry of activity from FACEBOOK ~ wow, who’s radar did I get on now?  Or is the merge between KRED and EMPIRE really trying to outdo the other battle of supremacy on leading edge Artificial Intelligence by throwing more and more things across your computer screen, daring you to click on what they’ve carefully selected you to view.

I hope it doesn’t mean that we’re closer to a Brave New World (was that the one I read in Grade 12 English about mind control, big brother?) ~ will have to fact check.  My growing list of fact checking is getting annoying.  I’d rather write than check facts, something that I would spend hours doing when I first began blogging as optioneerJM seven years ago.

I’m amazed at the craftiness of Facebook tempting me with MEMORIES and growing that part of AI which is another way of saying Automated Internet …. what you do, where you click, how often you click is being captured for your entertainment or knowledge value, which ever your behavior predicts that you have a tendency to go to or click on.
Regardless, I firmly plan my crown upon my head as the official new dear abby of online.  Why?  It’s fun and it seems to help people and more questions keep coming for me to answer with more people viewing my answers daily.  Although sales was my first forage on to the social media spectrum, social media certainly follow in a natural graduation.  Now I am being invited to try products and be beta first responders/testers.  It’s all very cool.  However, nothing I do online makes any money.  The pathetic truth that it is.

My gauntlet is tossed.  I challenge 2018 to bring me compensation so that I can continue to create:  both painted images or written thought.  Well enough to quit a full time job since it requires around the clock, if not attention, connected.  If I get a little more honest by evaluating my own numbers (I gush at the thought to play around with them) ………… if Dear Abby it is, then voila a Queen of Advice can be born.

I will be re-posting on my other blogs.  The goal is to create images that portray the mood or character of my blog, then create a page that it all blends and compliments each other.  That is a big TO DO/GET’R’DONE for 2018 I don’t know what does?  Suggestions welcome.
Nevertheless or irregardless as his highness would say (as crowned from the Hunkster Hubster to His Highness or HH starting in the countdown to 2018.)  The following advice has gotten traction on Quora.

Is what you know.  You know what you know.  You answer with your best face forward with integrity and honesty to strengthen your resolve:  questions posed by anyone and everyone, then voted by anyone, and the tricksters or smartsters at Quora are putting more answers forward to you answer.  So much so, you can start to distinguish the ones from genuine users with profiles and others suggested by Quora.  Quora is telling me what answers and how I answer some questions is well received, therefore, they are now padding my ANSWERS banner with a sprinkling or mixture of both.
Here is an example on the traction and reaction from 23 hours ago:
I am a very lazy guy, but I want to win at least one Nobel Prize. What should I do?

Karissa Franklin Kinsella
Kashfia Nizum

Karissa Franklin Kinsella and Kashfia Nizum upvoted this

Jeannette Marshall

Jeannette Marshall, a mother, a wife, an employee, a manager, an executive, an entrepreneurAnswered 23h ago
Originally Answered: I want a Nobel Prize. What should I do? · Remove Banner
Well I want to be a Queen, princess at the very least. With it the responsibility of always being fashionably dressed, impeccable coif, an assistant, a butler, a maid, a financier, at the very least. People curtsy or bowing upon meeting. I would wear gloves to avoid germs, dirt, disease.I am financially reliable since I can provide my own tiara, having a selection of a few.I am humble, I try to help others without any monetary reward. Although, treasuring honesty, admit that I salvitate at the thought of compensation from people reading my gripes, quips, tips, trips posts.I am truly sorry!I got sidetracked, totally disregarding the question. I apologize. Oopsie.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Posted on Wordpress

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I love photography

Imagine my surprise when I came across this photo — in the wee hours battling insomnia — I decided to clean up my stored photos on my smartphone device.

If you notice, with every new device version launched, there is a blurb about the increased potency of the camera capabilities.

They are trying to make you think you need the newer phone in order to take better photos.

I took this image with an iP6s — old by today’s standards.

Millennials ARE obsessed with smartphones.

They were born during the rapid evolution of computers when every home had at least one computer, thanks to Microsoft and Apple being fierce competitors.

Today’s devices are portable, fit into a hand (would have sounded bogus in the 80s) carrying everything from their text messages, contact lists, photo album to music library to video channels.

If a Millennial were to lose their device, you’d think they’d panic like a Yuppy might.

No, all their stuff is backed up in the cloud, that puff of data floating out there, retrievable instantaneously.

Millennials are comfortably OBSESSED with the best of everything. Leaping light years ahead of their YUPPY parents, teachers, coaches.

Millennials are OBSESSED with YouTube more than they care about traditional media’s news, movie channels or MTV.

When Yuppies were of the same age they are now, it was the 1980s and one of the BIGGEST obsession in that decade was MTV.

What YouTube does for digital music today, MTV did for bringing music forward by a TV remote in the 1980s — those 20-somethings either at College or starting their career in 2019 as we were in the 1980s.

The Yuppy of the 1980s were OBSESSED with status symbols — from the tip of the toes (brand quality of shoes) to the minuet strand of hair (mullet or high bangs symbolic of fashion era). To the car drove or home lived in.

Like the photo symbolizes:

*The newest does not always mean the best.

*What may be considered old can still produce beauty.

*Sustainability does not necessarily mean NEW stuff.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Posted on Wordpress

Curating something for empty nesters, retirees or seniors that is completely complimentary … helps others get out and socially exchange with others.

Wouldn’t this be fantastical!!

I’d even offer companion services for an elderly widow, concierge on activities and excursions + assistant: handle your mail, respond as dictated with your final proof. Escort you to social occasions with an emphasis on cultural theatre or Jubilee Theatre or Stage West or Jubilations (expense paid-transportation and taxes extra).

I’ve taken my older sister to Mexico on three occasions, serving as her butler for dinners ~ exactly where she likes to sit.

Social convener for meeting other guests and resorts staff expelling exceptional service second to none.

She went with her hubby this past year, admitting that going with me was “more fun”.

Although I can’t promise you’ll have a blast, that’s up to you!

I am police checked and even had “reliable” + “secret” clearances.

Additional confidential information and references can be provided.

I’m trying to find work. Helping others would be rewarding.

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