Sunday, July 31, 2016

A simple thing

I came across these words on a Facebook share :: .... WOW!  L-u-c-k-y MOI!  I have to confess, I took a huge liberty here.  You see, I did ask the poster whether they were his words and, if so, did I have his permission to use them?  But as usual with a percolating mind, I know if I don't exude the idea or at, the very least, write it all down.  

That's the beauty of having a blog, really.  You write about what you want to, about things that matter to you, you may even invent a thing or two.  The secret may be, to dig deep, deep down.  Just like the heroic miners in the absolute 5*START #bestofeverything for must see #movie ::.... brilliant landscape, scenery and set portraying a mine cavern.  Disjointed jointed point there BTW meaning you have to dig down very deep to find strength to go on and try to sort out your true purpose in life.  Like the miners had to survive.  Where you have to dig down deep to not just merely survive, but move to where your star should be.  In the universe or twinkling above home.

Love this!! GREAT music, inspiring quotes or words (this is my Friday night, BTW) ::....... when creativity explodes as you escape the daily grind of "the job".  Oh, excusssse moi ~ career climb for others.

No finer purpose
than none.   My purpose has had free reign these days.  I can't decide if I'm going to be a grumpy old fartess or a steady fashionista fighting her 50s (with another 5 years to go ..... in that age bracket, I hope, is all).  With encouragement, or self-belief, just continue to blog and reach the pinnacle of my dream ::... which would be (drum roll) ....:: a professional blogger.  (Stop with those giggles and snorts).

A simple thing
can help us grow.
A something that we should appreciate.
Allow us to glow.
Fall to the wayside
away they go.

Where have you gone?
All those friends
we knew long ago
or was it yesterday?
My, how the years flow.

I'm getting tired 
of "what might have been."
Yesteryears with spent tears
I need a new idea to burst forth
with brute force
to set the ceiling as the sky

need a new place to go
really just tired of no go.
No go anywhere
fast or slow.
Except to work I hate
in a group with distaste.
At a place that doesn't care,
no, doesn't care whatsoever
about their local employees.
Ready to offshore
more and more of our jobs
Just to keep a profit
bigger bonus for execs.
Then, there's Mauritius to see across the sea.

So why don't we go?

When you hit an age or a moment
when you wonder if you'll let go
Say to heck with it all and go seek life
Wouldn't that be surprising?
Would it cause an uprising?
Only they'll know .... i guess.

This could be the end
of my sanity or that
brilliant glow.
That seemed to follow you
for so many years
then you feel they've stopped
before you realize it was you
who has slowed down

of everything ....
i regret ... i can barely think of a few.  
Not bad when you reckon how the years grew.
Landing me smack dab in the top of the hill
or on a steady downward climb.

so why don't we go
somewhere you're craving or
go to see someone we both know.
That we know
only we know
about them.

somewhere we know
to be discovered if
we simple go
and do 
what we want to

only we know 
when that'll be
today after something or
tomorrow after that
we'll float away to
fade away
from those that barely
we know.

....:: entertaining while visually stimulating while you are lulled by the words and musical backdrop to Keane's hauntingly beautiful voice ::....

Where have you gone?
I'm getting tired 
need a new place to go
So why don't we go?
This could be the end
of everything ....
what we know
so why don't we go
somewhere we know
where only we know 

I took a number of liberties with Keane and hope he doesn't mind.  Just writing this makes me realize that Keane could just be the name of the band, and not any one person.  

How embarrassing if that is the case.  Yet the intent was to just let go.  Write whatever I want to write.  The real purpose was to recommend two movies, actually:  Concussion and 33.  Regardless of your age ::... inBETWEENER ...:: or Millennial ::... will recognize Keane as a simple thing ... really good stuff and #bestofeverything in music right now (see date on blog).

Thanks for the shares on facebook, #RT on Twitter, PLUS thumbs up on Google Plus+ et al.  Thanks +Philippe TREBAUL @socialfave for your great support.  It has greatly impacted the increase of followers, and I know your tool really made a difference.  Everyone::... go check em out!!

Monday, July 25, 2016

Wisdom cultivated by age

As I sit back and take stock of what advice I 

consistently tell my kids, believe to be true, and 

are mantras to living the best life possible, I 

thought I would share them.  I have discovered

them to be true.

1) You are the company you keep

I'm fortunate to

have a wonderful

group of talented

people surrounding me. 

They push me harder to strive to be better.

I continue to work at being the best they believe 

in me to be.

2) Make others proud of you

I often think 

that my father

is looking down

from heaven and

cheering me on.

My father could offer advice, he could hold 

me accountable, but he never failed to show 

his unwavering support of me.  He would not

tell me what I wanted to hear when life was a

struggle, he would listen.  Then he would say: 

"what's the pay off?"

3) Life IS about choices

The choices we make are not always the best, 

and we can end up scarred or with a few bruises

but we have to believe that our reasoning for 

doing what we did, was because we thought it 

the best option at the time.

4) What did we learn?

By sticking to our path, doing what we think is 

right for us at the time we do it, we make mis- 

takes.  But from those mistakes do we reflect 

upon the life lesson? Do we avoid it the next 

around?  Does our vibe send a warning signal?

5) Failure happens 

How we react to failure becomes our legacy.  

Did we extrapolate from it the lessons that we

needed to learn?  Would we do it again exactly 

the same or would we do it differently.

6) Listen to others

Did we have the chance to get advice from 

others wiser and choose to ignore it? Why even 

bother to ask for an opinion if we're just going to

do what we want anyhow?

7) Bees and honey

You attract more bees with honey than vinegar: 

should resonate among my children's minds 

often.  I have said it so many times, they can 

finish it before I finish with "bees".  People will 

react more favorably when you frame it with 

niceness, politeness and manners.

8) Show gratitude

Never fail to find an opportunity to thank some-

one.  If you show appreciation, you will be 

rewarded as often as you express gratitude.

9) You are the company you keep

Be wary of those that want to tarnish your talents

or destroy your confidence or put you in harms 

way.  Misery may love company but you don't.

9) Please your soul

Play some music, paint or draw or write or cook 

a fabulous creation.  For it is something you 

enjoy. You aren't doing it to please others.  Do 

whatever sings to your heart and heals your 

inner self.

10) Trust your instincts

They could be telling you something that you did

not necessarily see but felt was wrong.  

11) Optimistic and positive

It isn't always possible to stay upbeat, positive

and optimistic.  Life has a way of pushing you 

when you step outside the boundaries.  It is

just that sometimes you need a reality check. 

Get over it.  Take a hot bath.  Reflect more on

what you should be thankful for.

12)  Recovery

How you recover from failure or disappoint-

ment or from being off track will determine how 

far you can  reach.  Did you fall to the bottom, or

did you catch yourself before you did a complete 

tumble?  Were their others there to help catch 

you?  Did you stop yourself or ask for help when

you needed to avoid self-destruction?

13) Goals and dreams

Goals are dreams with deadlines.  Do you have

a vision on where you would like to end up that

is not fueled by greed, envy or power?  Your

success will likely be determined by the value

it represents.

14) Believe in yourself

Often it is only oneself who can decide if we are

on the right path.

15) Discover your purpose

Allow that purpose to drive your passion, path,

and continual learning.  It is then you will likely 

discover what it is that you love to do.

I hope my kids read this and remember the 

times we had discussions around any of the

wisdom shared and reflect upon the situation

that caused it.  They know they have my 

permission to hold me accountable.  The worst

part of it is that I didn't always listen to myself.

The best part is when they toss my words back

at me.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

it's a cool THING :: ... #bestofeverything

I've fallen in love
and I can't look up!

I've had this vision percolating for quite a while ::... to me, quite a while could be only a couple of months max.  Beyond that, it is stagnant, forgotten, filed away.

I have been saving stuff and bookmarking links here and there.  Even creating various personas or topic commentaries I represent.  It is tres coolio really.  I chose what I will write and pick things that register with me in a resonating and everlasting way.

It could be
karma playing with
 hashtag tag

Past my 6th year of graduation from #socialmediaVERSITY has been quite a ride.  I recognize that my entire history of viewership can be clobbered in a day but the very big social media superstars or rock stars or divas reverberating across multi platforms, device brand or type (smartphone or desktop computer), beating to their own drum while making a path and a way to our future.

should be born, created, gather, only the peers #bestofeverything who get to vote in the inductees.  The honored graduates of this elite communicators who have surpassed even the hardiest media outlet.

Where the
have a say
The first nominee, inductee and recipient is ...:: ::... an extremely innovator site that I have been percolating my own version for some time.  A truly, really, superbly shared and if not, should be. is
leading the way 
Well, go check em out ::... the Millennial version of Mashable who represented the voice of early social media adopters.  

Very astute,
savvy and classy has everything this fabulous fashionista fighting her 50s could possible want:

    Career | Cooking | Fashion | Lifestyle | Contemporary



Art & Design


Movies & Theater


Performance Art



Where every click
provides a nugget
I'm telling you ...:: or warning you that ::...
you WILL get lost in here for a long time.  The sophisticated, educated, liberated woman website and resource for the EVERY woman.  

Around each and every corner.  You go to the top far left page, APPS, then cross-referenced across the top ...:: you ARE lost ::... and it may take you a while to escape.  Maybe you don't want to? One thing is for sure, you will likely circle back if you don't subscribe right away.

Do yourself
a favor and go
Take a look and see for yourself what I am identifying as the next phase under the brilliant leadership of who are visionaries really.  In beat with the movement, the people movement, and simply the #bestofeverything
is now officially
a professor or
team of professors
of the social media
highest order



       ~M E M B E R~ 

Ice cream bow
standing ovation
I took liberty with the fact that we're about smack dab in the middle of summer.  Nothing looks or tastes better than ice cream.  I like to support my commentaries with images that delight me and I
hope a few others too.  Since blogging is a "work in progress" I promise to come back to reveal the sources where these scrumptious creations come from.   If you can't wait, you can always wander over to where you will gather a lot of great ideas.  Maybe even inspire you to do something you've been thinking about for a while and put it into action.

Or, you can start trending the #bestofeverything for #icecream whether it is an image, art, a shop in your village or city, crafted by a grandparent, parent or creative genius.  Share it on Twitter and include me and I will try to arrange to get you some ice cream for free?  Perhaps.