Sunday, September 30, 2018
(Backup) Strike when the iron’s hot! OR, be a freak of nature: unique and powerful
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
I'd settle on being the Queen of something
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Sir BUDDY: My sidekick and assistant |
In a meandering mood, without any particular destination in mind, online, of course. Definitely, with some great mood selections from my really cool playlists [ I say myself attesting to the many hours I categorized my iTunes music library in a mood setting and that means both from where I physically am to where I am continually striving for better moods.
When one is struggling with depression, it means that they are likely grasping for safety nets of positive inspiration or motivation. Giving back. Giving what one knows or has sharing honest advice based on one's own unique perspective in whatever that may represent: as a person (wife, mother, friend, daughter, sister, aunt, outlaw or in-law I may be.
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Buddy avoided a younger dog-sibling by the masterful decree by HH that I could NOT adopt a dog |
I've discovered a new identity emerging from the wisp and whoosh of inspiration that glimmers across one's screen. Maybe I've been hovering in a lot of different areas, appearing scattered, however, there is still consistency from my original vision/mission statement: "To help others go from average to REMARKABLE". I see that slogan here and there. Maybe I can do that creatively, who knows.
But wandering around, I saw posts and what felt like a flurry of activity from FACEBOOK ~ wow, who's radar did I get on now? Or is the merge between KRED and EMPIRE really trying to outdo the other battle of supremacy on leading edge Artificial Intelligence by throwing more and more things across your computer screen, daring you to click on what they've carefully selected you to view.
I hope it doesn't mean that we're closer to a Brave New World (was that the one I read in Grade 12 English about mind control, big brother?) ~ will have to fact check. My growing list of fact checking is getting annoying. I'd rather write than check facts, something that I would spend hours doing when I first began blogging as optioneerJM seven years ago.
I'm amazed at the craftiness of Facebook tempting me with MEMORIES and growing that part of AI which is another way of saying Automated Internet .... what you do, where you click, how often you click is being captured for your entertainment or knowledge value, which ever your behavior predicts that you have a tendency to go to or click on.
Regardless, I firmly plan my crown upon my head as the official new dear abby of online. Why? It's fun and it seems to help people and more questions keep coming for me to answer with more people viewing my answers daily. Although sales was my first forage on to the social media spectrum, social media certainly follow in a natural graduation. Now I am being invited to try products and be beta first responders/testers. It's all very cool. However, nothing I do online makes any money. The pathetic truth that it is.
My gauntlet is tossed. I challenge 2018 to bring me compensation so that I can continue to create: both painted images or written thought. Well enough to quit a full time job since it requires around the clock, if not attention, connected. If I get a little more honest by evaluating my own numbers (I gush at the thought to play around with them) ............ if Dear Abby it is, then voila a Queen of Advice can be born.
I will be re-posting on my other blogs. The goal is to create images that portray the mood or character of my blog, then create a page that it all blends and compliments each other. That is a big TO DO/GET'R'DONE for 2018 I don't know what does? Suggestions welcome.
Nevertheless or irregardless as his highness would say (as crowned from the Hunkster Hubster to His Highness or HH starting in the countdown to 2018.) The following advice has gotten traction on Quora.
Is what you know. You know what you know. You answer with your best face forward with integrity and honesty to strengthen your resolve: questions posed by anyone and everyone, then voted by anyone, and the tricksters or smartsters at Quora are putting more answers forward to you answer. So much so, you can start to distinguish the ones from genuine users with profiles and others suggested by Quora. Quora is telling me what answers and how I answer some questions is well received, therefore, they are now padding my ANSWERS banner with a sprinkling or mixture of both.
Here is an example on the traction and reaction from 23 hours ago:

Friday, January 6, 2017
breaking BAD: advertisers + advertising + advertising agencies :: traditional MEDIA: television, radio, newspapers, magazine :: outdated MEANS: printing, printed matter, encyclopedia, library
my take on matters at the present time Jan 9 2017 ... where advertising's only value has been minimized to gimmicks, craft and pleasing the eye ...
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Gerhard-Richter-Detail-Abstraktes-Bild-1986 |
from the days of "MadMenAdvertising" to the BRAND of a voice, a passion, an interest, an opinion, a vibe under the umbrella of TRUST .... read MORE >> here on the link below. Comment or share if you like.
Thank you!
Jeannette Marshall
2017: when the age of "advertising" is diminished with the adopted currency & recognition called "brand"
2017: when the age of "advertising" is diminished with the adopted currency & recognition called "brand"
i really become annoyed when Facebook can't keep my post stored as a draft if i haven't posted it yet. This is a BIG weakness by Facebook.
what the fuss is all about
i'm sticking my neck out with an opinion clouding predictions of any sort. Early on in my blog writing, developing skills as i applied them: as a disciple of #EdwardSnowden school of thought: be a self-taught expert, uphold moral beliefs for mankind including everybody (avoided being diminished by greed or ego). Edward's quest was for knowledge. He had an unquenchable thirst for learning anything he was interested in, curious about, wanted to learn more about.
if inspiration for 2017 is your game
relax in a comfortable atmosphere, devoid of distractions of any kind: give the spouse free reign on the credit card with the kids for a play land (are there any more of them anymore? aka Chuckecheese paradise for kids and a break for parents). << that's a blog better meant for ... as a light bulb goes off.
if you want to have a glimpse of the new thermometer and full enlightenment to what is going on in cyber wars, that the traditional media has only sniffed around ignorantly focus on Russian cyber attacks against the US for political posturing.
our world has expanded a billion fold
as succinctly pointed out by Edward Snowden. I love watching movies that seemingly portray the person behind the persona (also recommend SULLY as well, as the contrast between the 2 movies i watched back-to-back on ANDROID TV.
the BRAND phenomena
is what everything has come down to. It no longer is what used to be first top of mind when a word came to mind in association with a noun: KLEENEX(tissue paper); XEROX(photocopy|photocopier). We GOOGLE(use GOOGLE search to find what we are looking for, regardless of reason or final objective). Yet we don't APPLE anyone instead of call them on our smartphones.
the SOCIAL MEDIA empire
has been formed and is going to rapidly expand. Simply because the reversal of sources has already occurred. No longer are we reading the newspaper or magazine, listening to the radio, or watching television to gain access to what is happening in our world.
has anyone NOTICED?
that regardless of the media outlet you are surrounded by, they are doing somersaults and handstands all over the ticker message, page footnote, whatever:: they're asking you to FOLLOW them on Twitter almost firstly and all the time. Or, they are attempting to create an organic trending topic without having to FLAG as "advertising" because "viral" supercedes all else (google is not finding me a word close to this, unusual but perhaps not so because i haven't been online for the past month or so, committed to a job that is subpar but pays the bills if not cherished by the heart. Then Christmas was hectic, made even more so with only one day off on Christmas Eve in two weeks (i wondered who i pissed off to be relegated from having to work on Christmas Eve (but off by usually 8 o'clock) then back at er on Boxing Day.
i tried to reach out to my COMPANY
show them where they are falling short as a BRAND. I continue to frown and shake my head when the antics of West Jet continues to surge, with many copycats in tow (go GOOGLE Tim Horton's something about making dreams come true YouTube video that followed in WestJet's footsteps by creating a warm and fuzzy video on how they are giving such splendid gifts of televisions and other material things. Saving millions in advertising dollars even offsetting the costs of the gifts, the sharing on the universe via social media catches it afire.
traditional ADVERTISING
is married to traditional media. I talked about that in that earlier blog a bit. Maybe the realization hadn't fermented yet. As it has now. Traditional ads are dying a fizzling death. MEDIA brands begging for increased followship while barely hanging on their fingertips that, if they fail, will plunge you into the BIG and not-so-BAD universe of SOCIAL MEDIA.
by no means a BOTTOMing out
certainly a new measurement of scale, reach and return (or ROI). There were very early adopters of social media who were visionaries in the direction of where this brave new world of walls disappearing and blocks removed. Where everyone and anyone can enter boldly or with trepidation. What everyone will AGREE about is that the central force of news, events, communications has shifted to ONLINE.
when every NEWSCAST includes
something happening online. Exponential volumes of content and snippets ready to be clasped by the influencers online (why do grammar and spelling check not add "influencer" as a reference to a person, personality online.
where BRAND is king
and anyone can be in the game. There is no distinction between a person, an organization, a corporation or a government. The winner of BRAND becomes the king or the queen (where a woman can be crowned by her spirit and knowledge, evoking trust more quickly than men by observation and not any scientific substance or supporting facts).
where an elected PRESIDENT
can tweet policy and engage hostile exchanges with those he should count on. if you want to know what your new president is thinking: just follow him on Twitter, to get it faster than the Evening News or Morning Headline.
the manipulation of TRUST
will continue to be a common thing, more likely to be beyond a cancerous growth. Where the innocent, naive, trusting, home bound, infirm, lonely, lost human existence dwells with alarming rapid growth.
where FACT blurs with FICTION
when reality and FALSE are blended. We have been trained to read in order to learn. We instinctively want to read something of which information or knowledge we wish to gain. We grew up with news journalism benchmarked credible content by scrutiny on ethics, backed up with facts, the best being unreproachable resource for news, events.
streaming LIVE is going to implode
as traditional mediums like television start to join the ranks of the almost eliminated advertising channels, words, hearing. With technical digital engines developed to push that content out to the universe, developing sophistication evolving to glide into the sphere of the influence(r) BRAND who may bless them with a #RT, a read, and/or blessedly a share, their comments shrine built from within and without.
PERSONALITIES read or visualized
by anyone, anywhere, any age, any country, any language, any religion, any education can rise to become the relegated status of SOCIAL MEDIA SUPER STAR.
are the INFLUENCE, VOICE, MESSAGE of what the masses want to hear, read or see. Almost invisible, they can be beyond a murmur of voice to a clout of opinion, expression and resonance with the universe.
COMPANIES will be exposed
for viral manipulation currently embraced and not recognized as sophisticated marketing, with visionary digital markets at the helm. Art directors continually challenged to not only make the BRAND website pleasing to the eye, but also welcome to curiosity to click, tempting to learn more about, less distracting because blinking has been removed (avoiding the annoyance causes the visitor to depart).
psychoGRAPHICs | demoGRAPHICs
expertise will emerge as a viable consultancy sought after. Right behind it or better hand in hand would be to engage, if not employ, a lead psychologist counsel created.
the MIGHTIEST will survive
when they realize that theatrics and tricks will end up diminishing any credibility as people online become more SAVVY with where they place their TRUST. The BRANDs that will win, are those easily trusted.
Clear RESONATORS will win
not likely representing a group, organization or company, but a person who encompasses the very singular banner of trust. The visionary committed to the amazing ability that communicating online allows.
TRUST: the currency of NOW
where the compensation is like the old term of CONTRA. Where an opinion that matters is worth that of a product, service or recognition.
the MORAL of the STORY
people, owners, executives, marketers begin to acknowledge this increasing trend. Rethink your strategies. Align yourself with brand ambassadors that add value and class.
AVOID tricks and manipulations
to only be uncovered as such. Remember, people are smarter and smarter every day they're online. As traditional media continues to reference social media as the originator of the source, gimmicks and tricks uncovered will severely dampen any momentum once people whom others trust, expose them as so.
COMPANIES try to create #hastags
that matter, are exposed for trying to create trending topics which they can capitalize on, fueled by paid promotion, to trick others into thinking they are popular online.
Not nearly as SAVVY
because they have not yet recognized that they earlier influence BRAND of person is who they may want to consider replacing your marketing executives and dismantle that costly team and team who have limitless costs.
greed, corruption, violence, terrorism, untruths, cyber attack, hack, money. The knowledge a gift to others without purpose of gain.
Friday, December 9, 2016
Your vibe does attract your tribe in life and career
“Class is an aura of confidence that is being sure without being cocky. Class has nothing to do with money. Class never runs scared. It is self-discipline and self-knowledge. It’s the sure-footedness that comes with having proved you can meet life. ”
However it may seem strange that I rarely have comments on my blogs, I am often invited to answer questions on QUORA (link below).
Sometimes I think about my answer, while other times I just let my mind go free and respond instinctively to what comes immediately to mind as in this case when I was invited to answer this question.
Ironically, as well. I spend the least time on InstaGRAM than anywhere else and yet it is the topic I seem to have grabbed the attention of some who value my opinion. Thank you. Happy to help. Here goes:
Why do my Instagram followers keep dropping?
Hmmm, very curious question. My first immediate reaction was a question: “what could this person be posting if they are seeing their followers drop?” Without question, social media can sometimes seem fickle when it is really not. This question bodes a suggestion to examine what you are posting …. if you are only sharing your last meal, and you didn’t cook it or it’s half eaten, unappetizing-looking or just plain “gross”. Other considerations may be that others may find that you have constant posts that are self-serving or promotional :: aka “spam”. People tend to gravitate towards sincerity, ingenuity, originality, beauty and inspiration. That is only my opinion. However, I do believe strongly that your following is a reflection of what you are sending out.
Don’t despair. Being fickle can also mean you can reinvent yourself easily. I would advise you to decide what you want to be known for or identified with and setting out to do just that. Or, if you have a specific interest that is not career, family, friends or social oriented, this is a great way of gravitating towards that interest, sharing it, finding sources or resources on that topic and then share it … you can check for #hashtag popularity or observe what seemingly popular people are posting. If that seems to capture your interest, it could be good advice to follow them and observe them from a distance and see if you can pick up any great habits or even share that person’s content as a means to cast your own web to gather people who share the same vibe.
Caution: what may seem funny at 2 o’clock in the morning with your work buddies or friends may be more embarrassing at 2 o’clock the next afternoon. At your desk, avoiding eye contact with colleagues or worse if its a boss. Your online presence becomes your reputation. What doesn’t matter at 20, can be a nightmare at 40. So act your age if you must, but at least apply manners and a mom rule: if you can’t do it in front of your mother, or you risk being scolded by her, then it isn’t going to be appropriate for a wide, global audience. AND just because your mom likes the better parts of you, her opinion may be skewed …. be wary that others will like your stickmen as much as she does.
Be optimistic. There is a lot of great quotes, beautiful images, fantastic photography that are in style any time, any season. Be classy, be polite, be bold.
via Blogger
Your vibe does attract your tribe in life and career
“Class is an aura of confidence that is being sure without being cocky. Class has nothing to do with money. Class never runs scared. It is self-discipline and self-knowledge. It's the sure-footedness that comes with having proved you can meet life. ”
However it may seem strange that I rarely have comments on my blogs, I am often invited to answer questions on QUORA (link below).
Sometimes I think about my answer, while other times I just let my mind go free and respond instinctively to what comes immediately to mind as in this case when I was invited to answer this question.
Ironically, as well. I spend the least time on InstaGRAM than anywhere else and yet it is the topic I seem to have grabbed the attention of some who value my opinion. Thank you. Happy to help. Here goes:
Why do my Instagram followers keep dropping?
Hmmm, very curious question. My first immediate reaction was a question: “what could this person be posting if they are seeing their followers drop?” Without question, social media can sometimes seem fickle when it is really not. This question bodes a suggestion to examine what you are posting …. if you are only sharing your last meal, and you didn’t cook it or it’s half eaten, unappetizing-looking or just plain “gross”. Other considerations may be that others may find that you have constant posts that are self-serving or promotional :: aka “spam”. People tend to gravitate towards sincerity, ingenuity, originality, beauty and inspiration. That is only my opinion. However, I do believe strongly that your following is a reflection of what you are sending out.
Don’t despair. Being fickle can also mean you can reinvent yourself easily. I would advise you to decide what you want to be known for or identified with and setting out to do just that. Or, if you have a specific interest that is not career, family, friends or social oriented, this is a great way of gravitating towards that interest, sharing it, finding sources or resources on that topic and then share it … you can check for #hashtag popularity or observe what seemingly popular people are posting. If that seems to capture your interest, it could be good advice to follow them and observe them from a distance and see if you can pick up any great habits or even share that person’s content as a means to cast your own web to gather people who share the same vibe.
Caution: what may seem funny at 2 o’clock in the morning with your work buddies or friends may be more embarrassing at 2 o’clock the next afternoon. At your desk, avoiding eye contact with colleagues or worse if its a boss. Your online presence becomes your reputation. What doesn’t matter at 20, can be a nightmare at 40. So act your age if you must, but at least apply manners and a mom rule: if you can’t do it in front of your mother, or you risk being scolded by her, then it isn’t going to be appropriate for a wide, global audience. AND just because your mom likes the better parts of you, her opinion may be skewed …. be wary that others will like your stickmen as much as she does.
Be optimistic. There is a lot of great quotes, beautiful images, fantastic photography that are in style any time, any season. Be classy, be polite, be bold.
Monday, September 12, 2016
attract the universe
Identity Crisis
Is what you begget when you try to divide and siphon off ideas or mere thoughts. If you are creative in mind and in thinking, you have a hard time letting go of an idea once it is uncorked.
growing a personality
that is recognizable whether from a voice (on YouTube), a face (everywhere), a name synonymous with a pseudonym as I did create called optioneerJM. Admittedly back then, as now, I did not want to be presently known on social media that could be tracked to my personal name so I created optioneerJM. My mind was more caught up with the best way to sell, in a consistent, smooth manner is by understanding your client or prospects needs, defined intricately with what would take them over the top if you understood their wants. Really great ones can capitalize and categorize them so that they stand out.
Motorcycle mind
Can be an escape from taking any responsibility for where your creativity takes you. Once you toss it out to the universe and bother to examine if anything sticks, means that you may be avoiding critical feedback to learn from.
Scarcity of comments
belies the number of visitors that do heavenly click. A self-critiquing perfectionist can emerge. Not like the slow evolution of time or the long revolution around the sun.
is something that I was generously given as a natural skill, honed so well, like a finely carved statue or sculpture, considered a gift.
is what immediately would be what I would want to be identified with.
enough to try new things. Laughing at oneself far quicker than anyone else.
is a feared for sure. Which goes in the opposite direction of the instinct of being outgoing. Where, what may be lurking is an assault with being the subject of ridicule?
with the belief and strong conviction that you are beyond reach of falling self esteem caused by events, outside your control like natural aging and progression in life, to things you intake as happening to you.
speed is like the mental olympics of creative types. Because as they become more prolific in ideas, the more muddled it can become.
deciphered with lightening speed. Fast computing between right and wrong, strength to avoid all that is wrong and focus on what is or can be right.
Sunday, September 4, 2016
Changing colors of autumn leaves
Listening to Adele on iTunes singing "Hello" takes me back. The words singing in my ears with such passion. I wonder who she was talking about when she wrote her songs. She writes her own songs doesn't she?
I can tell it is getting close to that time when the leaves here start turning colors :: from green, to yellow with soon orange, brown hanging on until they finally give up a drop. I guess I'm one of those to drop. Like a leaf, if you're an optimist. You don't think about being the last leaf to drop. You focus on at that moment you are hanging on.
Some of us fight that sensation. Of completely letting go. Fearful, hesitant. So afraid of what will happen, so attuned to what is going on with those around it, completely ignoring its own decline and decay.
Alas, the wise leaves before us know that the worst that can happen is you don't have a soft landing from those leading the drop before us. You're not even thinking that far back to make yourself consumed with the hanging on.
What happens when you fall? Well, you first discover that the fall is not as far as before and those before us have actually softened our fall. So much that we are in a state of peace of and centered self.
Do we listen to the sway of the falls falling before us. Less likely because we're more engrossed in our own survival, shriveling selves that we forget the wisdom before us from others and other life experiences.
Paranoi is another word for it. I've developed this sense of paranoi that alarms me. At what time do you forget things that you know and tackle new fears every day compounding.
Here's a fun song for today. I double dare you to NOT get up and start dancing to this song, regardless if anyone is looking at you. Feel what YOU want to do ... NOT what others expect you to do.
Saturday, June 18, 2016
be a father you can count on
I wrote about fatherhood a year ago as a tribute to my father who passed away five years ago and how much I miss him. This year, I want to comment about the fatherly influences that don't get acknowledged on this day.
My hubby, Rob, is a fantastic father figure to my son, Kyle. Rob makes the effort to connect and relate to Kyle whether it be about sports or video games. Kyle also knows that if he were ever in trouble, he could count on Rob.
My older brother, Greg, was in charge of our home when we got home from school and before our parents arrived home from work. He would round all four of us kids up, delegate chores, and lead the way. He didn't ask any one of us to do more than he was prepared to do. He is someone I've always looked up to and he leads a life that is exemplary. He is a hard worker, family man who obviously loves his wife and daughter tremendously. He holds only himself accountable for his actions.
My son, Kyle, is an amazing brother to both his sisters and his stepsister. He and the soon-to-be-son-in-law are firm friends and have formed a nucleus of family that will be steadfast beyond the years that we've been given. It is nice to know that he will always champion his sisters, be there for them with acts of kindness and be known for his positive spirit.
My kids are really lucky. They have uncles that they can turn to and would and will always be there for them. Their Uncle Tom, who was the eldest of there own father's tribe, was kind, reflective and dolls out wisdom when asked, never forced. My brother, Greg, is an anchor for my daughter who ventured away from her home city, to seek her adulthood with the safety net of her uncle if needed. Handy with a screwdriver, he would put furniture together, move her out and then back in again. He is soft spoken and doesn't opinionate unless asked.
From that day when the high school adventure started, my son Kyle had firmly found a friend who has been there for him through what could have been turbulent years, to today, embracing him as one of the best friends to have and to be. His name is Kyle too. I like to think he sets the bar high for possibilities for Kyle to look up to showing that you can have it all - marriage, love, family, fatherhood.
Don't think it is odd that I have included mothers in this commentary. After all, there are so many single mothers out in the world, due to multiple circumstances, who have the role of both mother AND father. They are the anchor in the home and if you ever wonder about the success of this environment, just watch the 60 Minutes Sports on Marshawn Lynch. A wonderful example of a mother's influence upon her son and the success that can unfold humbly yet fruitfully.
If you do one thing this weekend, check out "Beast Mode" @Beast Mode to support the charitable efforts of Marshawn Lynch through his "Family First Foundation". You will end up with some really cool threads at the same time, or it will be the gift that keeps on giving.
"If you are in your everyday life, and you feel like you just accomplished something big that you had going on, then that's Beast Mode. It's an accomplishment, that you put yourself through something to get something better out of it. I feel that that's Beast Mode. "