Thank you “Wings of Hope” gift bag from Calgary Tom Baker Cancer Center > I don’t know how or why I was nominated… but it sure does give me hope after completing radiation & treatment for breast cancer November 18th > 2019 >> I’ll be able to say survivor *is there a minimum time before you say “survivor”?
The Political Waltz begins, eh? #Canadian #politics #AlbertaStrong #Ivoted4Kenney and believe I was astutely aware on what he brought to the table.
A sure way to avoid FAKE*NEWS is see for yourself.
If you leave it up to the media outlets, they’re skewing the views based on what the share, what commentators Or commentary say, show, opined… they’re narrowing your awareness because they can’t share everything… no matter what, their opinions are skewed.
Watch NETFLIX instead of a cable provider: the quality is only surpassed by quantity of superb viewing, programming gifted guided by the numbers machine, (that churns out audience size, their percentage ) eclipsed by brilliant service and customer intuitiveness flexed audience schematics.
About the headline.
I didn’t vote emotionally, I voted analytically: who can best steer the ship when things go wrong … BECAUSE the world is spinning at aN alarming rate — there’s a saying (I have no idea who started it) that falsehood travels around the world before the truth is known (or something like that.
Similarly, I consider: is that individual match your own ideals to how your nation is represented.
POINT> I don’t think Canada nor The United States would consider an exchange of Justin Trudeau for Donald Trump.
I’ve never heard of the threaten of imploding notorious moving up here to Canada as they threatened to in 2016 if Trump were elected.
We wouldn’t hear about these stories if we weren’t connected online > the most sure way to be incept-able to fake news is ignore the online hub, don’t have Twitter, Facebook or Instagram accounts. (These people are VERY proud of this claim to fame) …….
Don’t ASS-U-ME that the founder or CEO is a man. More women are starting home-based startups and leading corporations because awareness is better that this an under-recognized issue.
Major accounts sales tip for selling to executives, particularly CEO~
Sales to executives is a whole different kettle of fish: THINK numbers if you’re meeting/have audience with a CEO=Chief Executive Officer | Chairman of the Board + keep your meeting request including any PowerPoint presentations to 20 minutes with Q&A at the end = Practice practice practice doing your presentation in front of audience of colleagues who can constructively give feedback. Even if you don’t make it to Q&A you HAVE to ask PERMISSION to extend time allotment or reschedule to continue the conversation – that allows them the chance to absorb your initial presentation and come up with questions as it would apply to their company
Always send a thank you note: or two
1) Email recapping what you told them, any comments or feedback — take a colleague or manager on the call (no more than one other for total of 2) to write notes and itemize NEXT ACTIONS by BOTH parties in the meeting (who agreed to do what) – reiterate what your next appointment will cover – ask for their input and edits or additions; 2) anyone else that may be needed to attend the meeting (i.e. Marketing Executive/Ops) to allow the CEO to get their input and evaluation extra set of eyes and ears and opportunity identifier.
Think VISTA Print or your local digital printing provider < just Google that > you can print w envelopes 25 at a time – *^*CHEAP*^*
2) send a handwritten card thank you note – it can be generic but better if you have cards printed with logo and your contact details – like a postcard or put in an envelope with a stamp and your own handwriting with Personal&Confidential on seal side. Here, you make a social comment like – have a great vacation, day on the golf course, board meeting, union sit in – you get my point?
Before each meeting, you send an agenda beforehand, with time length beside it – to show that you are only going to take the 20 minutes allotted. Ask for confirmation of agenda and whether they have anything to add, or people to add. If they say they want to invite one of their executives, offer to send an email, coordinating event with the CEO copied in. That is called leveraged selling in my book (don’t know if there is such a term in sales?)
When you end the 2nd meeting with a more gelled action plan from both sides, again you follow up the meeting with notes, next steps, action owner, timeframe and again confirm the follow up timeline – 90 days on the third Friday in January, for example — giving both parties plenty of time to gather needs or cultivate services or proposal with estimate, costs and timelines. Or topics that were tabled for the sake of time.
When you fail to plan
You plan to fail
Will source who said this – or you can comment and let me know
I haven’t forgotten about you. As I said, I am a fan of promoting women into the sciences.
I have been pondering……….
I am considering pitching a large enterprise corporation to make a donation to your organization, which would entail compensation for my services simply because I cannot work for free, I would need to employ a caregiver for my brain-injured husband, while I would pursue anything to this extent.
Full transparency: I finish my radiation on Monday, November 18th. Then it is back to usual, if not completely normal.
When I was interviewed to go to**** company to sell clicks, I told one of the interviewers that I was ready to go back to work, but not in any way compromise the care of my children. The base salary had to cover a full time live out nanny. I was even audited by Revenue Canada, been on their watch pile ever since, because after taxes and nanny, there wasn’t anything left over. That was because it satisfied two things: care for my children that would enhance all of our lives and get back into sales into a field that intrigued me: digital printing. It wasn’t even a career mark in 1996. An unknown title. Compared to today, quite absurd.
If anything, I will put together a presentation that I will do in front of you, your wife, your daughter, and any other major shareholder or stakeholder in the company.
I would like to be able to address:
1) Making it financially viable for me to work on launching the organization, creating an event, promoting it on all social media, including 3700+ 1st level connections.
2) Propose to one of the major accounts a charitable opportunity and sponsorship – like the Scotiabank Saddle Dome was once the Pengrowth Saddle Dome. Said sponsorship would cover my salary, which would cover my husband’s care, along with the overhead to promote, hold an event with media, dignitaries, celebrities, news organizations, etc.
3) Revamp public facing sites: website, social media, etc.
4) Renovate the establishment in a much more creative and creativity-charged atmosphere.
5) Promote, schedule tours, open houses for educational field all at once. By invitation.
6) Events. Get someone like Chris Hadfield to come to speak to group of young talented science hopefuls recognition for academic achievement.
I have a couple of interviews for full time work and have been for a few, still on the table. Having said that, I would think a “Passion Project” like this for me to sink my teeth in would be fantastic. Something to celebrate along with finishing cancer treatment.
I will reach out next week to see about your schedule. I would welcome hosting it.
If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too:
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or, being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
Or being hated don’t give way to hating,
And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise;
If you can dream – and not make dreams your master;
If you can think – and not make thoughts your aim,
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same:.
If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build’em up with worn-out tools;
If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings,
And never breathe a word about your loss:
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: “Hold on!”
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings – nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much:
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
And – which is more – you’ll be a Man, my son!
My man crush boss #CalgaryBlogger Jeannette Marshall 2019 (c) art is mine > available for use > reach out 2 @postingfromedge on Twitter 4 permission or compensation
There was a lot of attention online about a really big CEO being fired for having an affair with a coworker. That is okay, in my opinion.
What is wrong is someone in power is having dalliance with a subordinate, without dotted line direct supervision, it is wrong.
An engagement between a CEO and anyone within the organization he controls, is inappropriate in every level, unless it is in public and professional.
Professionalism drops like an elevator like drop from Universal or Disney < fact check >
The updated version of today’s CEO … writing more on #CalgaryBlogger at on WordPress < doing Facebook from my iPad sucks! It doesn’t automatically link when you type with www . com > THAT @Microsoft is impressively intuitively improving its force quietly. I’m not surprised Bill Gates is becoming even more legendary successful dominance in technology. Constantly being of the social UNIVERSE: giving back and paying it forward. Leading by example that it is POSSIBLE to be the BEST version of himself AND help the world be a better place. 1000% control of his personal brand, for example what he’s reading…I’ve followed on Linked In for 12 years now…
Sometimes, they are the founder: the person who discovered, invented, created, narrated a product or service that provide a solution that solves a problem.
CEOs is a leader of an organization.
CEOS are often the head of an organization or corporation voted in by a Board of Directors to be the Chairman of the Board. That is who runs the Board Meetings where the Board is tasked with guiding the company, setting rules of the company, setting targets and defining success.
Toastmasters is reputable because of its singular goal: to help people speak publicly.
It is also a treasure trove and wealth of information on how to do several things: like Chair a meeting properly.
TIP: How to facilitate or chair a meeting by a CEO:
* Sets the agenda – allocates topics, schedules, time
* Communicates the agenda beforehand
* Invitations: who – will attend the meeting
* Schedules presentations – designates speakers
* Sets the style of conduct – Robert’s Rules of Order or round table
* Controls the meeting: keeping people on topic
> watches the time so it keeps within the Agenda
>tables topics that run past time slot – tables means agreement that it will become a main topic for the next meeting, creates a committee to review the topic and sets the completion deadline – defines the results – results by a narrative report, a power point presentation, or a committee who will investigate and report back by a specific time.
* arranges for a scribe or note-taker or minutes of a meeting (which is then transcribed and sent to the Chair for a) distribution and follow up; or b) reviewed at the next subsequent meeting – getting votes for adoption, approval or edits
* if a vote is given, someone states the matter being voted on in the form of a motion and then the chair secures a second to the motion, followed by clarifying the verbiage on the motion for the Scribe and for voting purposes. Confirms names and spelling for motion-er and second-er to be captured in the minutes, record of the meeting.
* If a motion and vote is made – decides on what way a motion is cast: by ballot, by nods, by hands, by yeah or nay, etc.
* Confirms whether the motion is approved and by what count: how many for and how many opposed and how many refrained (stickiness means you keep track by name of who is pro and who is against and who didn’t vote)
* An organization sets rules and procedures which are then incorporated as ByLaws or Corporate Governance procedures.
* When a vote is taken, and approved, then the Chair assigns who will ensure the new motions, rule or governance will be updated or added to said rules or corporate guidelines. Who communicates the change of rules to everyone. Decides who is informed of any changes and in what manner? (i.e. traditional mail, email or website)
Today’s CEOs are more accountable for the organization’s reputation.
What exactly does a CEO do? Today, he’d better be digital! READ MORE: where I’m writing a blog about it using the outline of the cartoon below, in progress. FYI @optioneerJM was suspended by @Twitter > please #RT so my 20000+ followers know and to follow me under @1960to65 … it’s fine everywhere else @optioneerjm on @Instagram @Facebook @Pinterest @reddit @LinkedIn @Quora
My latest cast of characters whom I named: Jerigo Smartie
He’s tough, he’s a bit brash, he can laugh at himself because he knows
what he sees in the mirror. Jerigo is unapologetically honest, to a fault: he
doesn’t always pick the best moments to state what’s on his mind, he is not
mean-spirited, so other less stronger folk, could be offended by his banter.
He enjoys telling stories, he usually has an audience. They may be rapt with
attention or gasping in surprise. Rarely indifferent are those who get to meet him.
Scoundrels and devilish are those who try to cross him. His punch is mightier than his belch
I started radiation today.
It comes down to mind over matter.
If I am totally honest, the whole thing terrifies me: breast cancer.
I rant and I write and I reflect on things. It evolves into a banter that comes across on this thing, my website, my blog: the exorcism of my soul.
Funneling of thoughts
An exercise in exhausting my brain.
So I can bear and move on to face fate’s grace.
The hill I climb is steep.
Losing my breath
As I have to suck in a deep one, and when it is almost 20 seconds, exhale.
When I’m feeling overwhelmed or emotionally,
I had trained myself to stop and take two or three deep breaths.
So I wouldn’t explode
or implode with emotions
Who would want to say facing cancer is anything but terrifying?
It puts us on an even playing field.
Cancer doesn’t care whether you’re black, white or polka dotted.
Adapted by a line from Dolemite on NETflix original – a light- hearted film, if you can see past all the “titties”. Charming Eddie Murphy to the very end – back on top, in the middle of the flick, and to the bottom of my heart – so glad to see him return! Murphy’s like a familiar buddy, whom you hadn’t seen since you don’t know when. So glad you bumped into him, because he’s someone you always could count on enjoying spending time with.
This fun frolic of slipping back to the 70s, when I was just a girl, from turning 10 on 1971 and graduating from high school in 1979. I lived in a rural area, a hick town by some standards. I wouldn’t say that. Nor a red neck attitude either – the influence of the close encounters with the air base, strategically placed. That polished off a lot of the rough edges.
Eddie Murphy and team (great to see Wesley Snipes again too!) give a superb flashback of the 1970s black culture hip – African American lifestyle and vibe. Filled with dreams and ambition that some might have said beyond his capabilities or capacity. Dolemyte is a play on a famous word that became rampant in the 1970s, was it because of that funny tall guy on that show? (See, I will have to go search and then I’ll be back in days, hours later)
A “Dynamite” of a movie is the most I can say.
Although crude, rude as a Motha-Fu**er, it reaches your funny bone. Back to the days when “titties” were added to humor in so many ways. People didn’t flip out over bare breasts back in the day. (Probably because, like me, their impressionable age of television was a one-size fits all category, before channels and longer ago than remote controls, you had to watch what was on at the moment, where at the later hours there could be a comedy sketch with “titties” flitting across the mini screen as the norm.)
My narrative is scattered and meandering these days, it seems.
Suffice to say that a format and place to find a home for my imagination is awesome.
No amount of gratitude could be written or said.
Thank you for reading.
And for not writing to tell me to try something else besides writing, it may not be my thing.
Maybe I have that same Dylomyte attitude!
Don’t let anyone else tell you that your talents are untrue.
If you have one audience member or one reader, then you honor them with gratitude.
By continue writing, or creating, or painting, or sketching, or imagining …. or disrupting your own world.
The secret sauce to my sales was always disruptive.
Yet it really wasn’t difficult.
Paying attention to the client or customer,
and figuring things out, with their help.
Can build long-term relationships, and advocates
more obscure.
Sticking with it when the operation around you was doing a tantrum
because they may have to think outside the box.
I usually knew it was doable, it wasn’t necessarily an instinctive thing.
Sometimes you just have to ask a lot of questions …….
and then pay attention to the answers.
Maybe I’ve become distracted, not necessarily paying attention to what I know
or what I hear. My thoughts could be already flooded with who knows what.
I posted elsewhere:
The best handwritten sign I’ve ever seen in my career was Xerox when Stephanie left a note:
I am not your MOTHER!
When I formed my dream team while managing a branch operations for @RILEYS – we all took turns. A week at a time. Even, I, as the Queen Bee (Branch Manager), took my turn. May always tried to pitch in, because she was the den mother.
I didn’t do it because I was a woman ~ I did it because I believed it was best to lead by example.
To every women out there who cleans up a corporate kitchen (because you can’t stand how disgusting it gets) …. hold your head up high.
That’s what makes us rise above the boys: because we need to do what needs to get done and worry about who gets credit later ~ which easily ends up being the boys.
p.s. I blog about random stuff on and about sales and social media on as Jeannette Marshall @optioneerjm – currently suspended by Twitter – I know not why (still trying to figure out) but around 23,000 followers and great stats on Pinterest audience and growing daily on Instagram
You can establish a reputation and mine a quality following by asking and answering questions. QUORA moderates responses, even fixing grammatical errors, while eliminating SPAM (unsolicited repetitive offers or self-promotional messaging).
QUORA also allows you to repost your content automatically to a blog, Twitter, Facebook.
Like anything, it takes discipline and professionalism to communicate.
If you want to stand out or make people more curious about you, succinctly, should be on your pool of online resources to promote your niche in an intellectual way.
Test your theory or gather opinions
When I started blogging back in 2010, it was because I consistently answered questions on Linked In within sales groups, which attracted new connections. Those connections expanded to Twitter and then to Facebook and encouraged me to begin writing a blog after others asked me whether I had one.
What evolved was interesting.
As I became more and more inquisitive, I began looking at numbers more and more: from blog stats, Facebook insights, etc. It seemed that people were more curious about asking about Social Media in a protected, professional environment than they were about sales.
The online world is flooded with “EXPERTS” and “INFLUENCERS” by those self-acclaimed pros. I wasn’t satisfied proclaiming any such expertise, feeling it is something others should label me with, not something that I should boast about myself.
Words and proclamations are diluting the real McCoys from the wannabes.
QUORA is a safe haven where you CAN establish authenticity and cultivate credibility.
I read a lot. I’m curious. I seek knowledge.
I never started out using QUORA to establish credibility or unique authenticity. That evolved from the interaction: what answers I gave, who started to follow me there, who evolved from QUORA to follow me on Twitter and elsewhere.
QUORA cultivates reputations as opinions and knowledge are shared under an intellectual capacity.
~ Jeannette Marshall @optioneerjm
I spent a couple of hours on a Sunday, imbibing plenty of coffee, answering questions that I was personally requested to answer.
As I’ve refined my answers, so has QUORA stepped forward to ask me to answer more. (I had neglected it for a couple of months, amassing around 25 requested answers and 40 notifications).
Algorithms track clicks
Like Linked In, the more you click, the more you build a roadmap on what they provide you with: what you may want to read about, who you may want to follow, who may be valuable to your expertise, who can lend advice. A career tool.
Social media platforms are a service to its members
The more engaged you are with others, the more the social media army will try to help you get more clicks, attract more followers, establish authenticity, communicate credibility.
As you navigate influence (attract clicks, grow following, authenticate credibility), the platforms help those who are likely helping them bring a greater benefit to its audience, which translates into revenue streams for the platform.
Algorithms are a means of sorting data and formulating that data into usable information: for example, generating more clicks.
~ Jeannette Marshall @optioneerjm
Understand the end game: generating revenue
Clicks attract revenue streams for social media platforms. It behooves them to enrich the information at their disposal to improve user experience. Vast user interface generates compelling arguments and viable proof that grows revenue opportunities.
Smart platforms are dancing with users that not only have click value, but also attract the RIGHT kind of clicks.
~ Jeannette Marshall @optioneerjm
For example, I have over 23,000 followers across WordPress or Twitter. In comparison, I only have over 3700 connections on Linked In.
What you can’t see is the percentage of connections on Linked In who are CEOs, Presidents, Executives. However, both LI and I know that there is a group of impressive persons. I guard that with my life. It is important that I do not trash or disrespect that tribe and guard their privacy.
Similarly to Linked In, my Facebook audience is similar in numbers. Where they differ is the level of engagement.
WordPress stats show me where my audience is coming from. I’ve known for a number of years that although my audience on Twitter is larger, the engagement level from Facebook is by far more relevant. You would think. If Linked In were more transparent or more effective with showing insights, it would show me who reads what I post.
A like or comment is a mere shadow of what is going on behind the scenes.
~ Jeannette Marshall @optioneerjm
With QUORA, reactions can be revealed by UPVOTES >people who like your answer simply UPVOTE > adopted by REDDIT also. What they rarely show is WHO is reading your content. They know by algorithms (essentially assembled data).
Algorithms are assembled data using acrobatics to decipher the information into motivating more clicks > translating into revenue streams.
~ Jeannette Marshall @optioneerjm
If you are a recent grad or a Millennial at the forefront of your career, you can establish credibility online by using these forums.
Numbers are not always a reflection of influence > INFLUENCE is about attracting clicks.
I kept a file on my computer to store some of the creations I came up with using photos that I grabbed by doing a Google Search – if they were copyrighted, I didn’t (usually the photographer has an ugly copyright shadow.
Sometimes you lose sight of who you are. It happens to the best of us to the most of us in one shape, size or another.
Lately, I’ve been using this blog to communicate my frustrations subliminally or outrageous, depending on perception and point of view.
Without the audience knowing, I was sending a message, digging for a reaction.
Hmmmm, I wonder which daughter of mine reads my blog religiously, faithfully. It is probably the same one, whom I had asked a question on, which is forever an unfortunate legacy: “How do you get your Millennial 20 y/o stepdaughter to move out?” –. same gal viewed and read the question and the responses, not likely knowing that I had some knowledge on who’d viewed it. I don’t even remember much else. Except horror.
Imagine, being the living proof of the Evil Stepmother in person!
Wait, I’m going to Quora right now (11.19.19) to see if I can find it….
MEANWHILE …. anyways ……….
I snipped this when I had updated my TWITTER profile feed @optioneerjm
It may have been 2018 >> I tend to write more, the more angst I may be coping with. And paint. It started with the coloring books rage I predicted back a year before it was in Canada’s largest retail bookstore > formerly my beloved Chapters got gobbled up by > I took and posted a picture to see it with the prediction about 10 months later _ on my blogspot/ blog
This is my most favorite cat image of all time! I go all ape sometimes I guess?
In a positive way – being a spark plug conjures something that incites action. A car can’t move forward or able to turn on without a spark plug (unless I’m mistaken and you’d like to correct me in comments — BIG THANKS).
Jeannette Marshall
@optioneerjm Brand Owner + Social Enthusiast
Social Media early adopter follower & Tribe Member
{ with WordPress }
I’m the sort of person that creates a reaction …..
Unfortunately, not always positive.
This is soooooo me~in fact, I should be Marilyn Monroe again for Halloween this year!
“Either you love me or you despise me, good grief, if you hate me!”
Indifference doesn’t work with me.
That’s probably what made me a spark plug.
Working hard to get people to like me.
Sometimes it worked tremendously, as in I have had lifelong friends, one whom started College with me at SAIT in 1979. That was 40 years ago. Yes, you can do the math. I went to her hometown to share Thanksgiving with her family while we were pursuing our dreams. Maybe, a little differently. Doing the dance. Switching paths: from girlhood to education mode to career highs .. and lows bouncing to motherhood, then almost sainthood with successfully balancing a successful career, while being a wife and a mother and a friend. She exemplifies empathy and she shows it with grace. 40 years ago, I rebuffed her. It was not intentionally. I moved from sitting beside her to the front of the class, closest to the door -> which, to this day, that is usually where I’m stationed during training or conventioning or meetings !! What a spark plug?
I can see it now. How it looked. In her eyes.
To have been given the honor to retain a loyal friendship for the past 40 years.
During highs and lows, lots of boosts and hey ho! Forward …. march!
If you think of Napoleon or Hitler as the same type cast: below average in height, heads high as if to compensate, somewhat crazy, violent yes, but hell no to me ~ my first husband called me “Bobcat” when we first started dating. Maybe if he’d remember’d that instead of fooling around with someone from work.
Okay, explosive?
Perhaps a spark plug in the non verbal, blog kind.
In any and all cases I was an instigator, or what I would like to delicately put it, a SPARK PLUG.
I would say that I got along really well with all of my bosses.
Mostly men, and mostly executives.
Depending upon the personality of that executive, you could predict the reaction.
The chemical reaction being out the door.
I would take 10 unscrupulous cranksters gangsters to one female boss any time of the day, any of the years. Except Virginia. Then again, she was an executive. She was an advocate. It was the highpoint of my career thus far.
I don’t manage women well.
Well, I have been known to motivate a few and retain ever-lasting loyalty.
Women managers or supervisors are hopeless barracuda who eat their young. (REF: “Barracuda” by HEART > one of my favorite go-to songs in the late 1970s, when I was a teenager living in paradise.
Another earlier image and caption I created to post on Twitter as @optioneerjm after I created a second blog called “MEANDERINGSabout” – which I had thought at the time that I would have been able to embed a link to my blog in the image – that was 2010 – social media was still outer space and anyone on there, aliens; where, having a goal to being able to work from home, blog, so I wouldn’t have to have a “real job”. Creating was my passion, which ignited the spark plug.
Creating something lovely, with a quip or a quote with my Twitter handle became my standard.
Writing a blog, is sometimes an event.
You are exhuming thought and toxic behavior.
Analyzing yourself, then putting others to higher standards.
Yes, MOM. To answer her question she asked me over a week ago:
Where has your confidence gone?
What are you doing?
She’s laid off the: Why aren’t you going to Al Anon?
The same reason my one daughter isn’t communicating with me.
Maybe being a spark plug
becomes harder for other to bare.
You place your own high standards on others,
while not always being so.
A hypocrite of sorts?
That’s an heard of, if not rarely heard word: Hypocrite
Jeannette Marshall
@optioneerjm Brand Owner + Social Enthusiast
Social Media early adopter follower & Tribe Member
{ with WordPress }
An example of how Quora is distinguishing itself.
They’ve been waltzing with its membership since I started back in 2010, I believe. Between jobs, looking on the computer for jobs, as the new way to go. Just before I started working for HP.
Most people that know me, or think they do, may recognize the emerging habit of people sharing articles and sprinkling with a narrative which seems to be the way people can be swayed.
Anecdotal opinions is how it all gets started.
That is, for most people I’ve networked with online.
We all know who each other are, there’s this huge amount of space involved online, where there are few that are simply brand names or known early adopters of social media.
Twitter had tried to do the dance with some.
I’m not sure if it was ineffective Project Management or uncooperativeness to protect knowledge it doesn’t interact well within their oiled technological machines.
Probably both.
Twitter fueled my audience early on.
I met and interacted with strong connections met from a global standpoint on LinkedIN which, thoughtfully or as COpetitors connected with respected folks back then.
All it began with were an ID, which I decided to do, instead of my name.
A spark plug of sorts.
Predictive of the importance of reading, watching and absorbing numbers.
Like rocket fuel.
Released into the stratosphere with some knowledge from those seeking wisdom.
Wisdom is Godliness.
Did anyone say that?
Feel free to comment below. If you know. Or whatever.
After skipping more than 40 days on Quora, at least, these were the NOTIFICATIONS sitting in my screen’s view. Ignite spark plug: do what you know what to do. People are more receptive, using Quora enables establishing credibility. ONLY YOU should answer the questions. Share your knowledge, for free. Giving back, paying forward or just standing in reflection, appreciate the wisdom you have earned, with lots of sweat and tears, sharing it for others to learn from.
To succeed online, you have to have the ability to appeal. To a variety of people.
Fickle, moody, insincere.
Nervous, lonely, bored.
Wanting to bury memories
that TV or VIDEOS or BOOKS
could ignore.
That’s your tribe.
Some may have fast whit – react with words or image or GIF on the fly.
That’s the energy you need online.
It has nothing to do with age or intellect or financial station.
Famous or unknown.
Struggling or successful.
Hidden or transforming.
Into opinions, dabbling with expression
cognitive of corporate responsibility:
include “opinions OWN/OWN opinions”.
Be fearful of saying anything bad about a boss or employer.
Never admit that you were left with uneasiness after a male supervised you sexually harrassed you, using you as a the brunt of a sexual innuendo referencing HH in distasteful manner. Setting the example to very impressionable staffmembers or sharing chuckles with colleagues, it should be expected to be protected.
A spark plug could be your worst nightmare:
Keeping within the theme of the impending Hallow’s Even in about 10 days.
Or, having to vote.
This is the first time in years that I am demotivated to vote.
The HH has our voter cards sitting on the kitchen table and got all excited that the polls open at 7:30 a.m. > another symptom of being primary caregiver for my brain injured spouse, he looks for reasons every day to get me out of bed early.
I’m in rebellion mode or what?
Or, am I just another pissed off senior woman (gosh, already at 58?)?
Or, what the M-generation = Millennial era offspring call “Grandma/pa”
Just vent when I’m ready to blow.
Instead, I blog it here.
Trying to take the wind out of my sails. Per se.
An open book
a kookoo
a kiniseology (SP: ? _ please comment if you know the spelling!) form
A den mother who’s cubs are all on their own, forming their own lives.
Bear cubs don’t visit their mothers in the wild, why would anyone expect anything differently?
That’s when someone scrolls to comment that I need help.
I am getting help. Writing is part of the therapy, as so is the art.
I’m not beaten up.
Just disappointed I didn’t get the dream job a couple of weeks ago.
Taking to heart, that something better would be around the corner.
The spark sputtering and flash slowing.
The plug is not ignited.
That never lasts long.
I don’t get mad, I embarrass.
I’ve been perfecting that for years.
So the spunk can return….
to ignite the spark plug.
You have the control to be known for owning your opinions. And then circulate where those opinions matter. Create philophical thought by asking an inciteful question that attracts an intellectual audience on QUORA is the way I recommend it. It has no gender, age, color, religion, education STAMP – unless what you put in your profile represents you. Who is your brand? I went all in with @optioneerjm 12 years ago. All because there were already a number of Jeannette Marshalls out there already. Just Jeannette was a porn site.I tried setting up a website with GODADDY for but notoriously procrastinated. I am proactively motivated in my career while disastrously delayed in my personal life.
I’d make a perfect Executive Assistant: I am polished and professional. You would guide me as to how I would express opinions. I understand tact and embrace grammar.
I can tell when I haven’t been online for a while. A symptom of withdrawal, certainly.
I can be reflective and trying to gain wisdom by surpassing knowledge.
Besides what my CV says, I’ve been dabbling with social media for 12+ years, learning constantly, applying hunches, and circulating around early adopters of social media, evolving my reputation: of trust with leaders from affiliations online.
A respect and trust that is earned. An advisor, navigator of social media nuances and shared by writing a blog on WordPress for other Yuppy women facing their career demise.
I try to give more than I get by sharing on Twitter and Facebook as @optioneerjm
An idea jumped out at me. The knowledge I’ve gained may help others.
Making the formidable permit-able. Taking steps to manage one’s online reputation shouldn’t be forbidden to protect a view to disprove narcissistic behaviour by categorically stereotyping something that you don’t know. Be certain. A pro.
The least you can have is an opinion.
What are you an advocate of?
What is your secret mission?
To help others. Feed the poor. Bring education forward. Claim something. Solve a puzzle or ……
If you want to be known for your wisdom, gain knowledge first.
If you want to be known to be trustworthy, you to personally take responsibility for your online reputation.
Borders blur and evaporate. There are none on social media.
The web you cast are your likes, thumbs up, loves, comments, clicks, follow thru clicks then funneled down into demographic silos of age, education, economics, knowledge or reputation.
Acknowledge, thank, comment when others tag you, especially (and dare say only when) someone quotes you, tags you, heck, your company even. Thank you is easy.
Watching on the news how critical our environment is today, does not make you environmentally friendly.
This is the one daughter, whom shall not be named, whom I write about: The one who banned me from attending her graduation this year, with honors, the Dean’s list, so I could beam pride, with tears streaming down my face. In other words, not embarrass her. Be on my best Mom behavior, like I did for her High School Grad, far away that she couldn’t see the tears and tightness of throat, thinking: watch out world, hhhheeeerrrrrreeee she comes! Not far behind her borrowing my pearls, a turtle neck and blazer, practicing her nomination speech for Class President in front of a mirror (as she’d watch me practicing for a Toastmasters speech), successfully accomplishing great things: representing the Junior High with a boy to attend a Leadership Conference for those of her age. She avoids me now and doesn’t come in the house very often. Funny how those same tears and tightness of throat happen whenever I hear or think about her. Which is more often than naught.
I green my home every day — confirmed when my now 26 y/o university grad millennial daughter this year after a summer internship with The Smithsonian in Washington, DC. < brag every chance I get! > began her new journey as a grad looking for meaningful career posts that honor her commitment to not only finish, but excel.
When she was in Grade 1, without warning, my little activist came home with an assignment we had to do together. She was to report back what was in our trash that could be recycled instead. Phew, thankfully, I passed. She was able to note that there was a bin for cardboard (we’re in 2000 back then), there were cans for recycling and getting money back which could go into the PIGGY BANK — there was a huge pile of daily newspapers, flyers. She passed. By her passing, I got higher marks than she did. I did recycling from when it began, with cans. Then you hear there is a bin by the grocery store to recycle newspaper, you had to collect it, carry it to the car, drive to the recycling bin, shove it in the overstuffed one I might add because it was collected so infrequently, returned to my car and drove home. We had a Garburator so we didn’t worry about that, except it taught us what to put in a compost. Machine…
Today we complain about city taxes: I sort my recyclables, one for the GREEN compost bin (which lawn mowing grass, weeds, twigs, branches along with kitchen waste including bones because they CAN decompose where Garburators break down when one gets stuck horizontally); the recyclables are easy because I have a beautiful GREAT BIG wicker basket that is more of a decorating touch as it serves to collect recyclable jars, cans, cardboard cut up or folded, plastic bottles with two bags hanging in my pantry for one to collect smaller items and the other for plastic bags.
“I feel what I wear” ~ Jeannette Marshall @optioneerjm Tweed is in this Fall/Winter 2019/20 must have #fashion staple for #Hipsters any age!! don’t go cheap! #CalgaryBlogger