He’s tough, he’s a bit brash, he can laugh at himself because he knows
what he sees in the mirror. Jerigo is unapologetically honest, to a fault: he
doesn’t always pick the best moments to state what’s on his mind, he is not
mean-spirited, so other less stronger folk, could be offended by his banter.
He enjoys telling stories, he usually has an audience. They may be rapt with
attention or gasping in surprise. Rarely indifferent are those who get to meet him.
Scoundrels and devilish are those who try to cross him. His punch is mightier than his belch
I started radiation today.
It comes down to mind over matter.
If I am totally honest, the whole thing terrifies me: breast cancer.
I rant and I write and I reflect on things. It evolves into a banter that comes across on this thing, my website, my blog: the exorcism of my soul.

Funneling of thoughts
An exercise in exhausting my brain.
So I can bear and move on to face fate’s grace.
The hill I climb is steep.
Losing my breath
As I have to suck in a deep one, and when it is almost 20 seconds, exhale.
When I’m feeling overwhelmed or emotionally,
I had trained myself to stop and take two or three deep breaths.
So I wouldn’t explode
or implode with emotions
Who would want to say facing cancer is anything but terrifying?
It puts us on an even playing field.
Cancer doesn’t care whether you’re black, white or polka dotted.
Adapted by a line from Dolemite on NETflix original – a light- hearted film, if you can see past all the “titties”. Charming Eddie Murphy to the very end – back on top, in the middle of the flick, and to the bottom of my heart – so glad to see him return! Murphy’s like a familiar buddy, whom you hadn’t seen since you don’t know when. So glad you bumped into him, because he’s someone you always could count on enjoying spending time with.
This fun frolic of slipping back to the 70s, when I was just a girl, from turning 10 on 1971 and graduating from high school in 1979. I lived in a rural area, a hick town by some standards. I wouldn’t say that. Nor a red neck attitude either – the influence of the close encounters with the air base, strategically placed. That polished off a lot of the rough edges.
Eddie Murphy and team (great to see Wesley Snipes again too!) give a superb flashback of the 1970s black culture hip – African American lifestyle and vibe. Filled with dreams and ambition that some might have said beyond his capabilities or capacity. Dolemyte is a play on a famous word that became rampant in the 1970s, was it because of that funny tall guy on that show? (See, I will have to go search and then I’ll be back in days, hours later)
A “Dynamite” of a movie is the most I can say.
Although crude, rude as a Motha-Fu**er, it reaches your funny bone. Back to the days when “titties” were added to humor in so many ways. People didn’t flip out over bare breasts back in the day. (Probably because, like me, their impressionable age of television was a one-size fits all category, before channels and longer ago than remote controls, you had to watch what was on at the moment, where at the later hours there could be a comedy sketch with “titties” flitting across the mini screen as the norm.)
My narrative is scattered and meandering these days, it seems.
Suffice to say that a format and place to find a home for my imagination is awesome.
No amount of gratitude could be written or said.
Thank you for reading.
And for not writing to tell me to try something else besides writing, it may not be my thing.
Maybe I have that same Dylomyte attitude!
Don’t let anyone else tell you that your talents are untrue.
If you have one audience member or one reader, then you honor them with gratitude.
By continue writing, or creating, or painting, or sketching, or imagining …. or disrupting your own world.
The secret sauce to my sales was always disruptive.
Yet it really wasn’t difficult.
Paying attention to the client or customer,
and figuring things out, with their help.
Can build long-term relationships, and advocates
more obscure.
Sticking with it when the operation around you was doing a tantrum
because they may have to think outside the box.
I usually knew it was doable, it wasn’t necessarily an instinctive thing.
Sometimes you just have to ask a lot of questions …….
and then pay attention to the answers.
Maybe I’ve become distracted, not necessarily paying attention to what I know
or what I hear. My thoughts could be already flooded with who knows what.
I posted elsewhere:

The best handwritten sign I’ve ever seen in my career was Xerox when Stephanie left a note:
I am not your MOTHER!
When I formed my dream team while managing a branch operations for @RILEYS – we all took turns. A week at a time. Even, I, as the Queen Bee (Branch Manager), took my turn. May always tried to pitch in, because she was the den mother.
I didn’t do it because I was a woman ~ I did it because I believed it was best to lead by example.
To every women out there who cleans up a corporate kitchen (because you can’t stand how disgusting it gets) …. hold your head up high.
That’s what makes us rise above the boys: because we need to do what needs to get done and worry about who gets credit later ~ which easily ends up being the boys.
I blog about random stuff on http://www.optioneerjm.com and about sales and social media on http://www.blogspot.optioneerjm.com as Jeannette Marshall
Cheers, Jeannette *^* jm

p.s. I blog about random stuff on www.optioneerjm.com and about sales and social media on www.blogspot.optioneerjm.com as Jeannette Marshall @optioneerjm – currently suspended by Twitter – I know not why (still trying to figure out) but around 23,000 followers and great stats on Pinterest audience and growing daily on Instagram