@MarioFrangoulis >> just listening to your song with @SarahBrightman how beautiful and lovely
Sunday, September 29, 2019
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Wednesday, September 18, 2019
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Sunday, August 25, 2019
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Sunday, July 31, 2016
YOU can be anything!
You better believe me
This is very true.
If you don't believe me,
ask my daughters about
my son Kyle.
Prouder than the biggest lioness
Everyday he inspires me
by setting the example on
how to be the better person
or the best version of yourself.
As a mother, it goes back to that
9 month relationship with that
baby in your womb.
Falling in love
When do you start talking to it?
How did you feel from
the movements?
A womb
A gentle glide,
maybe back and forth.
Watch out for somersaults
because they can be the worse.
Motherhood childhood
If you are the mother of a child
you can probably understand and relate
if you are a child of a mother
there are many things to learn from her.
She didn't go to school for the job,
she wasn't told what it would entail, the
highs, the lows, the championships, the falls.
She knows it all
Yet she still is your biggest fan
single loudest cheerleader
Instant defender, protector, teacher, scolder, nagger.
When was the time
when you stopped listening
and just started doing?
Somewhere between adolescence and
motherhood afterhood.
Is faith belief?
When did you start losing faith?
When faith has been steering you all along.
Not in the way that you'd design it
or be all glitzy and for show.
Inner committee
Is it because you stopped believing
your own press?
Or do you believe that old press
was a mistake?
Where you lose some of that inner glow
where enthusiasm and ideas blow
knocking anyone over in its path,
or the fury if it didn't pass
The kick in the pants
self discovery talk
Was that with self or
glorious being?
An angel guide on eagle wings,
takes you away from that place.
Maybe it is an inner mantra
that at first seems quiet
Ebbing towards a much calmer sea
from the beach
or the breaches of my mind.
optimism, gratitude, creativity tide.
Allowing your instincts
to be your guide.
Wisdom and growth
Maybe with more wisdom
grows the appreciation of the great things
that happen behind the spotlight
of a social media glow.
Gratitude is
creating an appreciation
like never before.
For the very best things
that you can enjoy.
For free, out there, helpful,
creative and pure.
Love of a dove
Spread those wisdom wings
and wrap those so dear
whom you love
with all your soul
like a beautiful dove.
Far reaching
High outtabounds
limitless, boundless
energy abounds.
Through the coming
of one
with your soul.
Beginning to uncover
the real you.
Who was likely covered,
burdened, trodden so the
spirit may have fallen low.
Singing to others
by writing, tweeting, posting hello
to those who help make her grow.
Surrounded by talented by three
thousand times the speed of sound.
Her audience, her readers and growing fans
don't quite know what to make of this
lady so grand.
With style, with grace,
with wisdom to share.
Because of her age,
merely a number,
but because of it
gathers many asunder.
For beauty wherever and whatever form
is in tuned with the beat of what most want to feel
A champion for others,
finding inspirational
Beacon of light
To inspire, lighten a spirit, lift a mood.
To restore optimism to others
is a duty born
To stomp out hate, violence and/or fear.
To return to the important
things to hold dear.
Not money, not wealth, not even fame.
Can drown out the inspiration
many will claim.
As their right, their worth, and
wisdom reborn.
Let's spread our wings
and let those gifts soar.
We can make a safer,
even more beautiful world.
We reach out beginning with one
and grow in affection and support.
among dreamers
because they eventually
become visionaries.
The ones that are
easily discounted.
Yet rise above the clamour and noise
where radios and televisions on mute or off.
The people's choices emerge,
sending messages out as a blurb.
Telling a story
of grow and learning.
To instigate allegiance
to this yearning.
Of gathering
the still
yet like minded.
Forming a voice
that cannot be contended.
Fire and heat
The thermometer and furnaces
of hate, racial bias, violence and corruption
are burning bright
with heat to those who draw too near.
Taking steps
while they're stepping back
from the dreaded topics
of poverty and despair.
Like turning one's head
at a roadside wreckage.
How can we be mere
Luckily, there are others
who make us look and reconsider
our role in humanity, our planet,
our young and our elders.
One thing I know as a mother is how gifted my son Kyle is with people. Over 27 years, I have wondered how can I capture the ingredients and sell it for a whole lot of people who need to have a better attitude on life. Be more thankful. Appreciate others more. Judge less.
His sister called me to tell me the coolest thing. It reminded me of a phenomena that is uniquely Kyle: once you meet him, you can never possibly forget him. Apparently, still so.
This sis of his called to say she applied to this hipster hangout for the trendiest of youngest group of Millennial explosion (22 or something close to that).
They instantly hired her on the spot, without not even 1/2 of a 1/2 of a percent of Bernie Saunders math, pause. She was merely told, if you're the sister of Kyle, you are on our team without hesitation.
How's Kyle?
I forgot how often after school, or in summer months, I would meet some of his teachers, in the community, grocery shopping, doing stuff. It wasn't uncommon for someone to walk up to me to ask me how Kyle was doing?
With an imaginative soul.
Can you imagine that? It was amazing, yet as you drift along in this tide, you don't get a chance to really stop and take in that it is probably even a bigger and more unique gift than any politician could commit more than a decade in learning how to smile at people just right, giggle, chuckle or full body laugh.
just has it.
The "it"
YES, that IT
the thing we
all want
To be liked,
for being a really good person.
To be loved,
because he makes us want to be better.
We watch, we learn
He shows us that it isn't
the toughest, the richest, the most obvious
who are the most talented.
It is usually someone who is gifted.
Sometimes, even more less,
discovered as a true treasure
for our world.
Lighting the way
Like a Nelson Mandela,
not merely an Oprah Winfrey.
The difference is obvious.
One dwells in the limelight
while the other is far away
from the spotlight.
A legacy of our times.
Like the Dali Lama who is still among us.
Or for some like me, fairly unknown, yet mysterious.
A lot of little somethings
So maybe that is something
worth delving into.
What makes one person so great
that others remember
Who wants that chance
to be the best of who they are NOT
diving deep into the talent
yet undiscovered.
With quiet humility and dedication
one can only hope to make a dent.
Help one person out of despair.
Failing hope.
Growing disbelief.
Not looking back because
the wreckage is in front of them.
How do you repair, restore faith,
uncover talent?
By cheerleading the unheard,
the unfamous,
not infamous.
Exploring lands and cultures
without touching new soil.
That's what in front of us,
if you just focus on the most
beautiful, peaceful and hopeful
images, readings, teachings
stirring within new belief.
in yourself
in what you are capable
of doing.
Not yesterday, NOW.
Not tomorrow, NOW.
Images are all courtesy of Google from a GOOGLE SEARCH. I would like to thank all the creators and give them tribute as one, easily found.
The tribute to Harry Potter is by design for two reasons:
1) The main character in "Goldfinch" the book that I am heavily engrossed in right now, is nicknamed "Potter" by his best friend.
2) There is a lot of excitement surrounding the release of yet another Harry Potter, to international instant acclaim, by J.K. Rowling: a true inspiration for women everyWHERE as this century's #bestofeverything #womenofinspiration
Friday, May 13, 2016
Embrace Friday the 13th as if it means only the #bestofeverything
Once in a lifetime
Is pretty startling. It is a resonating message that today, May 13, 2016, is once in a lifetime. You will not have another chance to relive it. So make it worth a story worth telling.
I was fiddling around with my camera app on my laptop and decided to ignore it and just get down to writing, darn it.
I am all showered and made up to head out and meet my husband as we drop our inherited car off to have new tires put on.
Inherited? Well, it's part of the 50s inheritance plan :: It's when you cosign a car loan and your daughter decides to head out to make her mark in the world, leaving you with the loan so you start driving it.
Now you may get the reason why I have the gadget to the right with cars called "Pump this ride". It is my expressive rebellion on taking responsibility over want.
I realized that I really don't post many pictures of myself so I did a couple of selfies to show that I'm not short on attitude, just in height.
My husband is already texting me to see if I've left - we're meeting in an hour and 15 for darn's sake - my way of gaining control over my life is being late more often than not. That's from a gal who was meticulous about being on time, so much so that I was always 20 minutes early for everything and had to fight the boredom of waiting.
So I'll write about the favorite makeup used today later on. The texts are coming speedily and if I want to meet my husband after work again, I'd better disprove his "always late" label for me (which wouldn't be far from the truth).
Remember to make today, your BEST day ever!!
A culture of work ethic and optimism
Any smart employer or start up would be smart to consider an Inbetweener (1960-65) for hire. Just take a look at what The New York Times said dispelling the myth that older workers are less productive and generally are weighing down the economy.
I agree with their observation. Why? Simply because I’m an older worker and I was hatched when there was a lot going on. In fact, the first cold war, economic downturn not experienced since the 1920s depression. There is a strong likelihood that my parents were children of the Great Depression, and raised me to be able to cope with such an event.
Think about it, the next recession to hit occurred just as I was graduating from high school, completed college, ready to get started with optimism and a strong work ethic bestowed by my parents.
Employers are missing the key element that brings the younguns the right example and proper expectations to reality. We were born to be responsible, accountable and soldiers of work.
This same group that is debated also worked through the optimism that emerged in the late 1980s. Some of the greatest discoveries and technological wonders impacted the world just as we were getting started. There were no fancy training courses or charts to reference, we simply had to have a “can do” attitude to survive. If we survived the prolific foreclosures of that era, unscathed, it was likely because we capitalized on others’ misfortune and scraped our pennies together to buy our first house. Our aging parents were perplexed as to why were were putting home ownership before having children.
Not really surprising, looking back. Almost anyone could have a child, but mostly everyone was uncertain whether the economy and opportunities were going to get any worse. So we had to seize the moment and dive in.
We were fueled by the fear of not wanting to have to face what our parents’ childhood did, nor did we want to be victim of what was circulating around us: doom and gloom. Not just economically either. There was a cold war going on.
I watch CNN’s series on the 80s and it sometimes makes me wonder if I was asleep during this period? However, the biggest news stories of the day did register on my radar. Yet I was simply too busy buckling down and working to keep from drowning from economic disaster.
One could take a look at that period and extrapolate a culture of survivorship, strong work ethic and ingenuity that came along with that era. We weren’t afraid to start at the bottom and work our way up from the bottom. So different from the sense of entitlement expounding today.
So, if I happen to be surrounded by Millennials, they should be so lucky. Anyone in their 50s, born of the 80s careers, has an element of work ethic and the right attitude that an employer should want to sprinkle into their workforce.
Today’s employers think they’re pretty nifty to use technology to prove who is producing and who should be perished to the unemployment line. Metrics have displaced instinct and doing what is right for their business and their customers. Why, because they have strengths that are likely not acknowledged, never mind recognized:
- They know how to get it done right the first time – slower does not mean stupid.
- Speed and agility is aligned with accuracy – what happens when it’s done wrong?
- They have pride in their work and are often overlooked because employers want to fast track the younger workers to ensure that they are cultivated to perform.
- Beauty is often disassociated with age. When there are so many beautiful people that are aging and setting strong examples for the youth.
- They avoid sitting around feeling sorry for themselves because they were not brought up to think that way.
- They were taught that if things aren’t going your way, it means you have to work harder.
Can you think of other attributes that the aging workforce contributes? I certainly can think of at least a dozen more. But I’m more excited to write this commentary and send it out into the universe to capture others that agree and stop the downward spiral of misinterpreting value that should be embraced, not shuffled off into obscurity.
Then again, there are some of us that write a Blog to expel our wisdom to the masses. To head off mistakes that surely are happening from this mistaken philosophy. There are simply so many of us that began our careers at the worst time in decades, until recently, that can be learned from, not banished. We’re survivors, we’re really smart, and we have the “can do” attitude that no metric or test can uncover.
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
Mental exercise
As an experiment of sorts, to share the images, quotes and quips that draw my eye and register in my brain. Only to be expelled to allow mega room for more information. Stretching beyond its perceived borders. No longer imploding with information, instead omitting that information so as to avoid hanging on to toxicity.
To train your brain to only acknowledge items that are enlightening, appealing, outstanding, people, things or anything! Avoid looking at, listening to, or watching anything that would make you gasp. Starting with the hardened, victimized, big chips on shoulders people. They suck you in faster than a Jedi master could disclaim.
Sidetracked and scanning like crazy for a cutesy bird to go along with a witty comment, I fell into awe with this photography. I found it on Google and I truly believe the creator should be recognized for one of the most iconic photographs for the transcending ascending group of really remarkable people. I'm just guessing that is who it will appeal to. I've been tweeting a number of tweets starting with "What I'm thinking lately?" with the hashtag or a mention under #bestofeverything ::
What I'm thinking lately?
Awful 2 B photographed 24x7 by how many weeks months? This popped out #bestofeverything or should I have said pooped out or barfed out (80s kids remember this, lol)
What I'm thinking lately?
Awful 2 B photographed 24x7 by how many weeks months? This popped out #bestofeverything or should I have said pooped out or barfed out (80s kids remember this, lol)
We're a community of recovering souls here with a diverse array of talents, including "unknown", like me. @OptioneerJM Perfprmance troupe.
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Kyle |
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Chantal |
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Kelsey |
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Buddy |
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"Don't buy me anything, unless it's in a blue box."
Jeannette Marshall
#RT #bestofeverything