Alberta the Rockies :: a great read on travelling from Calgary to the Canadian Rocky Mountains.

The currency of clicks.
When I started online, 10 years ago, the small hum of a rumble beating the drums in the hip-filled early adopters of social media and, I’m guessing, earliest innovators and inventors of creating a hashtag conversation across the virtual universal tribe …
The pioneers of social media:
Those earliest members who learned from each other, supported everyone in the tribe,no boys club or girls locker room stuff.
#USguys on @Twitter
THE coolest gals & guys
who collective learned
the real value of social media
isnt measured by clicks
The support of having a tribe
encouraged many, to stretch beyond their dreams.
discovering their are no limits to using your imagination
trying something of value to you, something that clicks.
CLICKS are the ultimate value of what you bring forward, what stretches are you trying to climb?
Clicks are the greatest currency definitive value online
What do you bring forward that makes the world a better place, representative as Class President of those born in 1961: that was one of my earliest blog back before YUPPYdom, birthed after theINbeTWEENERS whom I attribute to be the true YUPPY demographic, my brethren are attracted to this psychographics oriented tribe who were the original HIPsters.

AWESOMEness!! Right on ~ treat @LinkedIn as your promotional platform, brag about your personal achievements or professional ones — or even if it is about your children or dog or cat or horse or relative – tell stories in posts = REALLY smart to promote your company, especially if the post is shared BY THE CEO personally would carry a lot of weight and switch on the magnetic button he/she has in front of her. To write on Linked In with posts, congratulating vendors, partners would be VERY smart. You demonstrate that you have poise and polish in the C-suite.

You also have a captive, target audience who can follow you, along with the trusted few you collaboratively connect with who will have articles with your name and your company’s name and float across the feed of your mutual followers, who congratulate or recognize their success.

Classier even more if you recognize a competitor – smooth operator metal detector magnet.
Have an ID on @Twitter +then link your LinkedIn to Twitter =every time you post something, share something it automatically tweets to Twitter. Neither Facebook nor Instagram have this setup with Linked In=why I default to Twitter>casting wide net gathering tribe that reflects vibe.

My 2 cents weigh in & opinion
Bravo for McDonald’s for leading the way – preventing work romance, particularly when one involves a member of the leadership elite. Some consider that taking advantage of a subordinate. However, it has been going on for decades. Think Mad Men with millions of dollar at stake. What is incredible, is his goodbye package being so steep. Rewarding for bad behavior?

I saw similar turbulence at HP when it was on waves of CEO turnover changing directions every time, to Meg Whitman who is ever-present, engaged, talking and leading HP. Good thing, for HP, that she failed in an election attempt, and making her mark there. Rubbing elbows with Trump is the only question I would have.