A work I started: if a company can commercially make its mark, why can’t a women go to the moon? My guess, she’ll be a Millennial ~ get ur rockets thundering! Are we preparing now Canada?
Showing posts with label Yuppy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yuppy. Show all posts
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Posted on Wordpress
2019 at 03:24AM,
November 03,
social media,
WHYers or Yrs,
Saturday, December 15, 2018
PRIVACY pondering
By now, talking about data is passé and the cloud, simply yawn.

That made me realize, that besides the odd news story, there isn’t more noise and clucking about PRIVACY.

That made me realize, that besides the odd news story, there isn’t more noise and clucking about PRIVACY.
It wasn’t a television or radio ad either.
The race for our almighty dollars has started, without a start horn, we are meekly falling into a deep trap door that narrowly funnels towards brand popularity and premium choice.
Who is their voice?
WHO’s Responsible for PRIVACY breaches?
As more privacy channels chain of command paths are broken, more and more incidents and varying degrees of alarm.
Definitely the United States lead the world with paranoias surrounding being under attack. Deservedly so. Simply because they’ve been attacked in many forms, for example:
On soil: Pearl Harbour > World War II
World Trade Center 9/11
Russian Interference 2016 Election
However, are they fulfilling their own profecy?
I personally can’t decide which is worse because they are equally horrible: greed and corruption. It must be said, clarified, that I am a Canadian, representative of where Baby Boomers stop, a parent of Millennial children, all successfully employed and tumbling throug “adulting”, providing a safe landing when they veer off course, and championing & cheering them on to accomplish their own dreams in their own way.
Who owns your data? Your employer, your providers, or the government?
If you ask most people, I’m sure they would say they do. It’s personal, thus it belongs to you.
YET, while you are at work, your everything belongs to your employer: calls are recorded for “coaching” purposes. Nobody can notice a grumpy boss who tenaciously goes through all employee’s communications to find something, anything, that they can use to discipline or fire someone. You’d think by now from the abundance of data, employers might track supervisors who have a lot of people quitting, transferring or being fired and a red flag would go up.
WHEN it’s your personal time: lunch, breaks, off time, your information is your own. Not likely, before you can even have a cell phone, you have to share your private information: age, income, employment, education and credit score to the provider who may have a system that rates those things on a numerical score.
ONCE your smartphone is in hand, what you text, click on is registered in some way. That’s long before you start adding apps. If you subscribe to any media outlet, you release information, if you use a credit card, they can save for convenience or even pay for stuff.
If you click or swipe, you are sprinkling your data around.
About you, your likes, your weaknesses, your monetary strength or weakness.
When my husband was in the hospital, a friend of the kids knew about him before the ambulance had arrived to the neurological medical center, worked on his ward, even though it violated health center regulations. Our medical charts seamlessly pop up between medical centres, physicians, specialists, etc. That’s a lot of places where leaks can happen.
BODYGUARD on NETFLIX: a must see
Timely, yes. There are many excellent examples of why you may want to watch this stunning cinematic TV drama. However, if you happen to have PRIVACY as a hot button of late, you may register how much the main character’s privacy is disregarded in all forms by government, employers, clients, security sectors, and on and on.
I want to avoid spoilers but I hope someone does comment, to begin a real discussion of value.
I got more on a tangent about PRIVACY on my blog: YUPPYdom from @WordPress
social media,
Sunday, September 30, 2018
Y U P P Y. O R. H I P S T E R ?
Look at the following images [original art by moi] and choose a) Yuppy or b) Hipster
I will attempt to help avoid unnecessary drama, compounded by stress of the “Holiday Season” [ in itself the word is meant to conjure the imagination recalling where the spirit nestles around you with a warmth only matched by blowing out your birthday candles bring] by offering my own perspective and advice or hints:
“Peace out”
By the time I really got to numbers, demographics is my thing. As a real Yuppy from the 80s, I doubt we were consciously trying to create a pop culture off the big wave off our elder siblings leaving a big wake.
I tried really hard to differentiate between “chongo” and “chatchies” [see: can’t even spell it].
Basically, they were the Junior High version of Yuppy or Hipster ... but there were still versions of
Hoods or Greasers or Gangsters
That depends on what demographic you fall under. However, could be more related by recognition and familiarity. Otherwise considered influence >> that’s not the same word that moved from an adjective (description) to a noun (name or thing).
Today’s interpretation by Hipster Millennials of “influence” is considered an occupation [when you get paid] and, for some, more like a preoccupation [traps most conscious thoughts on one object or imagination].
You are a Yuppy if:
* you were born in the 1960s and hit your 20s in the 1980s [ the right age group]
* you were the original Hipsters [ you set a uniquely desirable style]
* you were told you could make change and be a game changer
* you were focussed on an education AND your career
* you believed that you were that Young Upperly Professional Personality and more
* you were the generation that created sayings like ME FIRST
* you created the unique hairstyle “mullet”
* you were raised by fear of authority, following rules, abiding the law and using your manners
* you were given a lot of freedom [be home by dark]
* you understood what was expected of you: honesty, loyalty, going to school, using your manners, doing your chores and getting a job regardless of what it is
* you are driven by the pursuit of money, prestige, recognition, award, reward and advancement
* education was at the core of your knowledge while experience navigates to success, hard work was at the beginning and ending of all achievements
* you shaved: period. [Regardless of age or gender]
* is proud of a beard
* the beard is symbolic and identifiable cultural fashion trend
* your parents are likely Yuppies
To be continued.....
Millennial or Babyboomer?,
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