Showing posts with label goals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label goals. Show all posts

Monday, February 13, 2017

A little bit of this :-( and a lot more of THAT :o)

Anyone who has read this blog more than a few times (which most fall under) has joined me in reflection, especially approaching my birthday.  Every person, businessperson, sales professional, artist, writer, creator, imagineer, imageer and optioneer should do this annually:  
Your own Annual Life Plan
Taken with a twist on my REALLY popular Blog called "The 90-Day Plan" (I really wish I knew who the person was to give it a lift, sharing it somehow outside my typical social media radar.  
Before you can move FORWARD 
you have to have a heart to heart with yourself.  Seriously.  Honestly.  Barely a hairs breath away from your nose touching the mirror.

It can be your Journaling all at once!  
For any other procrastinators like me.  Once I discovered a way to exhaust my mindfulness times 100% ::... by BLOGGING!  

A cork popped open ||\\"//|| 
Ideas that had been brewing began to become released.  By sharing knowledge and seeking even more to fill up the depleted.  

New Curiosities
unfold, gliding across your vision or glimpse of an expression, a beautiful attention getter image.

Stretching the imagination
because as it explodes into the universe, some small particles, fall glittering into a receptive hand.
My year in review
has been one of where I have been putting others first.  Not an easy feat to consider the impact one has on others, and try to obtain a lofty one, for them, not me.  That is one of the biggest struggles I've been wrestling with:  am I an impostor of greatness?  Was I really a big sales professional once upon a time?  Maybe I got lucky for a few years when the timing was right.
A social media experience

as I ride the waves from the tide pushed by others before me.  Am I just a toe in or knee deep?  Thank goodness for analytics to appeal to my numerical musical notes, de-scrambling and decoding information that is mine for the taking, just as I log on and click in.  

Like a sponge floating
soaking up, but not falling too deep beyond the grasp of realization that maybe I've been looking at it all wrong.  I mean, I read A-LOT!  It never sinks me in, it expounds wonder at all the information at my disposal, my right, my actions, my clicks revealing a true, authentic person.  
Not a persona but a brand
I've been continuing the brand I started so many years ago.  I tap into what has delighted me (like last night I was surfing the PINs on PINTEREST on "figure skating")  .... who cares how long I look?  Nobody, my WIFI provider LOVES the moola it extracts from me:  I have an "unlimited data plan".  
True Authenticity
is when you allow your spirit and soul to guide you to what you find intriguing, moves you in its beauty.  The next wave a super social media rock stars will need to be authentic in a crowded noise of ME me ME (like Guy Kawasaki, who forgets was among his small tribe when he moved on to Google Plus G+ not remembering who they were, ah-hem, like moi).  

I didn't adopt someone else 
to build my brand by trying to be someone I am not, claim to know something I do not, brag about knowing someone to build your brand?  Well, my not-so-reciprocal friends aka |devils in disguise| narcissists | fake | crooks | egotistical | famed | self-proclaimed experts.
Honesty has been my guiding star
towards bright lights without sunglasses to block the glow.  Truthfulness is a strength in character, it is ingrained and cannot be replicated by large degrees.
Believe in me?
The jury is still out.  I just know that I'm not doing my God-given gift.  I keep looking and stretching to find it.  Sometimes I think maybe I've found it, when instead I've found some new great hobbies ::... like painting objects and making them into art.  Really a fun sidekick to have.  
I may have become too scattered
creating far too many blogs, when here I should just write.  Focus on making one site really really good, then a bunch of others mediocre.

I've had this ah-HA moment before
I realize.  When I was jumping from advertising to the world of publishing ::... the how before the what.
The how before the what
Is really what makes me stand out.  I'm not suggesting that I really do, but I was trying to appease you, your time and dedication for reading thus far.  
Whether it is sales, business 
or communication people gravitate to the explosive environment we allow ourselves to tumble into ::.... traditional media that has the explosion with headline before any details.  Saying WHAT??!!??

I gravitate towards  the HOW
which basically covers the how, the who, the where, the speculation as to the why, or the scientific explanation of the how.  I think people's eyes and sensibilities are been drummed out of the noise, and only ENGAGE with those they believe appeals to their own values, opinions, knowledge, genre, topics, interests, hobbies, visuals, emotional well being, what grabs them NOW.  
I'm going to continue on this journey
with you by my side.  Continual in experimentation on a quest for new insights.  The insights that I share may be long and somewhat rambling.  But there is a nugget in there somehow.  
Too many people haven't discovered

who they are so they try to invent themselves to be someone they're not.  For personal, professional, relationship reasons, known only to themselves.  They hide behind a character or persona in which they want the world to see them as.

An enthusiast
is what I tagged myself.  Does it really suit me?  OKay, thanks for the reminder mirror | DANG! (borrowed from my 22 y/old lovely daughter) | I am not always in a good mood.  Gasp, shocked?  Probably not those that know me and still love me would say.  
Determined and tenacious
would be a common affront in succinctly describing me.  That's what is great.  As a woman who is 5 ft TALL and petite curvy figure ::.... it is a gracious honor to be synonymous with STRENGTH.
A nod for the new year ahead
will be the stretch to willpower.  Where I should examine these fair questions:
Am I trying to prove something?
To myself?  To someone else? Or bigger?
Am I doing my hardest to avoid and stay out of toxic environments or people? Am I being true to my GIFT that I am working to discover:  a teacher? a writer? an advertising Adonna?  | HA!  Google Chrome spell check:  "Ladonna, Madonna, Donna" | fooled YA!  Yes, I meant to make up a new word since GURU isn't even in the cards for a lot of knowledge to beget.
A website
I've been struggling with this for almost two years.  It doesn't fall under my PROCRASTINATION leanings, but I keep coming up with ideas on sections, which will fall under an umbrella of an e.zine.  I have experimented with blogs, Word Press, Go Daddy | good grief: worst experience EVA!  They didn't mind taking my money | "there's a sucker born every milisecond on the internet" | they fall into my bucket of ::... "NEVER AGAIN" pile.  Of which there are few, it's a small crowd, like my "former dentist" Lee (first or last name, I'll never tell, except from what it rhymes with "Cal-gar-y" ('y' pronounced "Eeee")

I'm going to write and let him know.  This young fellow, who shall not be named, unless agreed to by name).  I would like to showcase his work from Word Press websites.  

What's in a name?
I can't settle on a name is what a name is about.  You'd be surprised how much time I spend waving on the tide of websites, website hosts, and a few creative outfits in between.  
designCA has been born.  I guess pretty much anything I spend doing ends up in a blog of some sorts.  I launched it about a week ago.  What I want to do is showcase what I uncover for the social media crowd or blogging tribe.  Tools, resources, gallery, creative, writing host of a colossal kind!  
Getting pumped up
now, creative juices flowing unabated, from feeling a strong sense of cabin FEVER since my skin erupted from either Shingles or a skin reaction/infection | doctors have conflicting prognosis | first time ever the Wicked Witch of the West has been nice to me in months, if exactly a year ago from now.
I think I have an idea
so I guess I better go.  Thanks for joining me while I uncork another idea for others to be amused by, inspired from or motivated to ..... JUST DO IT!

Saturday, June 18, 2016

be a father you can count on


I wrote about fatherhood a year ago as a tribute to my father who passed away five years ago and how much I miss him.  This year, I want to comment about the fatherly influences that don't get acknowledged on this day.

My hubby, Rob, is a fantastic father figure to my son, Kyle.  Rob makes the effort to connect and relate to Kyle whether it be about sports or video games.  Kyle also knows that if he were ever in trouble, he could count on Rob.

My older brother, Greg, was in charge of our home when we got home from school and before our parents arrived home from work.  He would round all four of us kids up, delegate chores, and lead the way.  He didn't ask any one of us to do more than he was prepared to do.  He is someone I've always looked up to and he leads a life that is exemplary.  He is a hard worker, family man who obviously loves his wife and daughter tremendously.  He holds only himself accountable for his actions.

My son, Kyle, is an amazing brother to both his sisters and his stepsister.  He and the soon-to-be-son-in-law are firm friends and have formed a nucleus of family that will be steadfast beyond the years that we've been given.  It is nice to know that he will always champion his sisters, be there for them with acts of kindness and be known for his positive spirit.

My kids are really lucky.  They have uncles that they can turn to and would and will always be there for them.  Their Uncle Tom, who was the eldest of there own father's tribe, was kind, reflective and dolls out wisdom when asked, never forced.  My brother, Greg, is an anchor for my daughter who ventured away from her home city, to seek her adulthood with the safety net of her uncle if needed.  Handy with a screwdriver, he would put furniture together, move her out and then back in again.  He is soft spoken and doesn't opinionate unless asked.

From that day when the high school adventure started, my son Kyle had firmly found a friend who has been there for him through what could have been turbulent years, to today, embracing him as one of the best friends to have and to be.  His name is Kyle too.  I like to think he sets the bar high for possibilities for Kyle to look up to showing that you can have it all - marriage, love, family, fatherhood.

Don't think it is odd that I have included mothers in this commentary.  After all, there are so many single mothers out in the world, due to multiple circumstances, who have the role of both mother AND father.  They are the anchor in the home and if you ever wonder about the success of this environment, just watch the 60 Minutes Sports on Marshawn Lynch.  A wonderful example of a mother's influence upon her son and the success that can unfold humbly yet fruitfully.

If you do one thing this weekend, check out "Beast Mode"  @Beast Mode to support the charitable efforts of Marshawn Lynch through his "Family First Foundation".  You will end up with some really cool threads at the same time, or it will be the gift that keeps on giving.

"If you are in your everyday life, and you feel like you just accomplished something big that you had going on, then that's Beast Mode. It's an accomplishment, that you put yourself through something to get something better out of it. I feel that that's Beast Mode. "

~Marshawn Lynch

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Diamond Dash

Goal is to have Tiffany & Co. pay for an advertising spot on this blog as I show the way.

Hahahahaha my fabulous fashion fashionistas fighting their 50s, 60s or finding their way in their 20s, 30s :: or friends or family of them :: you thought that I was going to go on about gems like I did in my nod to Tiffany's a week ago.  Should I say sorry?  Do you think I tricked you?

Mundane Averse
I guess I'm avoiding the risk that you will get too bored if I'm mundane.  This is called "MeanderingsAbout" after all, and I only promise that
it is likely what I'm thinking about or on my current radar.  

My personal vibe
I just have this hidden gift of picking up looks and 
able to find what looks right on me, regardless of the past 5 decades of my life, minus the first two because it was the period when my parents, my friends, my desires led my way.  To a lesser degree, as an avid reader, I was fortunate to avoid some of the boredom facing youth of any generation, reckless with abandon with the strength of my will, not without having repercussions or accountability drilled in to me.  Less likely to rebel, but having a rebellious heart.  That can be used constructively, not violently nor corruptly.

Well if you read my blog from last night,  I had hatched the idea of becoming a reading aficionado @readaficionado
I can tweet 140 characters to cast the net wide on the web and luckily catch some of the best of the best of simply #everything :: but the friends who are friends on Facebook become more than a fleeting #RT or #FF that is in the net with you, together. Usually, they catch the same #positivevibes as you do and/or you gravitate to the same group of messages, narrowing the finest as in a sci-FI being slower to filter up to blend into the hook. Does the hook get larger or the net? It certainly appears that they're the top 1% ers :: taking the lame factors of Following to Follow ratio, WHO are your Followers (determining the influence you wield.

Mental Energist
I can tweet 140 characters to cast the net wide on the web and luckily catch some of the best of the best of simply #everything :: but the friends who are friends on Facebook become more than a fleeting #RT or #FF that is in the net with you, together. Usually, they catch the same #positivevibes as you do and/or you gravitate to the same group of messages, narrowing the finest as in a sci-FI being slower to filter up to blend into the hook. Does the hook get larger or the net? It certainly appears that they're the top 1% ers :: taking the lame factors of Following to Follow ratio, WHO are your Followers (determining the influence you wield.

From Facebook:

Today knowledge has power. It controls access to opportunity and advancement.

The tweets of the week:

ORIGINATORS: +Mashable ifttt
9 tricks to spice up your sext life:

9 tricks to spice up your sext life:


I think that the most people we engage with filter

into Facebook, those who's opinion matters pop

out at you whether your scanning or reading you

click. The smart social media networks are read-

ing your habits so finely, they know how to put

the right ones according to your vibe: what do

you click on, whom do you #RT and the most


Who we are to the core

Like an accidental experiment, the informa-

tion about ourselves, our influences, our

habits, our philosophy, our creativity, nuances

and talents ready to unfold, drift together as

magnets to become a strong force, a voice, the

pulse of the world based on the beat of the many

nations drums of social media.

Mistakenly called viral

Viral seems to be one social media avenue or

influential groups decides that they, their

followers and engagers are going to click, RT,

share or post.

One common voice

By uncommon people :: each individuals in their

own way, in touch with who they are and the

strength to set a great example for others.

Without fame

The ones the algorithm acrobats seem to jump

around are like the tatty tale newspapers still

pumping out volumes, while traditional print

media - i.e. on paper 100% of the time. The

who the tatty tale try to tell us what we want

to hear when the web unfolds an aura that you

don't have to be told. You may know or you

may have to be doing a little self-discovery.

Mental Energists

The true great Mental Energetics are the one we

pay the closest attention to? NooOOOOooo not

the number of Tweets, #RTs Followers you have.

They're smart, they're risk takers, based on their

own convictions. A humanitarian at heart, other-

wise they would have been drowned out at the

beginning. By the way

Self Promoters

Are not Mental Energetics and have fleeting

internet relevance whether they were acci-

dally thrown into a controversy, tragic event.

They yield not 15 minutes of fame, but millions

of overnight clicks fame :: called "Viral" to those

in the know or "viral" by those who are early

adopters of

Anything cool

Flits across the screen of a Mental Energist. He

or she is able to filter rapidly with instincts on

overdrive to lead to the way to what is going to

be hip before the hipsters come on the scene.


We are at a time where and when we can define

the heroes. The media settling back into sup-

porting role. We hear or see something that

vibrates within our inner core, and we click and

instinctively share, comment or post.

Our tribe

You are of the tribe who wants the world to be a

better place. You don't sit back and opinionate

or rant on about, you jump to action. Sometimes

it is spiritually, other times financial, but many by

simply a voice. Creating the tribe of communi-

caters. If you follow, subscribe, share or best to

track comment on this blog, it means that you

are a member of that energy and collaborative

goal of making the world a better place. For

today, tomorrow and intothefutureyears.


My Diamond Dash review 2/5*

I don't just talk about it, I post my reviews, then sometimes talk about it here or on my other two blogs by +Jeannette Marshall 

I apologize friends :: I just stumbled upon Diamond Dash and its looking like I'm obsessed with it .... well I am ... for now .... it may last long because they're too inhibiting in time you play, causing you to stop until you have more hearts. What do they know that the bazillion other games have on Facebook? Would Farmville have the bazillion of gameplayers and followers if they limited time play? NOOOooooppee they bring out the competitiveness in its players wanting to be at the highest level or the prettiest set up or the most prolific farms.

In other words, I give Diamond Dash two thumbs down and only ** out of ***** stars.  The only reason it did not get a 1/5* rating was because it did a good enough job to suck me in and get me to play a few games, on the very tip of the verge of addiction.

I really value feedback so I can get direction from my fans if there is anything specific they want my opinion on?  I can check it out, get the energy or vibe, insight into brand messaging and then give my honest to goodness review or commentary.

I appreciate if you tweet, share post: Meanderings about to

get acknowledgement for your comradery and

support. If you include @optioneerJM I can

pretty much a #RT back!

TWITTER:  @optioneerJM @OptioneerJM