Showing posts with label #unMOTHERSday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #unMOTHERSday. Show all posts

Thursday, March 1, 2018

ON CHILDREN: Lead by example invites me with increasing regularity to answer questions on relationships.  It is the least I can do:  share my own perspective and advice on parenting.  

I'm qualified:  I have 4 children:  3 girls and 1 boy.  Blended 2nd marriage to the "Hunkster Hubster" who often joins me in these discussions and when asked gives his perspective often.  Everyone in our family values his point of view and his judgement.

So, here is what I was asked to answer with the following my response:

 My daughter is 13 years old. She is an only child who cares much about what her peers think of her. When do I talk to her about sex and how do I approach it?

My first child (of 4) is the only boy.

As his mother, I read all the notes that came home and what curriculum was being covered. When I knew it was being covered shortly, I asked him conversationally if he knew about what was coming up in Health (where sex education falls under here in my part of Canada).

I made him a deal. I said that if he had any questions that he wanted to ask me instead of among his classmates he could.

It was an uncomfortable question. I answered it after clarifying a bunch of things to see where his understanding was or where he may be coming from. That was almost worse.

I answered honestly and it didn’t become a big deal.

NOTE: Any 13 year old girl for generations  rates peer acceptance as critical at this age  — only child, one of many — same thing.

Sex probably isn’t even on the table, if at all, she just does obsess and worry about what her/his peers think of her/him. 

 I’d be more concerned if it was a girl and it was boys, boys, boys about everything with little friendships among female peers.

If she wants to look good and not stand out. That’s normal.  She notices how other kids dress and wants to fit in.  (Him/her)

I would be more concerned with asking her questions that can help you identify her self-image — what may be/have influenced her perception of a positive self-image?

It is likely girls with low self-esteem are more susceptible to doing things with boys that is questionable rather than those busy with sports, extra-curricular activities, hobbies, activities, strong family ties.

Talking about sex didn’t surface until the girls were around 16 — where parental permission was still required for tattoos, piercings — which was a far more important discussion at the time than birth control.

If you worry about sex in an unwanted pregnancy kind of way, then you can go at an angle of annual physical check ups, especially around 15, on whether she would be needing any sort of birth control. (Standard response by abstaining girls: “Geez Mom/Dad that’s gross!”)

You could schedule to meet the school counselor to seek advice on when or how to broach the subject of sex with one’s child. They should be able to give you multitudes of resources: books to reads, website links.

With three girls, two years apart, with the youngest watching, taking in what the older two are talking about, ears open, who liked to report their goings on to me and ask her own questions.

Is there a boy in the picture? That is a bell ringing, as in your door bell. I kept steadfast rules for all: if they were going on a date or out with a boy, he had to come to the house to pick her up, to give us a chance to meet the lucky guy. There are likely signs that you’re picking up on that may challenge you to ask whether there was anything that needed asking or concerned about beyond what is scary for any parent.

Fingers crossed you have a warm, open, dialogue with any kid, so they will be comfortable with your inquiry for their well being, not inquisitive inquisition, or on the ready to pounce and start preaching. At 13, they tend to do the thing that is the most likely to bug you.

Remember, you are setting an example and providing the observance for a child. Heed your own actions and give them the right foundation to expect from healthy, loving relationships between boys and girls in the right circumstance and all the proper reasons.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

COMMENTS on the story: Virtue & Moir 2 play tribute 2 Gord Downey as a statement to Canada

The source of the HUFFPOST story:

Oh heavenly devine angels to share an ode to Canadians so proud!

Thank you for this wonderful tribute

that shows our character as a nation

we stand together

one and all.

We unite together

across many divisive factors other geographies cannot comprehend

Being at peace with our neighbor,

reach out a hand if you feel it is needed.

The reaching hand of humanity, no divisive color or race or defining character

is allowed to belong

It is the faith of this one nation that seems to send a ray of hope

shining brightly from the inside

with pride [ not ego ] humanitarian peace and a kinder world

void of catastrophe or calamity or violence

With the unified strength and ability to reach out a hand to the world

as naturally as we've learned to live together.

In a peaceful, proud nation, of diverse peoples and bruised history

we will always stand together

when it is time to step up and say:

(NOT this country or that culture or some race)


Creating a future for our children and their children

to build upon the foundation of the strength

we've relied upon.

Not infallible, without human shame, and all other unimaginables

Yet that sense of optimism that joins us all

For all of US command!

xo Jeannette

Thursday, January 18, 2018

A very unmotherly sentiment

Just great.
Thanks A-lot!
Good on ya.
Niccccccccccce (c's sound like "ssss")

And all that jazz

It isn't enough that I'm having trouble sleeping, I log online and start surfing and reading.  Sleep disorder specialists recommend you stay especially away from computers.  Well, the Solitaire was hypnotic, but didn't make me sleepier.  I'm dog gone tired!

Read this:  Made to feel like a bad mother for not having a job

I wasn't coming to read about being a loser, I came here to get some grainage in me:  i.e.  information.  

What I want for Mother's Day (you can get a T-shirt)

These days, as one is almost feeling like they are drowning as life whirls around and like Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz except my Toto is Buddy, a gal's best friend.  

My favorite series that I just gobbled up has been Curb Your Enthusiasm with the immensely popular creator of "Seinfelt" bumblings and confrontations brought to the forefront so many of our failings with expectations, rules, conventions, even poking fun at his own religion in equal doses of jabs to the Catholic community.  With wit and taste, I might add.  Sometimes quirky, sometimes unrelateable for a gal from Calgary, Canada yet at other times like glimpsing a twin! 

Then I get some notice, perhaps a share from somewhere on this article, inspiring a share.  Quite the controversial topic if you ask me.  Have a look/read:  

Then I get a notice that someone added me to a list that had "pre-launch" in it so I had to Tweet to find out what the dealio is, to coddle my curious mind (yeah, I know, at 2:30am what can possibly be more curious than a pillow ).

This whole cycle started by me sharing this article on "MYnewsSTORYofTHEday" board on Pinterest:

Which then happens to land me that article on loser moms, and then inspired me to follow this DIGITAL312 on Pinterest because of their plethora of exceptional collections for a knowledge junkie like me.

I had taken a breather from writing (which I like to think I write on a blog, since I don't get paid to be a Blogger, lol - bitter are we?)

A lot of things have been going on in my offline world or "in real life" that has sidetracked me.  I still find it difficult to talk about so it makes sense that I've avoided writing.

I've been inspired by the number of new followers of late I've been having on YUPPYdom on Wordpress, a real devoted crew of misfits and wonder kinds.

So maybe this is like popping the cork off a little later than New Year's ..... which is normal when one is grasping at straws to remain positive and focused.

On what you say?

It is obvious, I say?

Say what?

I was gonna say:

I don't wanna be a loser mother.


Tuesday, December 19, 2017

I'd settle on being the Queen of something

Sir BUDDY:  My sidekick and assistant 

In a meandering mood, without any particular destination in mind, online, of course.  Definitely, with some great mood selections from my really cool playlists [ I say myself attesting to the many hours I categorized my iTunes music library in a mood setting and that means both from where I physically am to where I am continually striving for better moods.

When one is struggling with depression, it means that they are likely grasping for safety nets of positive inspiration or motivation.  Giving back.  Giving what one knows or has sharing honest advice based on one's own unique perspective in whatever that may represent:  as a person (wife, mother, friend, daughter, sister, aunt, outlaw or in-law I may be.  

Buddy avoided a younger dog-sibling by the masterful decree by HH that I could NOT adopt a dog

I've discovered a new identity emerging from the wisp and whoosh of inspiration that glimmers across one's screen.  Maybe I've been hovering in a lot of different areas, appearing scattered, however, there is still consistency from my original vision/mission statement:  "To help others go from average to REMARKABLE".  I see that slogan here and there.  Maybe I can do that creatively, who knows.

But wandering around, I saw posts and what felt like a flurry of activity from FACEBOOK ~ wow, who's radar did I get on now?  Or is the merge between KRED and EMPIRE really trying to outdo the other battle of supremacy on leading edge Artificial Intelligence by throwing more and more things across your computer screen, daring you to click on what they've carefully selected you to view.

I hope it doesn't mean that we're closer to a Brave New World (was that the one I read in Grade 12 English about mind control, big brother?) ~ will have to fact check.  My growing list of fact checking is getting annoying.  I'd rather write than check facts, something that I would spend hours doing when I first began blogging as optioneerJM seven years ago.

I'm amazed at the craftiness of Facebook tempting me with MEMORIES and growing that part of AI which is another way of saying Automated Internet .... what you do, where you click, how often you click is being captured for your entertainment or knowledge value, which ever your behavior predicts that you have a tendency to go to or click on.

Regardless, I firmly plan my crown upon my head as the official new dear abby of online.  Why?  It's fun and it seems to help people and more questions keep coming for me to answer with more people viewing my answers daily.  Although sales was my first forage on to the social media spectrum, social media certainly follow in a natural graduation.  Now I am being invited to try products and be beta first responders/testers.  It's all very cool.  However, nothing I do online makes any money.  The pathetic truth that it is.

My gauntlet is tossed.  I challenge 2018 to bring me compensation so that I can continue to create:  both painted images or written thought.  Well enough to quit a full time job since it requires around the clock, if not attention, connected.  If I get a little more honest by evaluating my own numbers (I gush at the thought to play around with them) ............ if Dear Abby it is, then voila a Queen of Advice can be born.

I will be re-posting on my other blogs.  The goal is to create images that portray the mood or character of my blog, then create a page that it all blends and compliments each other.  That is a big TO DO/GET'R'DONE for 2018 I don't know what does?  Suggestions welcome.

Nevertheless or irregardless as his highness would say (as crowned from the Hunkster Hubster to His Highness or HH starting in the countdown to 2018.)  The following advice has gotten traction on Quora.

Is what you know.  You know what you know.  You answer with your best face forward with integrity and honesty to strengthen your resolve:  questions posed by anyone and everyone, then voted by anyone, and the tricksters or smartsters at Quora are putting more answers forward to you answer.  So much so, you can start to distinguish the ones from genuine users with profiles and others suggested by Quora.  Quora is telling me what answers and how I answer some questions is well received, therefore, they are now padding my ANSWERS banner with a sprinkling or mixture of both.

Here is an example on the traction and reaction from 23 hours ago:

Jeannette Marshall
Jeannette Marshall, a mother, a wife, an employee, a manager, an executive, an entrepreneur

Well I want to be a Queen, princess at the very least. With it the responsibility of always being fashionably dressed, impeccable coif, an assistant, a butler, a maid, a financier, at the very least. People curtsy or bowing upon meeting. I would wear gloves to avoid germs, dirt, disease.
I am financially reliable since I can provide my own tiara, having a selection of a few.
I am humble, I try to help others without any monetary reward. Although, treasuring honesty, admit that I salvitate at the thought of compensation from people reading my gripes, quips, tips, trips posts.
I am truly sorry!
I got sidetracked, totally disregarding the question. I apologize. Oopsie.
Go to the Nobel website and determine under which category you feel more aligned with: peace, literature, for examples, then study who have been the most recent recipients that you more closely identify with: can adopt a believable adaptation of anyone of them by providing the skill and talent to stand beside them. Then I’d say:
Go for it!
Who is anyone that could contradict YOU?
YOU are the ONLY person in lives in that house: your brain, body.


Sunday, December 17, 2017

FEMINISM: The word of the year [SOURCE: Merriam-Webster]


Original art by:  Jeannette Marshall
(C) Copyrighted

The year of feminism. Well. Wouldn't ya know?

The only beef I have with that is:  every year should be a year where feminism moves forward in giving women the same rights as anyone else.

I speak of which I know.
Hitting my 50s wasn't really so bad.  I had 4 great children all making their way in life.  One now off to university, another one married, one with a sparkle in her eye, and another one battling demons [ REF:  gaming].

Rob and I had a conversation about this the other day.  It was after we returned home from having dinner with our besties couple friends.  It was to celebrate Rob's birthday.  He made a statement that they had a big hill to climb ahead.  Looking back, he was reflecting on experience.  That one minute, you're tripping over kids or kids friends or kids stuff, nonstop nagging 

What he said was true though:  the next minute they're off and growing up or have grown up, with lives of their own.  Their own responsibilities (either significant other or career climb), overshadowing the wants or needs of elder parents.  Yes, we're aging, but we're still in our 50s, considered young in the aging age bracket.  

It's profound.  It's quiet.  [Except when Rob is gaming online with some of the kids].  Sometimes I remember to put my music on to drown out his banter that is one-sided.  Not in the least curious what the other parties are saying in the least.  I've had to grow to be balanced with curiosity.

I've always been an exuberant gal.  Ready with a question, so that I can pick up the minuet details of information and audibly digest it by saying it out loud.  That is a really big misconception, by the way:  people who talk a lot are scattered, indecisive, annoyingly vocal, opinionated and sometimes critical.  

Except if you delve deeper into the logic, demystification surfaces.  We've often heard that some people are visual, visual learners, etc.  What is rarely spoken is that there are others who are auditory.  Meaning that in order to absorb information, they need to say it aloud in order for it to be absorbed.  Alterna- tively, visually oriented appeal to imagery, videos, graphics, art.  

I suppose just words are fine if you are auditory.  One doesn't have to read out loud to comprehend what they are reading.  That is off the track.

We live in a world of supposition.
We make assumptions, jump to conclusions more now than ever before.  By now, the flash of information and visuals is so rapid and fleeting, we don't even realize or recognize what information we're being fed, factual or false.

Feminism is about opinions
That is my take at any rate.   An outspoken, opinionated, egotistical male is considered aggressively pursuing a space rocket trajectory into the stratosphere.  A woman with such attributes is considered aggressive and a bitch.

Three degrees of interpretation
Having three daughters the ages of 23, 25[next month] and 27[2 months].  I've decided to stop identifying which one is my stepdaughter, inherited by marriage because she's been part of my family for 13 years, with a husband I've known for 13 years, who was born on the 13th and I married on the 13th [scoffing at fate and bad-luck tales].

Each girl has branched out into different areas

One is pursuing the arts in university, the other on a carpet ride in project management and the other torn between the legal mill or the pursuit of an education.  The main point, really, being that they each took different paths that reflect their different views on life, education, work, relationships and what they want out of it.

Only one is a steadfast feminist
She is vocal, she is a champion for the underdog and she is learning her voice.  The feminism of the millennials is quite different that the first feminist whom one has heard about starting in the 60s, making leaps in the 80s, and protests and speeches abound, fighting for equal rights for women.

There is a long, long way to go.
Like the example I was trying to give on learning or communication styles, we make assumptions and we allow stereotypical thinking of our own.  

Wishing you a merry and marvelous holiday season to you and yours

xo Jeannette
(c) Copyright unless written permission granted