Thursday, March 1, 2018

ON CHILDREN: Lead by example invites me with increasing regularity to answer questions on relationships.  It is the least I can do:  share my own perspective and advice on parenting.  

I'm qualified:  I have 4 children:  3 girls and 1 boy.  Blended 2nd marriage to the "Hunkster Hubster" who often joins me in these discussions and when asked gives his perspective often.  Everyone in our family values his point of view and his judgement.

So, here is what I was asked to answer with the following my response:

 My daughter is 13 years old. She is an only child who cares much about what her peers think of her. When do I talk to her about sex and how do I approach it?

My first child (of 4) is the only boy.

As his mother, I read all the notes that came home and what curriculum was being covered. When I knew it was being covered shortly, I asked him conversationally if he knew about what was coming up in Health (where sex education falls under here in my part of Canada).

I made him a deal. I said that if he had any questions that he wanted to ask me instead of among his classmates he could.

It was an uncomfortable question. I answered it after clarifying a bunch of things to see where his understanding was or where he may be coming from. That was almost worse.

I answered honestly and it didn’t become a big deal.

NOTE: Any 13 year old girl for generations  rates peer acceptance as critical at this age  — only child, one of many — same thing.

Sex probably isn’t even on the table, if at all, she just does obsess and worry about what her/his peers think of her/him. 

 I’d be more concerned if it was a girl and it was boys, boys, boys about everything with little friendships among female peers.

If she wants to look good and not stand out. That’s normal.  She notices how other kids dress and wants to fit in.  (Him/her)

I would be more concerned with asking her questions that can help you identify her self-image — what may be/have influenced her perception of a positive self-image?

It is likely girls with low self-esteem are more susceptible to doing things with boys that is questionable rather than those busy with sports, extra-curricular activities, hobbies, activities, strong family ties.

Talking about sex didn’t surface until the girls were around 16 — where parental permission was still required for tattoos, piercings — which was a far more important discussion at the time than birth control.

If you worry about sex in an unwanted pregnancy kind of way, then you can go at an angle of annual physical check ups, especially around 15, on whether she would be needing any sort of birth control. (Standard response by abstaining girls: “Geez Mom/Dad that’s gross!”)

You could schedule to meet the school counselor to seek advice on when or how to broach the subject of sex with one’s child. They should be able to give you multitudes of resources: books to reads, website links.

With three girls, two years apart, with the youngest watching, taking in what the older two are talking about, ears open, who liked to report their goings on to me and ask her own questions.

Is there a boy in the picture? That is a bell ringing, as in your door bell. I kept steadfast rules for all: if they were going on a date or out with a boy, he had to come to the house to pick her up, to give us a chance to meet the lucky guy. There are likely signs that you’re picking up on that may challenge you to ask whether there was anything that needed asking or concerned about beyond what is scary for any parent.

Fingers crossed you have a warm, open, dialogue with any kid, so they will be comfortable with your inquiry for their well being, not inquisitive inquisition, or on the ready to pounce and start preaching. At 13, they tend to do the thing that is the most likely to bug you.

Remember, you are setting an example and providing the observance for a child. Heed your own actions and give them the right foundation to expect from healthy, loving relationships between boys and girls in the right circumstance and all the proper reasons.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

COMMENTS on the story: Virtue & Moir 2 play tribute 2 Gord Downey as a statement to Canada

The source of the HUFFPOST story:

Oh heavenly devine angels to share an ode to Canadians so proud!

Thank you for this wonderful tribute

that shows our character as a nation

we stand together

one and all.

We unite together

across many divisive factors other geographies cannot comprehend

Being at peace with our neighbor,

reach out a hand if you feel it is needed.

The reaching hand of humanity, no divisive color or race or defining character

is allowed to belong

It is the faith of this one nation that seems to send a ray of hope

shining brightly from the inside

with pride [ not ego ] humanitarian peace and a kinder world

void of catastrophe or calamity or violence

With the unified strength and ability to reach out a hand to the world

as naturally as we've learned to live together.

In a peaceful, proud nation, of diverse peoples and bruised history

we will always stand together

when it is time to step up and say:

(NOT this country or that culture or some race)


Creating a future for our children and their children

to build upon the foundation of the strength

we've relied upon.

Not infallible, without human shame, and all other unimaginables

Yet that sense of optimism that joins us all

For all of US command!

xo Jeannette

Monday, January 29, 2018

we ARE stronger than we think #METOO #TIMESUP

A reflection....

Indeedly as the English are known to say :  

Ironic?  Yes I’d say.

If you follow my blog and social media blurts and visuals [ art € music videos € photography € learning € knowledge € history € geography € writing € events € stories orchestrated under one name: optioneerJM @optioneerjm +optioneerJM with a few spinoffs that can reflect my mood.

In the above image and a reflection.... I was ready to write about something, inspired to make a statement more often on meanderingsABOUT more closely linked to mostly family and a few friends.

I use iffttt to link among some worthy accounts that I find I would #RT (= reTweet on @Twitter - reshare £ repost £ comment.  One all time favourite @Mashable appears in my Twitter feed and can consistently count on being ❤️ ( symbol for liking something on Twitter and InstaGram ).  

: Sidebar
Both @Twitter 
& @InstaGram
use the numeric 
at “@“ symbol

Among the handful of loyal followers is my chief cheerleader: my Mom, Marie [ she may have lassoed my Godmother, Joanne to read it at least once ], they don’t necessarily participate on Social Media thus some of the sidebars give an explanation in my own words and interpretation.

I definitely had strong opinions on the #MeToo movement that materialized ... I just didn’t write.  I’ve been somewhat distracted by the army of therapists up to three times Monday to Friday guiding my hubby’s recovery from home base.  That and getting caught up on my own medical and dental appointments that strikes more frequently after you pass fifty. [ Not to mention how expensive living in the metropolis of Calgary aka “Cowtown” is.  

: sidebar
Calgary is the Canadian capital city
of oil & gas corporate headquarters.
Also, home to the controversial 
TransCanada Pipelines 
(overseer of Keystone Pipeline)
Price at the pump

Where unemployment has struck so many families, our arrogant city representatives vote to spend more money on pitching to host a future Olympics and handing out tax payer dollars to nonCalgarians, more often not even Canadians, for structures rammed down our throats ... both examples of that home town, hospitable host reputation completely eroded under the leadership of self-interest and leveraged attention deflected towards the one self.

Ironic isn’t it that it would be a year ago as a wake up call that things were a changing in so many ways that 50 something somehow survive to only be challenged perseverance and strength.

I can definitely say that I have rarely stay quiet over bad manners.  Except I redirect to be when I have something helpful ¥ constructive ¥ knowledgeability ¥ positive ¥ informative things to say.

I must have taken a deep breath and a step back which is often how I cope with negativity.

Friday, January 26, 2018

Do opposites attract?

Or, are we more alike than we’d like to think?

Place a ball or stick in a boy’s hands and out pops his basic instinct to hit with it .... like a club.

He could resort to cheering on a fight Or loyally brave watching it with hi-fives.

Threaten a girl in any way you may find she is a lot stronger than she looks.

Many men failed to recognize a strong mind can out power physical strength.

Both have power.

In a perfect world, a woman would be promoted on performance not sucked into

the downward spiral she can’t possibly win.

Gassed by toxic surroundings, choking and gasping for breath

from the draft of sexual harassment or competive alpha female foes.

What is most amazing is what females are equally guilty of:

Jumping into offensive mode

Quick judgement judge of character: when s#*@ hits the fan

A sales mentor is your best champion 

Virginia Garrosino was the most high-ranking mentor I ever had.

My largest client in the digital print management world was worth 50 percent of my annual sales.

My relationship with Virginia evolved more out of curiosity on her part than anything else: who was this little upstart in Calgary turning the branch upside down after she sent our Bill Gates twin named Thomas [fictionalized name] the Alberta Sales Manager who was charged with assessing what was going on.  Thor was givin the instruction to fire me and instead he took me for a beer to have a chat.

When I showed up for work by my typical 7:45~8:45am arrival timeframe, a few jaws dropped because rumour had it I was going to be fired the day before.

Virginia was curioser and curiousness enveloped her to get to know me since she wanted to sharpen her own judgment radar since the logic that was contiously reinforced the second time when she may have made an error in judgement.  I think it was because two folks from opposite spectrums had plenty to say of me.

In an unusual approach in relationship building, I had actually made the recommendation to go to market.  The response earned an invitation to the table of the RFF.

     = request for proposal 

Which means you have been invited to the song and dance to win a contract to have exclusive service agreement.

Thom was in his element, the roll up your shirt sleeves and going on the offensive to win it.

I knew my customer.

I knew the operation, the players and the numbers.

I started creating spreadsheets, a very arduous task when you think of 500 accounts all bundled in a big brother time management exercise like Goldmine.

Even then it wasn’t obvious on how important forecasting was to most people.  I started thinking in 3 month increments.

Virginia came to Calgary and her E A set up meetings, stating she would like me to make reservations for lunch.

The interesting thing, no there are too many interesting things not to share: her background in HR (Human Resources who were covered by elegant, poised, intelligent women with a very firm and business first commitment.

One thing she said at a very dicey situation belonging to my biggest account:  we’d f”@&=% up.  Wisdom abound: everyone makes mistake but it is how you react at the moment is what you become reputed to be.  So,yes, I buckled down and steered through turbulent waters to achievement and acclaim.

Virginia was smart enough to take the time to get to know me, asking me how I could be so successful in sales with 3 small kids at home.

It was easy.  I had wonderful care for my kids so that I could escape for the day in the world of sales then waltz through the door, slip out the back with running shoes and headset pumping upbeats while I went through the decompression phase that men had been doing for eras, not merely years.

It was like I was playing hookey from doing laundry, cleaning toilets and dusting to a continuous shine.  I got to go learn new things daily and converse with people all day.

This all came to mind after watching Canadian political drama for the past 24 hours, watching this evening’s news unfold: the Ontario provincial ruling party at risk to a complete about face that happened in my own province Alberta and more recently about spin in British Columbia Premier ousted.

The brief clip on the matter allowed me to come to this conclusion.

The interim Conservative [REF: US politics “Republican”] party leader will go far in Canadian: he stepped into it because it was needed for the good of a number of people rather than how it would impact him personally.

The risk is greater to an individual than a group.  
Yet the greatest leaders take the risk alone, taking full responsibility 
For the good or the bad
Emerging victorious 
When knowing how to make good judgment calls
Is a gift and characteristic that is rare.

~Jeannette Marshall 