Showing posts with label #SocialMedia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #SocialMedia. Show all posts

Sunday, January 26, 2020

REGRET: is an energy drain

Sometimes we're young
with old souls.

Other times, we're old, 
wanting to hang on to
youth as long as we can.

~Jeannette Marshall

Technically, I am not a senior citizen at 58.  According to my millennial daughter:  I am not able to call myself a senior citizen, I'm too young.  But if I want her to call me old, she'll call me an old fart.

Payback is a bitch.
You want to raise strong, independent daughters who gather all the facts, evaluate the situation, and then act without reservations or hesitation.  Knowing the decision was made at a time when the facts and scenario presented works to the best you can do.  Never regretting the decisions you've made because you know that at the time, what was in front of you, it was the best thing to do.

Instincts on high alert.
The more you try to trust your instincts, the brain kicks in, needing to be fed and gobble as much justification as one can consume, extrapolate, use good judgement.  

The most difficult steps
require the most scrupulous examination.  There is a feeling of risk.  Butterflies flutter.

If you don't have butterflies 
you aren't taking a big enough risk?

We're trained to believe 
the path with least resistance means
something can be too good to be true.

When you can marry judgement 
with minimal risk, you have arrived.

The sooner you develop that ability
you won't be able to trust your instincts.

Sometimes you take a risk and it backfires.  You blame not listening to your
instincts and ignoring the red flags.

Trying to be mindful is focus on today
which directly contradicts the wisdom to glimpse back with strong conviction that you would have done the exact same thing, under those same circumstances.

Regret is an energy drain
Bitterness leaks into your soul
Energy becomes exhausted
Frustration on captivity
to emotions who freeze you.
Fear emerges.
Action disperses.

Like soap suds down the drain.
The gurgling sound of your
breath sucking air 
in the instant it travels through
your heart.

Writing NEXT:  The cackling noise of a pissed off senior

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Sometimes BIG STEPS allow us to go onto BIGGER THINGS

Original art by Jeannette Marshall #CalgaryBlogger (c) optioneerJM

I have butterflies in my belly.

Done. I am nervous.

We just signed away our house at the same time as submitted an offer on a new place - seems like one swift sweep.

There's a lot of things up in the air at the same time.
Its a big step after living where we are for 25 years for me, and 13 years as a couple.

Sure hoping there's nothing other major that happens.  I seem to be squeezing my eyes mentally constantly, waiting for the next bombshell in our lives.

Reading the Bible has been meditative for me.  It sheds light from understanding the reasons Christians have such strong faith.  Similarly, for others, the Q'ran or HINDU or Buddhists I'm sure.  

I have had to really work on faith and putting my trust in the hands of the lord.

On my knees begging for help and apologizing and asking forgiveness.

Taught by my sister that I am not being punished.  My mother keeps telling me to stop being so hard on myself.  My best friend says that I'm stronger than I think.  She's helping us make everything happen on the move.  A real true authentic angel.  I'm lucky I've known her 40 years.  That's a test of time.

I'm going to make a living from social media.  I've said that in the beginning in 2007 - March.  13 years ago.  It took me 10 years to build a following on Twitter, only for them to chop it away.  I have all the details and communications chain to create a separate blog - just another on my blog and other to do list.  

That seems to be mushrooming as my procrastination nature is being put to the test.  I can't put things off any more.  The sad part being that Rob is a much worse procrastinator than me, and we feed off each other.  Ironically, when we first met and were married we had a great deal of energy.  Blending 4 teenagers, 3 of them girls into a family of 6 over night.  That did expel a bit of energy, not going to lie.

(c) Jeannette Marshall

I've assessed, reviewed, asked questions a great deal.  Bored my daughter to bits re-iterating every detail to her and the hubby as well.  Separately, together, so they've heard the same things at least three times.  That's before the other daughters come for a visit and it's shared again.

They'd love to turn off the taps to the churn I'm under.  Recovering from breast cancer has been a bit more of an uphill climb than my delusional self ignored.  Be strong for everyone for so many years and being able to react under pressure has been my norm for most of my adult life.  Finishing college in 1981, starting a career in 1981, getting married at 21 in 1982, having a child in 1989, 2 more in the 1990s while my career took off.

I think the amount of stress you've lived under, your habits like smoking and or drinking all impact whether you'll get ill, especially with cancer.

Cutting back on my stress is most likely what the doctor should order.  

We'll be able to really cut back our living expenses as we currently live in a place where two salaries made things work and now one LTD only meant a lot of tightening up the hatches.  Cut back on to needs instead of wants.

I'm going to still continue writing and posting on social media as I continue to develop my art (per examples) but more importantly am looking to launch my own postcard business with my art images for blogs, profiles, advertising, social media posts since the feedback is that it was worth noticing and inquiring whether I could do animation (from instagram:
I do not own this nor did I create this image.

You can check it out just search my name Jeannette Marshall and go to my other blog on leadership, sales and social media -- I'm offering so that others can  either pay to use my content or pay me to place your tasteful ad inserted within a post (see content on right to highest views) on the pages (sidebars) or within the content inserted like the images on this post.  Cutting out the middle man.

A social media friend started a GO FUND ME campaign on Facebook - it got $18.  Unfortunately, inaccessible because it was set up on the US.  I don't really like asking for money from friends.  It's bad for business, friendships, families, relationships.  Period.  Then again, it is a very long term friend who is helping is move on to the next phase of our lives:  survival.

Perhaps one door ALWAYS OPENS when one closes.
I'm active on LINKED IN - I'd suggest you follow me there minimum so you see my posts regularly and set up your professional profile and reputation management control... and jump on board.


Monday, December 23, 2019

Square pegs don't belong in round holes

ref:  article from HBR 

"A clean desk
is the sign of
a sick mind."
~Albert Einstein
Fact check

My commentary on the following article from HBR 

When I was at my peak performance in sales:  winning awards ..... my desk was a big huge blob of paper.

When I became a leader, I kept my desk sparse and turned off all devices when someone came to me with a problem.

When I took a job to pay the bills:  I ensured I was surrounded by art:  art of beaches, boats or light- hearted sayings to keep me motivated.

People need to stop trying to be a square peg in a round hole.  You are you and your desk habits are your own: 

* pristine (conveys no nonsense efficiency)
* cluttered paper bomb (disorganized scatter head)
* lively & personal (keeping things light & disassociate from surroundings)

When, in fact:

* spotless can mean you are organized and efficient
* a MESS says: whatever you're doing is more important
* tasteful art and super slogans means you are balanced

NOTE:  I am not a doctor, educated in human behavior, nor am I a psychologist.  This is my own take.

Art by Jeannette Marshall (c) 2019
Michael McCool - the sales guy

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Know the rules of engagement if you are going to approach a CEO

Don't ASS-U-ME that the founder or CEO is a man.  More women are starting home-based startups and leading corporations because awareness is better that this an under-recognized issue.

Major accounts sales tip for selling to executives, particularly CEO

Sales to executives is a whole different kettle of fish:  THINK numbers if you're meeting/have audience with a CEO=Chief Executive Officer | Chairman of the Board + keep your meeting request including any PowerPoint presentations to 20 minutes with Q&A at the end = Practice practice practice doing your presentation in front of audience of colleagues who can constructively give feedback.  Even if you don't make it to Q&A you HAVE to ask PERMISSION to extend time allotment or reschedule to continue the conversation - that allows them the chance to absorb your initial presentation and come up with questions as it would apply to their company 

Always send a thank you note:  or two
1) Email recapping what you told them, any comments or feedback -- take a colleague or manager on the call (no more than one other for total of 2) to write notes and itemize NEXT ACTIONS by BOTH parties in the meeting (who agreed to do what) - reiterate what your next appointment will cover - ask for their input and edits or additions; 2) anyone else that may be needed to attend the meeting (i.e. Marketing Executive/Ops) to allow the CEO to get their input and evaluation extra set of eyes and ears and opportunity identifier.

2) send a handwritten card thank you note - it can be generic but better if you have cards printed with logo and your contact details - like a postcard or put in an envelope with a stamp and your own handwriting with Personal&Confidential on seal side.  Here, you make a social comment like - have a great vacation, day on the golf course, board meeting, union sit in - you get my point?

Before each meeting, you send an agenda beforehand, with time length beside it - to show that you are only going to take the 20 minutes allotted.  Ask for confirmation of agenda and whether they have anything to add, or people to add.  If they say they want to invite one of their executives, offer to send an email, coordinating event with the CEO copied in.  That is called leveraged selling in my book (don't know if there is such a term in sales?)

When you end the 2nd meeting with a more gelled action plan from both sides, again you follow up the meeting with notes, next steps, action owner, timeframe and again confirm the follow up timeline - 90 days on the third Friday in January, for example -- giving both parties plenty of time to gather needs or cultivate services or proposal with estimate, costs and timelines. Or topics that were tabled for the sake of time.

Sunday, September 30, 2018

(Backup) Strike when the iron’s hot! OR, be a freak of nature: unique and powerful

It is amazing how clarity 
bounces atcha when ur chilling and mind your own business.  Nestled warmly with my love and my sidekick, Buddy.

My own trials and tribulations more personalized I grapple with constantly.

What if my dad really was Elvis?
How differently life may have turned out, you’d think, eh?
Yet, that would mean no longer Canadian... not something I’d give up.

My mother could have been Grace Kelly
Dusting my shelves in my new studio (transferred basement space) I came across some great photos of my parents I have.  Whatever happened to the tradition of family portraits.  In a place of honour is one of myself and my three siblings.  Some things never change.  The only way we were able to have a family photos at weddings diminished, we had to think how we could solve the challenge to get all four of us together for a photo for my parents to commemorate their 25th Wedding Anniversary.

If Grace Kelly had instead married my father, my mother was who she was.

Being married to Elvis may have taken her away in a Catellac 

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Millennial Mom Mutterings ....

Isn't life suppose to teach the parent a lesson so that they are able to head off their offspring to the same crumbling fait?

I say potatoe, you sound like potata.

I roll my eyes and you purse your lips, when you want to emphasize your point.

A very wise man (my father) often asked: "What's the payoff?"
With my dad, that was the clue  we were to shut up and really reflect on the question and be very sure from the curl in our toes before we would dare speak up!  Never mind answer the question.

Well, dad.  Rob was the pay off!

I never quite knew the answer when it came to Rob and you'd ask me those 12 or 13 years ago.  His daughter would be double the age now from when we first met.  Definitely, because of my dad, I had to have really opened my eyes into what I was getting myself into.

Fear:  that's natural,
so many would say ... even today
as a daughter embarks on a marriage
I hope her father will be asking her
from the beginning, these wise WISE


While I become weary of family dynamics that are far worse than I could imagine for myself now, nor anyone I know.

Try being the legally married spouse to a man whom I adore, and my one great love [that's the easy part].

Try that man's life probably saved because she was there, acted quickly upon by his spouse, in every form imaginable.  When speaking to the Chief Resident on the neurological team, who asked me to call him by his first name [ undisclosed to secure privacy ].  I was asking him a few questions, or many as I am oft to do, whether genetics, health of the patient or whatever is the main reason for Rob's remarkable recover?

Kind Chief Doctor Resident said that the quickness to reaction and the outstanding diagnosis of The South Campus, was likely a highly contributing factor to his amazing recovery.

What's the PAYOFF       in keeping me around?

For someone who is often considered arrogant or cocky, as you can imagine, the list may be very sparse.

To that I say:

I am not perfect
... it is not something i could promise now or even from our beginning

Sometimes I talk too much
... with only the kindest and heartfelt intensions

I don't like what you say
.... not because it is true is it?

If you like what I say
.... or do or buy or compliment anything and everything to do with you.

REMEMBER:  I like to keep my promises
...  which was a shortcoming of your father who just wanted to make you happy

If you asked your dad to take you to the moon, he would have
...  and that was one of his most redeeming qualities:  how he treated you!

Your dad wanted to give you a family
...  I was part of the package.  A mother figure is important to every girl's lives.

Perhaps by now you are stunned to discover there is no ranting or raving
.... why so?  Unless I feel beaten or put in my place?

The one important quality I share with you
... because I was once someone's "Daddy's Girl" who passed on 10 years ago

I lost my father, there is never an opportune time
... so maybe, just maybe, I can actually understand what you are going though.

EXCEPT, my father is gone ..... AND your father is healing.
... you know how he thinks you treat me, just be who that means.

words i try to live by

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

COMMENTS on the story: Virtue & Moir 2 play tribute 2 Gord Downey as a statement to Canada

The source of the HUFFPOST story:

Oh heavenly devine angels to share an ode to Canadians so proud!

Thank you for this wonderful tribute

that shows our character as a nation

we stand together

one and all.

We unite together

across many divisive factors other geographies cannot comprehend

Being at peace with our neighbor,

reach out a hand if you feel it is needed.

The reaching hand of humanity, no divisive color or race or defining character

is allowed to belong

It is the faith of this one nation that seems to send a ray of hope

shining brightly from the inside

with pride [ not ego ] humanitarian peace and a kinder world

void of catastrophe or calamity or violence

With the unified strength and ability to reach out a hand to the world

as naturally as we've learned to live together.

In a peaceful, proud nation, of diverse peoples and bruised history

we will always stand together

when it is time to step up and say:

(NOT this country or that culture or some race)


Creating a future for our children and their children

to build upon the foundation of the strength

we've relied upon.

Not infallible, without human shame, and all other unimaginables

Yet that sense of optimism that joins us all

For all of US command!

xo Jeannette

Friday, September 8, 2017

know the NUMBERS ........ UR numbers examined lately?

Maybe I've found my sweet spot

I've admitted to being a knowledge junkie, wearing it like a badge on most of my social media bios.  

Giving a tip here and there 
is something my readers ask for about social media, back in the day.  I was channeling sales speak and advice left and right, then injecting a blog here and there about what I was learning on social media as my online personality grew.

If I were to Google my name
it would fall on to likely my LINKED IN profile first, consistently always.  I do like to see where Google places me ::.... the first step in understanding your online audience with numbers.

KLOUT worthy of note
If you take a gander of your KLOUT Score these days, there are some really cool content sliding across your radar, so smoothly that it feels more like a natural, instinctive rational click.  A feather touch not a heavy punch.  If you pay attention to what is being shown to you, heed it.  Klout is providing brands a much bigger wallop than even they may have not have bargained for.  When Klout couldn't convince the money men [far less women, proportionately shallow] ... Klout continued to re-invent themselves.  I would imagine they read and watched the numbers, and hardly registering what it was telling them.  Lucky that they aren't afraid to try something new. ,,,...::->  copyright (c)

CHANCE is no accident
similar as LUCK being a blessing of sorts.
THOSE who make things happen
appear more like happenstance

You pay close attention
to what your numbers tell you.
Even if it is to watch numbers,
whether they rise or may fall.

CHANCE for fame+recognition
by degrees of authenticity in a world of disguise.
THOSE who take risks
by trial and separation.

Have the gift of raising softly
to the masses they resound and inspiration 
rebounding .....
To resonate, inspire, educate, and help others
is the battle cry.
That creates a rhythm nation of those that inspire

Are you one?
Why don't you know?
You may not be reading the real numbers
hidden by so much fluff.

Your championship concludes
when quality outweighs quantity.
The knack for clicking winners
whom others quickly drift
towards .......

Do you pay attention to what I post to the right?  The most being my blog total readership numbers.  I have been transparent about that.  I'm probably going to change my widget so that each blog is dated:   if a direct plagiarism discovery would to surface, proof of date of publication would be captured on my blog.

With the beauty of translation, how would one know if someone is merely translating your content and posting it as there own?

I would like to think of a fairy tale dream come true where initially someone was just copying and pasting my content in a new and different language other than English, would be infringing upon my (c) Copyright as the creator of what has been repackaged, erroneously claimed.  

Then perhaps by continually taking a look at numbers, I see what story they want to tell.  In this case Brazil, so proud and at the same down trodden by hosting the Rio Olympics.  Maybe I was attracted to the heart of the story:  people overcoming major obstacles, to create a dream, and hearts beating as one.  That was the true beauty of Brazil as my observation of anxiously looking for my Goddaughter's swim, to later discover she didn't make the cut [ as a Canadian record holder in Swimming whom nobody remembers or knows because of her teammates quick rise to fame:  that Penny girl, with the long last name or difficult one to spell.

Have a look at this website whom I profess to read regularly as it is listed to the right ->  I owe him a return email, and this shows procrastination at its BEST!!