Showing posts with label #SocialMedia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #SocialMedia. Show all posts

Friday, September 8, 2017

SOCIAL MEDIA revisited FORECAST educated

I was wandering around social media, as I often do.  Living a country song in real life:  married to a Hunkster Hubster, my faithful companion Buddy [my Border Collie]; a productive week of sorts [battle my demon of "anxiety" caused by the realization that BULLYING is alive and well in some toxic corporate cultures that are so cloaked in manipulation and a play on words, causing it to be very difficult to prove::... EUREKA!  After a great deal of reading, researching on a potpourri of organizations, help associations, evaluations, discussions and distinguishable by authentication by psychologists, psychiatrists, therapists or medical practitioners ] they all basically agree that IF YOU THINK YOU ARE/HAVE BEEN BULLIED you likely are/have. ]

Take a look at this YouTube post by my content source favorite:  MASHABLE [which I reSHARE their content on Twitter faithfully, with never an acknow- ledgement of even a #RT never mind a #ThankYou hashtag on the feed.  Once, I had someone who was very observant that I tended to share @Mashable content consistently asked whether I belonged to or an affiliate of a compensated kind:  aka Brand Ambassador ].  

HEREIN is my comment, nestled among three really stupid ones ::... which makes me ponder if only gamers pay attention to Mashable.  Here I am a white, 50something, Canadian, Lady [how unique can one get on Social Media eh?] a solid follower of Mashable's since I can't remember when?  Likely, far at the beginning when I just grooved to the beat of their vibes from their posts:  unique, coolio, informative, positive or bizarre [pick your own perception of this really cool e-zine online!! ].  It is my intent to become a Brand Ambassador of sorts:  which usually include:

  1.  Informative, helpful, unique, inspiring, bizarre content under one umbrella
  2.  A cache of intellectually stimulating content
  3. Attractive to a distinct, talented crew of writers, assemblers and ensemble 
  4. Provides a wealth of information to sop up and absorb
  5. Has created a groove and a beat that resounds among a hipster or yuppy
  6. Is unrelated to race, country, politic, faith, color, educated or economics
  7. Has the gift of the spirit of sharing by creating share-friendly buzz
  8. Is more about the name "Mashable" than any singular contributor, artist, writer, innovator, video, mainstream oriented - NOT - material
  9. Eye catching wording or visuals, it begs to be clicked on 
  10.  Appeals to the curious, knowledge junkies, innovative, creative types.

Have a look with my comment after you take a look at the video link:

Brilliant!!  [ HEY! Who are the Bozos commenting here? ] I noticed the clear tribute to Hyatt which is signifying that this was "sponsored by" Hyatt ::.... which in social media terms means:  "PAID for by" .... I think that authenticity and credibility would go a far longer way if every Brand Ambassador, Blog, Website or Social Media Brand [ think:  instaGRAM as what I consider "the universal endorsement" social media site ] ::.... if it was REQUIRED to show in Profile that u are paid by a Brand 4 what U tweet or share.  

Another gem I uncovered while letting the content follow through on the headline after garnering a click:

It's no wonder the most prolific personalities or brands online are actively followed and sought.  There is so much abundance of information that allows you to discover a deeper insight to your own being by what attracts you and then ultimately you attract in kind.  

A giving bunch who belong to the inner sanctuary of the giving kind.  Not of financial means, more often abundance thin by monetary value but rich beyond imagination by having something in common:  helping others or helping the world become a better place.  

By observing your own stats with some sort of frequency, if not any kind of regularity, you can reach and get in touch with what others want to hear from you about.  Mine have been sitting there as plain as day or the sparkle of sunshine.  Understanding what it means is a great discovery.

Take a look at the numbers.  My consistent mass hails from Brazil.  Maybe a sign that this is the place where my soul aligns.  Or, if more pragmatic, objective observation is where you're inclined, the simple fact that Google's blogspot features easily translation, that removes restriction of reach by language distinction.

Brazil loves and keeps on giving the love to "Build a 30-60-90 Day Plan".  More instructional than philosophical, it lays out how to do just that.  Even to this day, Google is often my best online friend.  As it gets to know me, successful results abound.  Closer to what I have had in mind then my mind knew.

Taking a queue from my faithful crowd:  what is the content they most enjoy or find of value?  The ingredients to a successful sales path.  Less philosophizing and more educational.  You have a feel for what you are looking for whenever you are creating the content, the report, the analysis, the research, yet until you see it emerge does it create a spotlight.

I will proceed in the coming days on writing a more instructional blog on how to forecast accurately and consistently ::.... primarily geared towards the sales professional or those that aspire to be.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Game of Gnomes

 I happened to capture this Tweet a few weeks back … and I’m not even online 24x7, not even an honest day’s worth of 8 hrs [I have a REAL life full time job] …. 

I have found that the latest feature that has crept up and captured my attention, for whatever that is worth [these days=nothing] Twitter has started to encapsulate conversations and link the same twitter train (essentially, what it is doing, organizing profiles under the umbrella of a, let’s call it a “Master Tweet”. If you are lucky to be included with a large number of influencers, who acknowledge by a like [heart] or a reTweet [ #RT ] can cast a much larger web.

Lamb by Catherine Darling

If you are a Bleater (a lamb’s annoying noise or cry) with content that lack substance are Bleater online …. a newly created word by me to describe online behavior that repeatedly shares lovely images of flowers, sunsets, beautiful vistas. A Bleater is a noun, as in a person.

Twitter is likely creating secret analytics and algorithm symphony to create the proverbial carrot scattered about among rabbits [ for the purpose of this story and theme, let’s say that the big BRANDS are rabbits ]. But for a uniqueness score and continued theme, brands will be called Grabbits. Grabbits could be Coca Cola, Tesla, or Trump Towers.

Grabbits are slowly developing a very large appetite for carrots. The carrots that rabbits cherish, evolved to the online, social media, world we still get a spellcheck or (insert name: Grammarly - who I use) whenever you type “influencer” or “influencers”. We can’t grammatically call them anything that sounds like SIRs because of the many GALs that share the same space.  Yes, those cute, adorable, engines working to separate you from your money.

For ease of speech and spelling, the influencers are dubbed “The Doers”. These are the people that can make or break your opinion, the popular opinion of those online {amassing and growing by leaps and bounds). The “Masses” are the obvious ‘other’ people circulating and clicking.

The Doers have developed a positive brand, reputation with a steadfast, loyal following. With authenticity continually under question online, I see how Twitter is grasping, seeing the need that Facebook has accidentally stumbled upon (Stumpleupon is still out there, FYI) how a tribe does impact your vibe. The Doers are critical of themselves mostly yet avoid detractors, sociapaths, egomaniacs, etc. [if only to share sometimes as an interest not a direction nor an opinion].

Twitter is developing the ability to keep The Doers in the same circles, refining their recommendations for whom others should follow. Wouldn’t that be cool if you ended up on that few box list? They probably can cleverly guess who is more likely to have someone click on The Doer profile based on the demographic, clicks, followers of their followers.

I’d like to call the followers “A Flower”. A flower needs nourishment in order to grow into a great thing of beauty. So all my followers are now Flowers: I hope to be able to sprinkle a little sunshine on.

To understand this, do this simple exercise: find one of your favorite quotes, settle on your favorite art and send it out to 10 people whom you enjoy reading their Tweets, would like to go beyond a connection to an ENGAGEMENT and include them in the tweet.

This will land directly in their notifications category — MUCH MORE gratifying and appealing to see the numbers grow in NOTIFICATIONS on Twitter than the Private Messages {cluttered with Spam). SPAM is the negative description for annoying interruptions to your otherwise joyful cruise online. Seemingly, screaming at you, guaranteed to be annoying to you. A SPAM is a person, a post, a tweet that is self-serving only to themselves. Self-advertising as is often disposed by the Grabbits.

Viral highjinx is the new order of the day: let’s see if we can trick people to think this is a heartwarming moment that Flowers may grow, grabbed by SPAM paid for by Grabbits.