Sunday, April 30, 2017

YOU, too, can be a *SUPERSTAR***

I really like the direction I am going in
after reflection, digging deep down and unmasking some goals, I have started to focus a bit better.

An interaction with someone
who could mentor me caused a chain reaction ::... stepping outside my fingertips and simply taking a stroll around.

What is the main message 
or how have I grown?  That being at the eureka phase of life where a treasure trove of happiness floats.

We can talk about karma
or charisma or vibe ::... falling short on real wonderful qualities that attracts both the gifted and the live-long learner.

The last kick at the cat
is where mid-life crisis collide with diminishing time ::... on the earth.  Can we safely and calmly say that we will leave the world a better place than when we entered it.

Borrowing the theme
from "It's a Wonderful Life" starring Jimmy Stewart.  My favorite Christmas movie of all time.  WOW, and it isn't even half way past or to the Holiday Season we acknowledge by "Merry Christmas" greetings.

Let's borrow the theme then
regardless of age or gender.  Because if you are mature enough to read this PG blog, you should be able to understand the challenge being put forth.

Grab a notebook and a pen
or a tablet or anything with a keyboard that can capture your thoughts. 

Ask yourself this
very important question ::..... if you were no longer here tomorrow, regardless of cause, would you have left the world a better place?

Being honest with yourself
is the greatest gift you can give yourself.
Like one of my father's quotes:  "U may think ur fooling most of the people most of the time, the only person you are fooling is yourself".

Do not stretch the truth
if you feel compelled to list your many accomplishments, like having wonderful children, snug with the love of your life, in your big badass house, surrounded by oodles of material "things".

Will you leave the world
a better place? If not, you better get cracking and get at it.  In the peaceful euphoric world that one could ever imagine, many before have accomplished such a feat.

The few and far betweeners
on a very exclusive and minute list of great and honorable people who put there best out there every single day.   Almost with a goal to make every single today, better in tomorrows, from the being in that day to make that speach or say that quote, that inspires someone, holds the fallen upright, without fear or consideration on how it may affect them, personally, whether by prosecution, slander real or from fame.

The story of humanity 
in their words tell us tales of tribute, gratitude, humility, as they evolve and become storytellers.  Either stories about themselves and/or their great deeds, not dwelt upon their human failings, which we are bade to not judge others from any spiritual guide (i.e. The Bible, The Quo-ran).

Pope Francis
The Daili Lama
Mother Theresa
Nelson Mendella
Princess Diana
Queen Elizabeth

Whichever order or fashion  
I didn't list by importance, just who came to mind.  Then there are those who were more clouded by controversy then the gifts they imparted:

Michael Jackson
Steve Jobs
President John F. Kennedy

Plenty more unknown to us
step out every day and help others without expectation of any reward.  Some may flourish with wealth and fame, while others toil towards their personalized end game.  Like George in "It's a Wonderful Life" everyone can leave their mark and sometimes can choose the Epilogue or Epitaph engraved on their tomb or urn or grave.  Who leave the world a better place

My sister, Diana
Gives of her time and attention and holy intervention is helping kids who would otherwise have been cast aside.  Lucky for us, the world no longer sympathizes if anyone is hidden away, institutionalized, or slandered.

Contrary to popular belief
People want someone to look up to, in admiration and not clouded by fame.  

People are smarter
than most scammers would admit.  Are antennae are  on high alert.  More and more each day.

Fearful more than optimistic
looking for someone, some thing, or some event to lift us up and restore our confidence in human kind.

Like the names before us
to whatever degree or shame.  They had faults like the rest of us, yet we held them to a higher standard, demanded perfection from our icons.

#ART of the day ... 
by Marcia Baldwin
 { insert link to website }

#WEBSITE of the day ....

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Thank you Mr. Paul Brandt ... a REAL human STAR

Please have a listen to this song [ you don't hafta Mr. Brandt since you may recognize it ~ HaHahaha ] "Calm before the storm" break out song for Paul.  [ I hope you don't mind me being informal since when you hear this story, you will understand why.  Unfortunately,  the link on YouTube is "out of order".  You can find it on iTunes and likely Spotify etc.  Instead I share two versions of the same song:

This makes me think of my sister, Diana .... i still haven't figured out why she's blocked?  Perhaps I'll skoot over to my other personal Facebook and share it there.  Never waste a moment when you are thinking about someone pass you bye.  Pick up that phone or send that text or write that email or share a song or beautiful something that reminds you of them.  Maximize your opportunity to reach out to someone who reaches back towards you.  Help others not because you have to, but because you want to.  Don't feel guilty if it took you a while.  A while can be minutes that can jump into hours, skip over days and hop over months and become blurred by years.  Have a listen to this song and think about who you should reach out to just to say "Hello" to.  It doesn't matter that it is in English because the melody and rich vocals of Elvis at his prime are astonishingly crystal and pure talent.  Or, think about what your talent may be or if you have an interest.  Ask yourself:  "what is holding you back".  < WITHOUT any excuses like time, energy, desire, dedication, forgetfulness, busy, swamped.  I called my daughter today simply because I started to think what I would have for lunch, since I didn't sleep in half the day away, such is a bad habit that I try to avoid.  Thinking, why wake up early to go to work and then sleep most of the day away on MY TIME.  Doesn't make sense.  Thank you for sharing my mumbling.  xo Jeannette Marshall​

Listening to my "LOVELY" playlist from iTunes via bluetoothe is causing me to be very reflective and inquisitive.

What a great song "I hope you find it" by Cher.  Makes me wonder where she is these days.  Horror, if she passed on, and I missed it.  Nah, I doubt it.  Who can forget when Michael Jackson or Princess Diana passed on?  I'm thinking you'd have to be a young adult of the 80s to even remember.  Over-shadowed by 9-11 which is horrific as well.   

is alive and well.  According to BILLBOARD as recent as February 2017, she just added 18 more shows in Las Vegas.  I saved the link with the following comment on Facebook:

Can you have a look at my new website  and tell me what you think? I have worked alongside others for many years, yet find it difficult when it's my own.

Products of our childhood and
upbringing where the day was not complete unless you took the time to watch the news.  I think the Canadian broadcaster of news are really digging deap into their roots to establish firmly a reputation of integrity and journalism.  No monetarily donations unless transparently shared in, say an ad.

What about policing online currency?
Now there's a can of worms eh?  Some organization somewhere [ which i tweeted about within the last few days under @optioneerJM on Twitter or a facebook page of the same name.

Now there's some policing prioritization that needs to be sorted out quickly.  Which is more important:

  • Having any celebrity or brand ambassador being required 2 show paid 4 promo emblem or #hashtag [is this for the IRS and CRA to track unclaimed taxable revenue they can snag and force you to pay interest on? ]
~ OR ~
  • The horrific exhibits that have surfaced on Facebook these past weeks.   I tend to go for the underdogs in this world.  Every once in a while for the unfairly treated more.  It is never fair if you work your way up, or raise your company up, or increase your personal brand to the top only to fall vulnerable and object of catastrophic events make its violent horrendous acts catch you off guard?  It ain't totally fair.  Somebody has some algorithm somewhere that can pick up "chatter" of the millions online at any given time, quickly escalating into the billions as Smartphones allow us to spend our time more and more online.  Need a reference?  

I tend to use my PC's GOOGLE set as my default home page.  That is because most times I am hopping on to look something up that I learned from watching a historically-basic epic television series [ which I may add seem to have a medieval fascination with the English Royal Family.  That seems to be what is hip these days.

Microsoft really is starting to annoy me.  They keep interrupting my logged on experience, whether connected to the web or not, parading things in front of me and freezing something I'm doing.

Real technologists, and I'm not saying Computer Scientists like WIKIleaks founder, Assange [ name? spelling? ] ... real users are more techie than they may realize just by how savvy they are on figuring things out, or smart enough to navigate unchartered imagineering.

You can become an imagineer too.  Just come on visit my website that I'm creating based on input and guidance by my supporters and advocates.

The vision is to create a central gathering hub for anyone in the graphics, graphic arts, artists, photographers, printers, equipment hardware, cool design, awesome tips, exceptional contributors.

The vision was the first thing I had to nail down.  I cannot write a Business Plan without creating a compelling vision statement that resonates with me personally.  Not caring on whether anyone else sees a connection or simply ignores it altogether.  That is not my issue.

My issue is not coming up with a concept either.  I've done that before.  As a finger on the pulse on what the world is grasping for without realizing it.

Martin may or may not remember the clear vision on what the magazine was going to communicate:  taking care of the body, the mind and the soul, as you travel.  Interesting of a near 50/50 split between genres by female or male evenly.  Mostly, in upper to middle income bracket:  greater than $75,000 single person, no dependents [ with no self-destructive bad habits like drug abuse or alcohol preoccupation ].  Likely intelligent, regardless of education level, yet still skillful.

The competition was geared towards their 3rd Party numbers of 60% male audience to 40% female, so you got it:  disgustingly far too many male toiletries like Old Spice, cologne, manliness something, fast cars, smart investment.  No self-help mavericks in this group, they're self-made in their own minds.

Sound like someone you know?  Don't be frightened if you saw a little glimmer of a reflection spark your eye.  You've come to the right place.  You're smart, you're articulate, gregarious, kind, thoughtful, not prone to female-competitiveness cattiness.  { Sorry girls we wrote the book on this and only have ourselves to blame *meow* }.

I have had two days off and spent a great deal of effort of focus on my surroundings.  I discovered that when you are cleaning, dusting, moving things around to add some vibe to your abode with a freshness, spring flowers like tulips or irises on multiple surfaces in your house.  This cheers you on to put some great music to get into the zone and relaxed into the present.  Be brave, go to YouTube and find one of your favorite songs.  See what unfolds for you by YouTube based on their read on your taste or likelihood to click.

We should establish LTC currency online before we hand out compensation to anyone who hangs a shingle or hides behind 20 year old, dated, made up and smoothed over before professional photographed. 

Wouldn't that even the masses?  Whoever can create that concept, will catch a rising star, or just become it.  A level playing field data analysis where the only compensation received is from membership.

That's what I was starting to say in an earlier blog over at optioneerJM where I gave my 20 year-old-self.  Apparently, I am still dwelling on it because it does force oneself to really examine one's self and know what you want.  

It would have been easier to jump in front of myself 12 years ago and warded me off from going to work where I did.  There was nothing corrupt or awful about it, so relax.  I'm not important enough or relevant enough to reveal that thank goodness.

I would say a few more things:

Enjoy your exercise .... 
dance if you feel like dancing, not checking whether the windows are closed or the blinds up, just do it because you feel like it.  If it is diving into a pool to swim to the finish line, mostly competing with your own score, picture the victorious look on your face, slightly with amazement and otherwise with abandonment of savoring the moment.  If it is on a field, on water or on ice ... do what you remember about why you started to love it like you do.  If you're fiercely competitive then do it with team spirit not individual accomplishment.  Don't be hasty with expectations on rewards or awards because to do that you are no longer savoring the moment, but hungrily or greedily climbing over top of others.

Be grateful
and mind your Ps and Qs .... to the Millennials who were taught it, if not to mind it, it amounts to manners.  If you smile and say thank you as many times a day as reasonably possible [i.e. don't thank the person butting and elbowing ahead of you for credit as to why the light changed color to green ].  I recall, although may have set up a journal, forgot the log on, and gave it a pass as I went on to other things.  Thinking about it now, very likely getting remarried and blending four children, three of girls who had hit their teens >> i.e. being a little crazy ... eh? You think?

To the reason I started this blog
writing on and off throughout the day and into the early evening.  As is with our custom, the hunkster hubster goes and puts his headphones on to his music [ I'm a little country, he's a lot into rock and roll ... classics ].   He then plays that game that I've never got hooked on, or avoided so that I would be assured to miss with a little discipline::.... CANDY CRUSH.  

LOL, giggle a little with me.  
Get away if you're going to smirk.  We don't need your bad karma in here [ now I sound schizophrenic and perhaps ADD not so bad a curse as I thought once possible, lately a lot more ].  

I zipped over to this blog and rattled off, finishing with some of the catches and captures of fishing on the web.  Often tweeted or pinned or posted or shared somewhere.  I tried that a couple of times ::.... doing screen captures on cool things that I discover.  More likely now I just click on the share and go through the choicest channels to choose:  Twitter [ greater ever-improving graphics as part of their visual display ++ the great tagging and carrying captures lumped together, to follow the traction that a tweet may send, otherwise unknown if not shared ++ KUDOS ]; Facebook is usually 2nd, third if email nudged ahead of Twitter.  Twitter is catching on to the dynamics of hosting conversations, which Google Plus [ G+ } via "Google HangOuts" was ahead of the curve just as VINE and other such APPS, vlog platforms expand, instantaneous imaging gives guts to the otherwise more inhibited like snapCHAT.

Paul Brandt was my son's nurse when he was at the Children's Hospital in Calgary oh back, let's see now, 24 years ago.  I am, I am thanking you, honestly Paul.  Just remember, I am said boy's mother, you had just recorded "Calm before the Storm" ... excited by the possibility in front of you with its release, after going to a talent contest and singing, winning the recording.

Paul, you were absolutely amazing.  I've never said that I am the most typical mother.  In fact, my kids and their friends would say that I'm one-of-a-kind {what a great compliment that is!}.  There we are, just finished unpacking and looking around this very small hospital room with sliding glass doors into the central open area where the nurses station was situated.  

Like a gust of fresh breeze swooping into a wind, you burst through the door, introducing yourself and informing us that he was going to be his nurse before and after his surgery.  

First up for business?  A bath ... trust me, he WAS clean when I brought him in.  Maybe it was to keep a normal childhood routine in tact while at a healthcare facility?  Maybe it was taught?  Maybe it was pure instinct?

I guess when a child has been admitted into the hospital, they are given the royal treatment.  Less anxiety that way, I'd bet.  So into a wheelchair he goes, with Paul whispering commands in his ear "don't try to scream too loud so we won't get caught by security" .... smart thinking.  

I practically skipped along the corridor, giggling and sniffing to keep myself from shouting out with laughter.  This was going much better than all my fears set aside and barely my best wishes come true.

It was because of Paul.  
He had a real human heart made into a star.  Casting light, optimism, removing fear and angst from others and putting more firmly on his own shoulders to help you bare the weight.  

Now he gets to sing and write more because of those dreams that became a reality.  It was really very cool to have briefly spent time with you on the cusp of stardom.  

You did forgive me for admitting that I didn't listen to country and western music when you asked me whether I would like to hear your song.  Thank you.  I was probably like the American IDOL judges became so many years later, something like 20 years .... trying to appear nonplussed while poised to be with ladylike frame, no matter how you may shriek or embarrass-ment empathy I would surely hear.

Not losing a sliver of optimism, the next day Paul came in with a copy of the cassette tape for my son, a photocopy of a photograph with which he signed.  {Perfecting that signature for autographs requests only a little while later}.

It is exceptional karma to have been blessed to have you in our lives that short period of our lives.  Know that you brightened our stay and gave a brighter glow for the future.

Thank you Paul.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Rambling on about nothing

I've been rather serious for a while.  On point, on focus, distracted or disoriented, I'm not sure which.  Not so serious one would reference a witch.  I'm not the wicked witch.  That doesn't mean I'm not the Evil Stepmother either.  

As the author, I gain access to disclaimer to all who read this blog or my affiliate blogs:  theoptioneerJM on blogspot, finely fueled by Google.  Yes, you knew?  Google is only the most richest, influential bazillionaire top of the heap.  Not just one person, but a group of persons who beat as one.  Synergized to the pulse of the human vibe.  What's got us abuzz?  Who caught our eye?  What were we looking for?  What we were clicking at?  Yeah them.  Times a lot allotta more.  

They're the top of our heap of which we are below, and how far down and near hidden, others may fall to or land from.  They basically know what we want long before we even know we wanna know.  They're just really smart at figuring out algorithms that can flicker into your sphere, something that they're pretty sure, will not only catch your eye, but immediately deserve your click.  That is who is at the top of the heap.  Google.

Unbridled, Google could unleash its power.  

Take over all of our data.  To those of us that are pretty honest, wholesome and sincerely are trying to help others, freely and uninhibited.  Google really likes latching on to some of them to see how it can unleash that knowledge even higher?  

Ladies and gentlemen.  The super computer is here.  The ones that take over society to tell us the best way to think in order to achieve bliss, harmony and peacefulness.  Disciples of anxiety ridden, depressed, lost, victimized souls.    They turn their souls over to that super computer because they space out, relax and reach out to unwind from the day-to-day headaches, heartaches, spasmistic, encounters.  (SPAZ was a word defined by the clean kids who grew up in the 70s.)

Don't be a SPAZ.  What a SPAZ.  Quit it, you SPAZ.  Never really defined as being a good or even a bad thing.  It was a universal language that aligned itself with just the right people, of the right general yet across all ethnic, cultural, religious beliefs.  Forgiving of the most awful, but unrelenting against evil.

So, thank you Sir Google and all your Alphabet offspring, relatives, loved ones, reverers.  I'm not afraid of taking a glimpse inside my head every once and a while and actually pay attention to what you are laying in my path.  As a side project or experiment I'm know to flog on my optioneerJMBlogspot.  I have been taking note between how well the big guns are in managing my brand.  

So here it goes, the best resources a gal blogger from Calgary would hope to penetrate out of her country into the atmosphere ridden on social media flames of unity and connection with a lot of tremendous people from everywhere, across oceans, languages.  Sometimes the connection is simply the clicking and sharing of a beautiful image by an artist, photographer, illustrator which I openly sneak the best ones to make my own quotes now branded to me, my name.  

Eventually, I'd love for this whole writing thing to pay off.  I know there are the traditional means by our friends Google's AdSense and AdWords Analytics Supremo Moola Generating Beings who glide your name to the top on the front page, and sometimes greased more to be shown as a mini ad, considered unaffronting (my own new word eh? meaning noninvasive, too distracting while luring you to look rather than glide past too quickly, because based on your moods you may be clicking on a string of quotes, reaching out to seek beauty of the senses, primarily the visuals ::.... art, creativity, innovative, wonderful captures by photographer camera or an artists brush.

If anyone were to jump out at me for infringement by choosing one of the selections Google shimmied out in front of me to click on, use, share, edit, crop, embed in blog, I would be honest, open, and apologetic.  I would right my wrong and add their website name and link.   I would also start to consider to use someone's image linked to a really cool website, like a movie, a nice song.  Jeesh ya pervs, gettouttaherrreeeeeeeeeeeee!

Eek, shudder.  Can you imagine.  One of those types here?  Well, I guess it really is how the other half lives.  Trying to be inspired, continue to help others, be someone others can look up to.  In others a super being that very few mortals have climbed above all, even floating far above the top of the heap.  Everlasting.  I can think of a few that come to my mind the most and are nicely jumping out at me by my friends at Google:

*Nelson Mandela
*Mother Teresa
*Helen Keller

Artists I like listening and then reading the lyrics to their songs so that it envelopes me and it feels like I'm getting what was meant when it was created and rolled out for the rest of us to not just listen but experience the talent and artistry employed when created.

I'd write more if I made more.  I just don't want to go the basic normal way of adsense or any other third party skelper (had to try three different ways to spell that right, lol, Google tripped over it and Chrome thought it was a typo on sculpture).  

I would like to be a Brand Ambassador.  With the only exception is I use it, wear it, promote it.  No deal otherwise.  I am told I have pretty good taste, have a sense of self and polished chic fashion approach.  I'm not dramatic on make up and stay true to the skin products that have held my skin uppermost in their minds, I'm loyal.

I can start by writing about cars I've driven, owned.  My favorite ones.  Maybe hint at which one I'd return to in a heartbeat which will win me an exact same car to drive around in as a backdrop to selfies at events around town and if travel bug fairy godmother is paying attention, I'm due for a vacation abroad, but I would love to go to a place that I could genuinely explore, from the perspective of a pretty active, enthusiastic 50 year old lady .... only by doing it would one realize whether that is an unexplored demographic.  Other than the INbetweeners whom I've been ignoring for a few weeks, or maybe more.  

Lately, I've mainly been rambling.  Not really accomplishing much of substance, other than being astounded that my 30-60-90 Day Plan blog finally took over and surpassed "Do you want a hunter or farmer?" which has been reigning for a good couple of years, so much that I stopped paying attention, barely glazed over.  What was even more astounding was that it got my wheels turning.  Yeah, I almost forgot about that.  The whole planning perspective.  You have to remember, I wrote that blog long long long before I had been professionally hired as a senior project manager with HP and actually discovered the PMP principles and guiding principles.    Yet if you read the blog and now know that I had no direct Project Management distinction for a good 15 to 20 years of my career.  We just didn't call it that.  

Hells, bells .... oops, sounding hickish .... back in the day, long before my career time, your role as a "Secretary" meant that you did that Project Management thing, and a whole helluvalot more.   You were a hostess with the pay of a waitress, you were an event planner with out all the balloons or budget, how about all the other things PEOPLE do themselves, every single minute of every single day, at all reaches of the world, by all people and for all people.  Well, those old people used to be called Secretaries.  The one solid contender was that the boss was made up by about 95% of  men and the secretaries "filled in" as a supporting role equally as much.  The pay difference, probably close to being bang on, back to when the only rights women had were to whether they made coffee or tea or lemonade or freshly-squeezed orange juice as superwoman efficiently getting kids off to school with lunch packs in toe and homework all done, tucks her husband's crisply hand starched and ironed shirt into the suit she had picked up at the dry cleaners on her way from work, just before she went to the grocery store to get that final fresh vegetable and wholesome milk ingredients to finish off the casserole she had prepped for after everyone fell asleep last night.  

I hope you like my selection of quotes.  I have also cultivated and collaborated sharing with others, some of my favorites.  Not like the others that I have at the top and the end of my optioneerJM blogs (which I'd probably not been as particular to of late).

I hope you enjoy my selections.  If you do happen to share them, please include me so that I may #RT LIKE or SHARE across the social media gambit.  

Most of all, thank YOU for stopping in.  I see the visits, never a comment.  However, I'm counting on YOU to help me get better.  Please give your advice, feedback, recommendations or facts .... I'm all eyes.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Salutations, congratulations and support nation on Linked In

Now where can you brag about your career?

Promote your favorite cheer, quote or motivational image where it is welcome?

Where can some of your first followers, literally strangers, were drawn to connect with each other, to cheer em on hang out?

I think you may have guessed by now, I'm talking about Linked In.

Ahem, sorry about those bright lights up stairs, above here.  I just am continuously astounded by the great things that come out of Linked In.  As with fine wine, only appreciating more gracefully each year ... ahem, drifted off to midnight passing and my new year officially here.

Salutations and congratulations Paul ~impressive!  I'm a big fan of data since "back in the day" selling clicks and at the forefront of the cloud with document management and storage.  If you ever need someone who can speak to that topic, I'd be keen from the perspective of how I had to evolve from selling printed dots made first by ink, then toner to carving down quantities, producing more relavancy and using globalization to have on hand.  Think security information from Calgary to New York, Toronto generated by London UK.  Sorry, I got carried away thinking I was writing another blog ......

Of which here I am.  Again.  Making a point.  Connecting with people is one third of the value from Linked In.  I can expand on the other things.  I just wanted to ask those questions and use an example of my own experiment of intertwining a personalized, customized message, based on the new connection (this being a VP of Data for a Fortune 500 corporation).  

If you are going to network anywhere.  Don't over think it too much.  Be the person that everyone wants to be around, will tend to remember, and even better reach out with a problem that needed solving.

Don't let me get carried away (I am all of a sudden starting to reconsider what I have said as joking in manner that I have Attention Deficit Disorder when I'm online).  When in fact, coming online is like putting a wannabe race car driver into a Porsche or Ferrarri (yes, I'd even let BMW give me a few bucks to edit out the other two and put their logo or luxury model picture here for a fee).  One of these days, someone WILL catch on and actually pay me for inserting their logo and an considering an image, dependent upon receipt of funds.  

It's a brave new world
The biggest employment bubble is spent online.  Either creating conversations, interacting, writing, blogging, artistic expression, motivation, addictions, infliction, improvement, knowledge to be had for the taking by those curious enough to reach out.  Experiment a little.  Find your voice.

Explore the many passions
Just being discovered.  A childlike curiosity and appreciation of wonder exudes from your pores.  Just remember that your message may be bang on, your audience just hasn't caught on.  It doesn't mean it won't.  It may mean change it up, a bit.

Be patient
Because anyone who is worth anything will never say they got to where they are over night.  Only unrealistic movies, which artistic communicators of dreams or drama made from fantasy, far beyond fact.

Uphold your integrity
as the greatest value you bring.  Your word, your loyalty and your honesty are emblems of who you represent.  Stay away from anyone who makes you uneasy or likes to crumble your dignity.

Be aware of wolves in sheep clothes
without gender a factor.  The behavior being the same, the approaches likely different.

Be a cheerleader
for those whom you've aligned yourself with the talented.  Be so happy for their success and raising star without worrying about hitching on it but waiting for your own.

Do not cheat on others
is much larger than a spouse.  Your friends, your family, your parents, your friends, your colleagues deserve your respect.  Do not take their ideas and make them as your own, without revealing their anonymity to guard their privacy.  

Don't withhold your wisdom
because to share expands into greater wisdom.  What did others learn from.  What did you hear murmuring of acknowledgement.  

Don't shout from the rooftops
unless a bitter, capitalizing scamster, annoying buzz to sound over the noise your reputation to have and to hold on to dearly, oblivious to whether anyone is listening, just relief from your rant you'll be.  Sometimes causing damage, if nothing at least the reputation as a whiner or perpetual complainer is what you want to be known as.

It is the soundness of posture
and clearness in vision from others  proclaim.  You can do it if you love it and are passionate about or want to learn more about and have a common refrain.  Whether that is by post, by quote or image of artistic creation expounds, be known for a goodness or a quality with honesty to build trust.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Follow the rules before you define them

Black & White Self-portrait wit glasses by Wix Photographer Juliette Jourdain

"This above ALL:  to thine own self be true."

~ William Shakespeare

LOL, I have to chuckle.  I admit that I try a number of different online outlets or portals to connect and network.  As I continue to explore, I extrapolate a lot of mistakes being made by a similar group of people.

It would appear as though the majority of marketers think that their prospective clients are dumb or tuned out.  They think they are making the rules, when , in fact, they are breaking the rules.  I thought of a few to get started to those who reach out to prospect for others to hire you as a social media expert.

Rule No. 1 Know your audience and what they are looking for

Rule No. 2 Lead by example

Rule No. 3 Ensure your follower to follow ratio is weighted by who is following you, not the other way around.

Rule No. 4 Try to get a few online influencers in your corner.

Rule No. 5  Be your own unique voice, don't try to say what you THINK others want to hear.

Rule No. 6  Be creative, be thought provoking, be visual

Rule No. 7  Don't try to build your acclaim by 3 degrees of separation

Rule No. 8  Do NOT plagiarize others' ideas and claim them as your own.

Rule No. 9  Give credit where credit is due

Rule No. 10  Say thank you, show gratitude, share appreciation

These rules can be expanded.  I likely will.  The main idea is to get started with the idea and then let things flow and the ideas evolve.    

Rule No. 11  Test your ideas, check for traction, respond to interaction or reaction

Start at Rule No. 1 again.  Like a snowball, go through the process again, see what you can attract and build upon as you go through the steps each time.

Rule No. 12  Comment to an idea originator if something they said, you tried, and share what worked, what didn't work.

Rule No. 13  You will only build a crowd once you fade into the crowd or are enveloped within one.

Tulip:  my favorite flower
As today putters to an end, I bid adieu to 55 and resolve to coasting towards 60 now that I've crossed from the mid-point to the other side.  Thanks to one of my greatest Social Media friends, Mott, shared Conan O'Brien's birthday post on Facebook and I happened to see this morning.  How cool is that eh?    I like the idea of having "something in common with Conan O'Brien" .... and a whole list of greatest in the following company whom we keep on celebrating an April 18th birthday .... Bon Fete mes ami :o)

WIX.com924 Ã— 1155Search by image
self-portrait of sad clown by Wix photographer Juliette Jourdain

April 18 Famous Birthdays (SOURCE: BIRTHDAY NINJAs)

The zodiac sign of a person born on April 18 is Aries â™ˆ.
The following famous people celebrate their birthday on April 18th. The list is arranged in chronological order and includes celebrities like actors, actresses, models, singers, rappers and producers. Click the    after the name to explore the birth date info and know the meaning of their life path number.
The epic list contains 285 persons. Showing 1 - 20.
  • 1480
    Lucrezia Borgia, Italian daughter of Pope Alexander VI (d. 1519). Life path number 8
  • 1503
    Henry II of Navarre, (d. 1555). Life path number 22
  • 1590
    Ahmed I, Ottoman sultan (d. 1617). Life path number 1
  • 1605
    Giacomo Carissimi, Italian priest and composer (d. 1674). Life path number 7
  • 1648
    Jeanne Guyon, French mystic and author (d. 1717). Life path number 5
  • 1666
    Jean-Féry Rebel, French violinist and composer (d. 1747). Life path number 5
  • 1740
    Sir Francis Baring, 1st Baronet, English banker and politician (d. 1810). Life path number 7
  • 1759
    Jacques Widerkehr, French cellist and composer (d. 1823). Life path number 8
  • 1771
    Karl Philipp, Prince of Schwarzenberg (d. 1820). Life path number 2
  • 1772
    David Ricardo, English economist and politician (d. 1823). Life path number 3
  • 1794
    William Debenham, English founder of Debenhams (d. 1863). Life path number 7
  • 1797
    Adolphe Thiers, French historian and politician, 2nd President of France (d. 1877). Life path number 1
  • 1813
    James McCune Smith, American physician and author (d. 1865). Life path number 8
  • 1819
    Carlos Manuel de Céspedes, Cuban lawyer and activist (d. 1874). Life path number 5
  • 1819
    Franz von Suppé, Austrian composer and conductor (d. 1895). Life path number 5
  • 1838
    Paul-Émile Lecoq de Boisbaudran, French chemist and academic (d. 1912). Life path number 6
  • 1857
    Clarence Darrow, American lawyer (d. 1938). Life path number 7
  • 1857
    Alexander Shirvanzade, Armenian playwright and author (d. 1935). Life path number 7
  • 1858
    Dhondo Keshav Karve, Indian educator and activist, Bharat Ratna Awardee (d. 1962). Life path number 8
  • 1863
    Count Leopold Berchtold, Austrian-Hungarian politician and diplomat, Joint Foreign Minister of Austria-Hungary (d. 1942). Life path number 22

  • 1863
    Linton Hope, English sailor and architect (d. 1920). Life path number 22
  • 1864
    Richard Harding Davis, American journalist and author (d. 1916). Life path number 5
  • 1874
    Abd-ru-shin, German author (d. 1941). Life path number 6
  • 1874
    Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić, Croatian author and poet (d. 1938). Life path number 6
  • 1877
    Vicente Sotto, Filipino lawyer and politician (d. 1950). Life path number 9
  • 1879
    Korneli Kekelidze, Georgian philologist and scholar (d. 1962). Life path number 2
  • 1880
    Sam Crawford, American baseball player, coach, and umpire (d. 1968). Life path number 3
  • 1882
    Isaac Babalola Akinyele, Nigerian ruler (d. 1964). Life path number 5
  • 1882
    Leopold Stokowski, English conductor (d. 1977). Life path number 5
  • 1884
    Jaan Anvelt, Estonian educator and politician (d. 1937). Life path number 7
  • 1888
    Duffy Lewis, American baseball player, coach, and manager (d. 1979). Life path number 2
  • 1889
    Jessie Street, Australian activist (d. 1970). Life path number 3
  • 1893
    Violette Morris, French shot putter and discus thrower (d. 1944). Life path number 7
  • 1896
    Na Hye-sok, South Korean journalist, poet, and painter (d. 1948). Life path number 1
  • 1897
    Ardito Desio, Italian geologist and cartographer (d. 2001). Life path number 2
  • 1897
    Per-Erik Hedlund, Swedish skier (d. 1975). Life path number 2
  • 1898
    Patrick Hennessy, Irish soldier and businessman (d. 1981). Life path number 3
  • 1901
    Al Lewis, American songwriter (d. 1967). Life path number 6  
  • 1901
    László Németh, Hungarian dentist, author, and playwright (d. 1975). Life path number 6  
  • 1902
    Waldemar Hammenhög, Swedish author (d. 1972). Life path number 7  

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  • 1902
    Giuseppe Pella, Italian politician, 32nd Prime Minister of Italy (d. 1981). Life path number 7  
  • 1904
    Pigmeat Markham, American actor, singer, and dancer (d. 1981). Life path number 9  
  • 1905
    Sydney Halter, Canadian lawyer and businessman (d. 1990). Life path number 1  
  • 1905
    George H. Hitchings, American physician and pharmacologist, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 1998). Life path number 1  
  • 1907
    Miklós Rózsa, Hungarian-American composer and conductor (d. 1995). Life path number 3  
  • 1911
    Ilario Bandini, Italian businessman and race car driver (d. 1992). Life path number 7  
  • 1911
    Maurice Goldhaber, Ukrainian-American physicist and academic (d. 2011). Life path number 7  
  • 1914
    Claire Martin, Canadian author (d. 2014). Life path number 1  
  • 1915
    Joy Davidman, American poet and author (d. 1960). Life path number 2  
  • 1916
    Carl Burgos, American illustrator (d. 1984). Life path number 3  
  • 1916
    Doug Peden, Canadian basketball player (d. 2005). Life path number 3  
  • 1917
    Ty LaForest, Canadian-American baseball player (d. 1947). Life path number 22  
  • 1917
    Frederica of Hanover (d. 1981). Life path number 22  
  • 1918
    Gabriel Axel, Danish-French actor, director, and producer (d. 2014). Life path number 5  
  • 1918
    André Bazin, French critic and theorist (d. 1958). Life path number 5  
  • 1918
    Shinobu Hashimoto, Japanese director, producer, and screenwriter. Life path number 5  
  • 1918
    Clifton Hillegass, American publisher, founded ''CliffsNotes'' (d. 2001). Life path number 5  
  • 1918
    Tony Mottola, American guitarist and composer (d. 2004). Life path number 5  
  • 1919
    Vondell Darr, American actress (d. 2012). Life path number 6  
  • 1919
    Virginia O'Brien, American actress and singer (d. 2001). Life path number 6  

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    The epic list contains 285 persons. Showing 61 - 80.
    • 1920
      John F. Wiley, American football player and coach (d. 2013). Life path number 7  
    • 1921
      Jean Richard, French actor and singer (d. 2001). Life path number 8  
    • 1922
      Barbara Hale, American actress. Life path number 9  
    • 1922
      Lord Kitchner, Trinidadian singer (d. 2000). Life path number 9  
    • 1923
      Alfred Bieler, Swiss ice hockey player (d. 2013). Life path number 1  
    • 1923
      Beryl Platt, Baroness Platt of Writtle, English engineer and politician (d. 2015). Life path number 1  
    • 1924
      Clarence "Gatemouth" Brown, American singer-songwriter and guitarist (d. 2005). Life path number 2  
    • 1924
      Henry Hyde, American commander, lawyer, and politician (d. 2007). Life path number 2  
    • 1924
      Roy Mason, English miner and politician, Secretary of State for Defence (d. 2015). Life path number 2  
    • 1925
      Bob Hastings, American actor (d. 2014). Life path number 3  
    • 1925
      Marcus Schmuck, Austrian mountaineer and author (d. 2005). Life path number 3  
    • 1926
      Doug Insole, English cricketer. Life path number 22  
    • 1926
      Günter Meisner, German actor (d. 1994). Life path number 22  
    • 1927
      Samuel P. Huntington, American political scientist, author, and academic (d. 2008). Life path number 5  
    • 1927
      Tadeusz Mazowiecki, Polish journalist and politician, Prime Minister of Poland (d. 2013). Life path number 5  
    • 1927
      Charles Pasqua, French businessman and politician, French Minister of the Interior (d. 2015). Life path number 5  
    • 1928
      Karl Josef Becker, German cardinal and theologian (d. 2015). Life path number 6  
    • 1928
      Otto Piene, German sculptor and academic (d. 2014). Life path number 6  
    • 1929
      Peter Hordern, English soldier and politician. Life path number 7  
    • 1930
      Clive Revill, New Zealand-English actor and singer. Life path number 8  

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    The epic list contains 285 persons. Showing 81 - 100.
    • 1931
      Bill Miles, American director and producer (d. 2013). Life path number 9  
    • 1934
      James Drury, American actor. Life path number 3  
    • 1934
      George Shirley, American tenor and educator. Life path number 3  
    • 1935
      Jerry Dexter, American voice actor (d. 2013). Life path number 22  
    • 1935
      Costas Ferris, Egyptian-Greek actor, director, producer, and screenwriter. Life path number 22  
    • 1936
      Roger Graef, American-English criminologist, director, and producer. Life path number 5  
    • 1936
      Vladimir Hütt, Estonian physicist and philosopher (d. 1997). Life path number 5  
    • 1936
      Tommy Ivo, American actor and race car driver. Life path number 5  
    • 1937
      Jan Kaplický, Czech architect, designed the Selfridges Building (d. 2009). Life path number 6  
    • 1937
      Tatyana Shchelkanova, Russian long jumper and heptathlete (d. 2011). Life path number 6  
    • 1937
      Teddy Taylor, Scottish journalist and politician, Shadow Secretary of State for Scotland. Life path number 6  
    • 1939
      Thomas J. Moyer, American lawyer and judge (d. 2010). Life path number 8  
    • 1940
      Joseph L. Goldstein, American biochemist and geneticist, Nobel Prize laureate. Life path number 9  
    • 1940
      Jaak Lipso, Estonian basketball player and coach. Life path number 9  
    • 1940
      Mike Vickers, English guitarist, saxophonist, and songwriter (Manfred Mann and The Manfreds). Life path number 9  
    • 1941
      Michael D. Higgins, Irish sociologist and politician, 9th President of Ireland. Life path number 1  
    • 1942
      Michael Beloff, English lawyer and academic. Life path number 2  
    • 1942
      Steve Blass, American baseball player and sportscaster. Life path number 2  
    • 1942
      Robert Christgau, American journalist and critic. Life path number 2  
    • 1942
      Jochen Rindt, German-Austrian race car driver (d. 1970). Life path number 2  

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    The epic list contains 285 persons. Showing 101 - 120.
    • 1943
      Zeki Alasya, Turkish actor and director (d. 2015). Life path number 3  
    • 1944
      Frances D'Souza, Baroness D'Souza, English academic and politician. Life path number 22  
    • 1944
      Robert Hanssen, American FBI agent and spy. Life path number 22  
    • 1944
      Philip Jackson, Scottish sculptor and photographer. Life path number 22  
    • 1945
      Bernard Arcand, Canadian anthropologist and author (d. 2009). Life path number 5  
    • 1945
      Richard Bausch, American author and academic. Life path number 5  
    • 1945
      Robert Bausch, American author and academic. Life path number 5  
    • 1945
      Margaret Hassan, Irish-Iraqi aid worker (d. 2004). Life path number 5  
    • 1946
      Jean-François Balmer, Swiss actor. Life path number 6  
    • 1946
      Irene Fernandez, Malaysian activist (d. 2014). Life path number 6  
    • 1946
      Hayley Mills, English actress and singer. Life path number 6  
    • 1946
      Skip Spence, Canadian-American singer-songwriter, drummer and guitarist (Jefferson Airplane and Moby Grape) (d. 1999). Life path number 6  
    • 1947
      Kathy Acker, American author and poet (d. 1997). Life path number 7  
    • 1947
      Moses Blah, Liberian general and politician, 23rd President of Liberia (d. 2013). Life path number 7  
    • 1947
      Dorothy Lyman, American actress, director, and producer. Life path number 7  
    • 1947
      Herbert Mullin, American serial killer. Life path number 7  
    • 1947
      Cindy Pickett, American actress. Life path number 7  
    • 1947
      Greg Quill, Australian-Canadian singer-songwriter and journalist (d. 2013). Life path number 7  
    • 1947
      Jerzy Stuhr, Polish actor, director, and screenwriter. Life path number 7  
    • 1947
      James Woods, American actor and producer. Life path number 7  

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    The epic list contains 285 persons. Showing 121 - 140.
    • 1948
      Régis Wargnier, French director, producer, and screenwriter. Life path number 8  
    • 1949
      Geoff Bodine, American race car driver. Life path number 9  
    • 1950
      Paul Callery, Australian footballer. Life path number 1  
    • 1950
      Tina Chow, American model and jewelry designer (d. 1992). Life path number 1  
    • 1950
      Kenny Ortega, American director, producer, and choreographer. Life path number 1  
    • 1950
      Grigory Sokolov, Russian pianist and composer. Life path number 1  
    • 1951
      Ricardo Fortaleza, Australian-Filipino boxer and coach. Life path number 2  
    • 1951
      Pierre Pettigrew, Canadian businessman and politician, 5th Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs. Life path number 2  
    • 1953
      Rick Moranis, Canadian-American actor, singer, and screenwriter. Life path number 22  
    • 1954
      Robert Greenberg, American pianist and composer. Life path number 5  
    • 1956
      Eric Roberts, American actor. Life path number 7  
    • 1956
      Melody Thomas Scott, American actress. Life path number 7  
    • 1957
      Ian Campbell, Australian jumper. Life path number 8  
    • 1957
      Anna Kathryn Holbrook, American actress and educator. Life path number 8  
    • 1958
      Malcolm Marshall, Barbadian cricketer and coach (d. 1999). Life path number 9  
    • 1958
      Karen Mayo-Chandler, English actress and model (d. 2006). Life path number 9  
    • 1958
      Thomas Simaku, Albanian-English composer. Life path number 9  
    • 1958
      Tarmo Teder, Estonian poet and critic. Life path number 9  
    • 1959
      Susan Faludi, American journalist and author. Life path number 1  
    • 1959
      Frank Mulholland, Scottish lawyer and politician, Solicitor General for Scotland. Life path number 1  

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