Thursday, September 14, 2017

Sound your battle cry

Most people would say that they would rather have their eyeballs poked than to meet with a salesperson.

Said nobody.
Not unlikely most people can think of dozens of excuses they could come up with to avoid a meeting with a salesperson.  There is no statistical reference, but the message conveys strong logic.

Bullying supreme.
If far more rampant in the workplace than any other place in the world.  Hidden.  Forgotten.  Ignored.

An acceptable temperament 
of a drill Sargent who scares people, not garnish loyalty.  Ones who decay a corporate pride to an emblem tarnished by the dismal noise from its exuberant military dictatorial culture.  

One guy's blunder causes a debate
One which should not have been needed to be educated on the error of his data.

I will endeavor to do so.

DEFINE your MISSION statement? That is your VISION statement that defines who you are

I've certainly uncorked some momentum by observation.  From a chattie-like chickie to an absorbed absorption of knowledge.  A twist on words intentionally.  I was thinking the other day and didn't want to forget to express the concept ::... to follow in principle that you don't compete by crass demand nor unfair practices, the plight of the underdog or woman, driven by transparency and honesty with the desire to expose the truth, spotlight the unfairness, help others be even more remarkable then they already are.

If you can imagine, ten years ago, I wouldn't have been blogging.  What an inspiring concept when you think about it now.  To have been at the extreme very bottom as a technology emerges.  Let history be written by the authentic witnesses that remain.  [ With the largest cluster belonging to my crew, we inBETWEENers::... the tip of GenXers and the tail point of Baby Boomers > the more "unfortunate ones who become brilliant" is our LABEL as we create our own version of YUPPYdom because we beat to the same drum.

Did you run away?
Or cast it aside as mere ramblings?  Caught by the crafty TITLE that is getting better by honing my craft.

I can go back and insert here {{ reminder to self or blessed Virtual Assistant I so desperately need -> I should ask Amanda? }} to the very first blog I ever posted on social media.  It is somewhat unraveling and mostly uninspiring.

Until now ....
I've clearly been attempting to go back into my roots.  To determine perhaps a few secret ingredients I possess, that could be shared to either a) inspire someone to become really GREAT at sales, or b) someone who already is, or lastly, not less importantly c) someone or some company who want to plunk in their data and pop out the best candidate profile for your company based on the specific data that you feed it.

Gail forces blowing in
That's what I learned was what our team in Calgary called The Publisher of our magazine family.  That was long AFTER I survived an interview with this very charismatic, smart, classy lady.

The wisdom of the story teller, Donna
Ironic in two very distinct different settings, I worked for, with, and under a Donna.  At the very infancy of my sales career [ she was still the smoothest question asker, that made people felt safe, their best interests were at her heart, and that rang with sincerity.

Defined mission statement
I don't remember the conversation or really how it goes.  I simply recollect or few minute preps by these remarkable women had impacted on my life.

My resume tossed aside
went flipping and flying off of the gun metal inspired desk with the chrome edging [ now I know why I can't part with my similar war era file cabinet in that distinct matte green ].

This lady leaned forward
and looked me straight in the eye [ not the kind that you could awkwardly shift eye contact as though something like a passing plane flying up above outside the window caught your eye.

You were eye trapped
The worst moment of torture that anyone can be in.  It is a secret code of very strong women who have so many stereotypical bias they have to overcome, never mind squished between dominate forces like Baby Boomers and Millennials, being squeaked out and stomped on.

I can teach anyone to sell
is almost what it sounded like she told me.  But in between the dimness of memory and the spark recollection of a big ah-HA moment.  It wasn't that.  She said she didn't want to look at my resume, she wanted to get to know me as a person, in those lightening bolt moments that stretch into more minutes, I had not prepared in that way.  Talk about me? HUH?

I guess I haven't shut up since.
Thankfully, having a blog allow me the freedom to share knowledge and the reward as I grow the numbers faithfully, fearlessly and steady.  Because Gail taught me the numbers and then Donna showed me a more emotional sell technique.

Where one more slower and more thoughtfully projected
the other took most with overwhelming enthusiasm that made them want to just be around, get a boost just from a positive vibe.

The birth child of Gail, Donna, Donna & Donna
If it were possible, it would be a really cool thing to envelope some of the warm and fuzzy qualities that all the Donna had.  One was the most intense successful powerful smart lady I was really VERY fortunate to be taught to.

Advertising is science and don't let anyone let you think differently.  The justapox of that is some people are paying other people some really extraordinary amount of money just to extrapolate numbers from.

If you just take a look at how sophisticated the online forms are becoming, it is alarming.  We, as any many of us online folks are at risk to.  Thankfully, as a late bloomer in a new bloomer world, I was finding the need to absorb only what is necessary at any given time, in a hurry to obtain information that this Glutony by a decease that necessitates more and more information and learning.

Gail exercised my brain and established the love of numbers in my soul.  So, in answer and simmering anger at such evil and harmful writing, I recognize women who have impacted me and mostly in the love of numbers.

To that a-hole who was exposed and exited from Google speedily after his tirade that women were not as smart as men, therefore, that is why they don't do as well in the technology field.

My answer to that is:
hug your mathematical formulaes and your sophisticated algorithms.  Because it will be the story tellers and the story makers who will emerge as the super hero of today.

Create all the numbers you want and pocket them in the cloud
which will get bigger and bigger filled with useless information that nobody has the heart or the courage to turf anything anymore.

The arrogance of the engineering youth destroyed his ability to continue to learn.  He forgot his roots, ever so obviously.  Everyone starts at the bottom.

Watch the Bruce Lee documentary to be inspired
which at the core of his beliefs and some discounted teachings were:  be true to your own true self.

Be your own true self whether by brand or title
I think that brands cannot have accounts on social media that are not highlighted, blinking or colored differently on all the platforms.  Then we'll all become more adept at averting spamish, self promoting egotists.  Not that SPAM has always been a bad thing.  I remember the squeamish, sickening feeling when my mom tried so very hard to dress up SPAM for dinner, a really economical means, I'm sure, for feeding herself and four children, five she always said if she counted her husband as a kid.

Saturday, September 9, 2017

forecast the FORECAST numbers

How healthy are your numbers?
As in:  how intimately do your know your numbers?  

What numbers you say?
The ones that identify you.

I'm just a number you nag?
Nope, unique to you and nobody else.

Does your brain need exercising?
More than likely if your reaction is to break out in a sweat
imagining gosh-awful mathematics disciplined calculations.

Naw, these are your own.
Your online DNA, meaning unique singular identifier.  
Based on your numbers, which mingle with all other stats 
aligned and influenced and promoted and/or clicked.

Those are your numbers?
Yes, and even more.  The secret to numbers is 
to do flips and handstands ... around them, spinning them into circles.

Telling you the story
of who you truly are.  
As you are in control of your destiny
when your fingers fall on a keyboard relaxed.

You are attracted to and attracted by quality persons.
Is part of your main brand.
No maliciousness or callowness promoted.
More in motivation, inspiration and devoted supporters.

Friday, September 8, 2017

know the NUMBERS ........ UR numbers examined lately?

Maybe I've found my sweet spot

I've admitted to being a knowledge junkie, wearing it like a badge on most of my social media bios.  

Giving a tip here and there 
is something my readers ask for about social media, back in the day.  I was channeling sales speak and advice left and right, then injecting a blog here and there about what I was learning on social media as my online personality grew.

If I were to Google my name
it would fall on to likely my LINKED IN profile first, consistently always.  I do like to see where Google places me ::.... the first step in understanding your online audience with numbers.

KLOUT worthy of note
If you take a gander of your KLOUT Score these days, there are some really cool content sliding across your radar, so smoothly that it feels more like a natural, instinctive rational click.  A feather touch not a heavy punch.  If you pay attention to what is being shown to you, heed it.  Klout is providing brands a much bigger wallop than even they may have not have bargained for.  When Klout couldn't convince the money men [far less women, proportionately shallow] ... Klout continued to re-invent themselves.  I would imagine they read and watched the numbers, and hardly registering what it was telling them.  Lucky that they aren't afraid to try something new. ,,,...::->  copyright (c)

CHANCE is no accident
similar as LUCK being a blessing of sorts.
THOSE who make things happen
appear more like happenstance

You pay close attention
to what your numbers tell you.
Even if it is to watch numbers,
whether they rise or may fall.

CHANCE for fame+recognition
by degrees of authenticity in a world of disguise.
THOSE who take risks
by trial and separation.

Have the gift of raising softly
to the masses they resound and inspiration 
rebounding .....
To resonate, inspire, educate, and help others
is the battle cry.
That creates a rhythm nation of those that inspire

Are you one?
Why don't you know?
You may not be reading the real numbers
hidden by so much fluff.

Your championship concludes
when quality outweighs quantity.
The knack for clicking winners
whom others quickly drift
towards .......

Do you pay attention to what I post to the right?  The most being my blog total readership numbers.  I have been transparent about that.  I'm probably going to change my widget so that each blog is dated:   if a direct plagiarism discovery would to surface, proof of date of publication would be captured on my blog.

With the beauty of translation, how would one know if someone is merely translating your content and posting it as there own?

I would like to think of a fairy tale dream come true where initially someone was just copying and pasting my content in a new and different language other than English, would be infringing upon my (c) Copyright as the creator of what has been repackaged, erroneously claimed.  

Then perhaps by continually taking a look at numbers, I see what story they want to tell.  In this case Brazil, so proud and at the same down trodden by hosting the Rio Olympics.  Maybe I was attracted to the heart of the story:  people overcoming major obstacles, to create a dream, and hearts beating as one.  That was the true beauty of Brazil as my observation of anxiously looking for my Goddaughter's swim, to later discover she didn't make the cut [ as a Canadian record holder in Swimming whom nobody remembers or knows because of her teammates quick rise to fame:  that Penny girl, with the long last name or difficult one to spell.

Have a look at this website whom I profess to read regularly as it is listed to the right ->  I owe him a return email, and this shows procrastination at its BEST!!

SOCIAL MEDIA revisited FORECAST educated

I was wandering around social media, as I often do.  Living a country song in real life:  married to a Hunkster Hubster, my faithful companion Buddy [my Border Collie]; a productive week of sorts [battle my demon of "anxiety" caused by the realization that BULLYING is alive and well in some toxic corporate cultures that are so cloaked in manipulation and a play on words, causing it to be very difficult to prove::... EUREKA!  After a great deal of reading, researching on a potpourri of organizations, help associations, evaluations, discussions and distinguishable by authentication by psychologists, psychiatrists, therapists or medical practitioners ] they all basically agree that IF YOU THINK YOU ARE/HAVE BEEN BULLIED you likely are/have. ]

Take a look at this YouTube post by my content source favorite:  MASHABLE [which I reSHARE their content on Twitter faithfully, with never an acknow- ledgement of even a #RT never mind a #ThankYou hashtag on the feed.  Once, I had someone who was very observant that I tended to share @Mashable content consistently asked whether I belonged to or an affiliate of a compensated kind:  aka Brand Ambassador ].  

HEREIN is my comment, nestled among three really stupid ones ::... which makes me ponder if only gamers pay attention to Mashable.  Here I am a white, 50something, Canadian, Lady [how unique can one get on Social Media eh?] a solid follower of Mashable's since I can't remember when?  Likely, far at the beginning when I just grooved to the beat of their vibes from their posts:  unique, coolio, informative, positive or bizarre [pick your own perception of this really cool e-zine online!! ].  It is my intent to become a Brand Ambassador of sorts:  which usually include:

  1.  Informative, helpful, unique, inspiring, bizarre content under one umbrella
  2.  A cache of intellectually stimulating content
  3. Attractive to a distinct, talented crew of writers, assemblers and ensemble 
  4. Provides a wealth of information to sop up and absorb
  5. Has created a groove and a beat that resounds among a hipster or yuppy
  6. Is unrelated to race, country, politic, faith, color, educated or economics
  7. Has the gift of the spirit of sharing by creating share-friendly buzz
  8. Is more about the name "Mashable" than any singular contributor, artist, writer, innovator, video, mainstream oriented - NOT - material
  9. Eye catching wording or visuals, it begs to be clicked on 
  10.  Appeals to the curious, knowledge junkies, innovative, creative types.

Have a look with my comment after you take a look at the video link:

Brilliant!!  [ HEY! Who are the Bozos commenting here? ] I noticed the clear tribute to Hyatt which is signifying that this was "sponsored by" Hyatt ::.... which in social media terms means:  "PAID for by" .... I think that authenticity and credibility would go a far longer way if every Brand Ambassador, Blog, Website or Social Media Brand [ think:  instaGRAM as what I consider "the universal endorsement" social media site ] ::.... if it was REQUIRED to show in Profile that u are paid by a Brand 4 what U tweet or share.  

Another gem I uncovered while letting the content follow through on the headline after garnering a click:

It's no wonder the most prolific personalities or brands online are actively followed and sought.  There is so much abundance of information that allows you to discover a deeper insight to your own being by what attracts you and then ultimately you attract in kind.  

A giving bunch who belong to the inner sanctuary of the giving kind.  Not of financial means, more often abundance thin by monetary value but rich beyond imagination by having something in common:  helping others or helping the world become a better place.  

By observing your own stats with some sort of frequency, if not any kind of regularity, you can reach and get in touch with what others want to hear from you about.  Mine have been sitting there as plain as day or the sparkle of sunshine.  Understanding what it means is a great discovery.

Take a look at the numbers.  My consistent mass hails from Brazil.  Maybe a sign that this is the place where my soul aligns.  Or, if more pragmatic, objective observation is where you're inclined, the simple fact that Google's blogspot features easily translation, that removes restriction of reach by language distinction.

Brazil loves and keeps on giving the love to "Build a 30-60-90 Day Plan".  More instructional than philosophical, it lays out how to do just that.  Even to this day, Google is often my best online friend.  As it gets to know me, successful results abound.  Closer to what I have had in mind then my mind knew.

Taking a queue from my faithful crowd:  what is the content they most enjoy or find of value?  The ingredients to a successful sales path.  Less philosophizing and more educational.  You have a feel for what you are looking for whenever you are creating the content, the report, the analysis, the research, yet until you see it emerge does it create a spotlight.

I will proceed in the coming days on writing a more instructional blog on how to forecast accurately and consistently ::.... primarily geared towards the sales professional or those that aspire to be.