Showing posts with label gratitude. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gratitude. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

The get back to the get back

An explosion of a guilty past:

I mean get back, get back to where you come from.

Your papa was a hater, your mom an instigator

it was your faith your future your creation 
     that drew you to the computer

Meanwhile get back, get back to where y'all come from

As pieces of guilt FLASH! pass you

As we try to get back, get back
     to the time we were guilt free,
    left to explore our wild minds, 

Life, love, family and attitude
bring us peace by piece whether longitude or 


Join us our sister ~ brother HOOD

One is not mightier than the other,
     no more fighting
    harmony to envelop us 

Feel like floating?

To the time when we were guilt free, 
      left to explore our wild minds,
     our creative discoveries
     and destinations 

Focus on the good stuff
exhaust out the fumes from the crap

Release it all into atmosphere
washed clean by God's rain, to wake US ALL up 
     no doubt

Now we have our chances
to tomorrows that we know are hidden! 
Just around the corner!
we feel bright sunshine beams pulling us in

To have optimism for tomorrow
 after bidding bye to fact checking
    dirty laundry

We focus on the right path
to not forget 
    life's best lessons:

~..~ the longest minutes never last ~..~

  @Jeannette Marshall (C) T W I T T E R

  ~ q u o t e ~


Only mood is peacefulness
     as we are not even hidden, 
     while banished all our fears

Where we sing together
     Lala la-la lalalaaaaaah
     one big happy gang
     of friends no foes world
     of love

The easiest recipe ever had
     Let it go, say it ain't so,
    it never happened

The kindest outlook to be seen
     by few, not many.  Think Ghandi Mother Theresa       why not Pope Francis too?

This blog is copyrighted

You can help yourself to the insights and ideas, I don't mind.  That is why I put them out there.  To be shared, heavenly if some were embraced, catch on as a new attitude, it will only get stronger by where the magnet draw the people far.  I imagine a lot wider or farther as it gets bigger.  That is BECAUSE you will link this Blog only with an @optioneerJM or a Facebooker Jeannette Marshall or mass G+ including my name Jeannette.  

Another experiment unfolds

What sort of lengths will people go to see their named mentioned in a major super star or musical talent, artist.  

Well, if you approach me and I like your stuff, I could write about it

or not.

"Uncork what lies 
beneath the surface
to see what magic lands"
                                           @Jeannette Marshall (C) T W I T T E R

  ~ q u o t e ~


I saw a constellation,

across the nation
~ Gord Downey

(GORD:  You can use this sonnet or song or story or poem :: just notify this writer)

A nerd?  A halloween costume, a disguise? #GordDowney 



"Never mind the nation, he's captivated my fascination" 
~ Jeannette Marshall
a new fan
of Gord Downey
 @Jeannette Marshall (C) T W I T T E R

  ~ q u o t e ~

"You can feel the passion he has for his music :: Gord Downer "
~Jeannette Marshall

inspired FLASH

 @Jeannette Marshall (C) T W I T T E R

  ~ q u o t e ~

"How did I miss his incredible talent ?? Gord Downey
~ Jeannette Marshall

your fan
 @Jeannette Marshall (C) T W I T T E R

  ~ q u o t e ~

Green was the silence, wet was the light,

the month of June trembled like a butterfly.

This beautiful photo was taken by a beautiful daughter
before she was even sweet sixteen.
a chip off the old mother blubbard
Hidden away in her cupboard
called life

She's her mother's daughter ::
proud, strong, great when she feels free
stifulled breath grasps for air
Caught in her own whirlwind
of just a moment

LOVE mom xOXo ~

who wouldn't find this amazing?  WOW !! @Apple or @HP would hire him +Mashable  coulda and  @therealdonaldtrump shoulda :: !! ?? 

mashable: Student drew every member of his high school class for a creative graduation surprise Promoting for a free ticket to see Gord Downey with The Tragically Hip in concert
in Calgary this summer 2016


Saturday, May 28, 2016

The STATS attack!

You can't hardly call yourself a "social media enthusiast" if you don't know how to get into the "stats ATTACK".  

A stats ATTACK is when you start caring about how many likes, retweets, shares you get.  Actually, paying attention to what seems to appeal to people who follow you.  Then carefully observe how they handle themselves:

  • * classy
  • * informative
  • * intellectual
  • * stylish
  • * branded
  • * poise

If you're a gal, I am going to suggest you go with a pink and black theme.  Those are the two colors that mean feminine yet strong.    In fact, after I'm done this blog commentary, I am going to redesign my optioneerJM blog.  Use those colors, have graphics that compliment this new energy.  That is so exciting!!

Then, I will go jump over to MeanderingsABOUT to update to my new colors, like a logo or an illustration, except just with a color combination that can immediately identify me in a flash.  Vibrant colors that at one point seem to crash then bounce off each other causing vibrations.  Notifications.  Identifications.  Notoreity.  

Experiential Evidence
I did an experiment tonight.  As you all know.  For the past two years, I have used this blog as an experiment.  Of sorts.  To test crazy ideas (remember seeing if I could tempt anyone to buy my social media personality for a fee, by bid process only.  Which I will send out the offer again.  NOW.  If you want to buy a ready made up, 72% KLOUT SCORE, Top 1% KRED, 18,000 followers on TWITTER, 500 of the finestly cultivated group of followers, supporters and exhillirators in knowledge, authority on all subject matters related to relationship selling, social media community creation, cultured CONTENT curators (think imagery, artistry, sculptures, greenery, elegant interiors, motivating quotes with awe-inspiring graphics, fonts, everything together.   If you want to buy this name for your own social media blitz, it's for sale.  optioneerJM is a pretty ambiguous name that could be adopted for a clever, a cause, a choice,  campaign or cosmic reach of the universe.  A brand that doesn't promote hate, violence, greed, or fame.  Where only the people decide what is the #bestofeverything simply by promoting, adopting and using this hashtag everywhere, so one of my other experiments is to test whether if one were to promote one #hashtag called #bestofeverything on every social media giant or platform, would it hook together to rise to the top search on google, register on Facebook, and be on everyone's moments on Twitter.  Why not have a trending hashtag that is voted on the people, where no machines or automation can steer the results, where only the top of the best of the best of #everything dominate the peak.  

Collaboration Nation
So the experiment is whether this group that was included in this Facebook post would notice, come read this blog, or jump on the bandwagon of fun.  Learning together, collaborating together, and determining the outcome of this experiment.  I can report on findings as I start to track and check to see what people are liking these days.  Kind of an ad hoc experiment within the experiment:: what are people really paying attention to across all the viral campaigns.

Fan Favorites
The people I like the most are the most personable.  They may touch on some mighty influencial fan favorites, but those fan favorites are not in this group.  Because they either didn't respond to me as much as others.  

Favorite picture of the month, if not year. Breathtaking, haunting, with just a hint of the red faded, enveloped into the rust. Thank you immensely Tim Fargo for sharing this brilliant image. Unfortunately, the artist photographer who created it is faded on the left and should have greater acclaim and recognition. Try this: Send it out as a tweet: " #bestofeverything photography artist @________(the name) OptioneerJM @optioneerJM #RT with the image attached. Then, share on your own Facebook Post with the same paragraph with image, sharing with all of your followers. If I'm not mistaken, this group will rise in KLOUT + KRED + PEERINDEX +Quora influence metrics, because I have hand picked some very under recognized social media and personality plus WHIZ peers. We're not an actor, creative, musician, media personality, professionals. We're professional creatively minded and musically in tuned group of personalities. Sharing inspirational images, quotes, thoughts, leadership, humanitarian, creative, beautiful messages, wisdom, writing, tweets, posts, bios.

#bestofeverything TWITTER #bestofeverything FACEBOOK #bestofeverything G+

Testing, testing ... one, two three
I want to firstly test who responds the quickest, what they respond to, and whether they actually read my post and follow the instructions:  to follow/friend all the "FRIENDS" I've included on the list.  Then reshare it (because when you add someone and follow it immediately with a #RT or share of something they've posted or you include their name, you've increased the likelihood of about 90% that they will follow you back, but not only that, pay attention to what you post.  Not merely a flittering registration among the clutter of a lot of pots and pans, drums or thimbles fall into the background with their noise.  Then the group will create posts, including @optioneerJM and #bestofeverything adopted as their own approval stamp.

Favorite picture of the month, if not year. Breathtaking, haunting, with just a hint of the red faded, enveloped into the rust. Thank you immensely Tim Fargo for sharing this brilliant image. Unfortunately, the artist photographer who created it is faded on the left and should have greater acclaim and recognition. Try this: Send it out as a tweet: " #bestofeverything photography artist @________(the name) OptioneerJM @optioneerJM #RT with the image attached. Then, share on your own Facebook Post with the same paragraph with image, sharing with all of your followers. If I'm not mistaken, this group will rise in KLOUT + KRED + PEERINDEX +Quora influence metrics, because I have hand picked some very under recognized social media and personality plus WHIZ peers. We're not an actor, creative, musician, media personality, professionals. We're professional creatively minded and musically in tuned group of personalities. Sharing inspirational images, quotes, thoughts, leadership, humanitarian, creative, beautiful messages, wisdom, writing, tweets, posts, bios.

FANTASTICO!! Love this quote don't you? 

Shared by one of my FAVORITE facebook 

poster boy -- Mott Marvin Kornicki. Not sure if he

 is for the ladies with his resonating quotes, cool 

*stuff* :: or the guys with his Miami beat on social

 media :: check him out. Add him, fan him. 

Superb guy. How can't you adore him with a 

quote like this? (Follow each other on this list as

 you all come highly recommended by be to 

follow each other. You will notice that they are 

vibrant over achievers who I affectionately deem

 *Mental Energists* on

MEANDERINGSabout ..... 

If you do follow everyone on this list. 

Please ‪#‎RT‬ on Twitter including 

OptioneerJM or Jeannette Marshall 


Twitter's FollowFriday Ranking 

I apologize if  

I included you and you haven't experienced the 

fierce force of connecting with really smart 

people. They are also extremely talented on

 social networking, standing out on top of heaps

weaker fame measurement of TV, Movies,

 Radio, the Media en masse :: people who are 

brilliant and stand out, catch this wave, and take

 it for a wile ride. If you add all these people, then

 share this post, adding comments as who you

 think the best of the best is by traits, character,

 humanity, humor, spiritual, wise, intellect are 

standing at the cliff reading to be pushed off by 

old age. Some jump early, most go with the 

masse, but there are a few hanging off the cliff,

 fighting the need to lose grip and fall down, 

keeping their young, energetic spirit alive with


Now, it is finally time to get off this writing and 

get on to creating.  So much love and adoration.

xo Jeannette

Monday, May 9, 2016

the dance of gratitude

Isn't this so true?  
For me it is  relying on a calculator. I force myself to do long hand arithmetic we were taught in our

earliest school years, just after forming the art of

 handwriting instead of printing.

A week ago, I received a handwritten card with a 

lovely note from a lady I spent time with at the

MAC counter at Nordstrom at Chinook Center

(Calgary).  She recalled a few of the major points

we discussed and how I inspired her.   She said 

nothing self-promotional nor about any 

upcoming events or sale.  Beautiful.  Wonderful.

Thank you notes

Is a basic skill that I know of only one person in 

my sphere who does this constantly.  Every time

you receive it you feel special, when you read it

you glow.  

Why don't we do more of that?

We already know how much joy it can bring yet

we don't get around to doing it.   I think I am 

going to try to do something along that line.

I have a package of notecards

 which I could put to great use.  I am a lot like

everyone out there.  I get busy with work, my 

off-time is spent writing here, and of course 

spending time with hubby and family.

Events like Mother's Day allow

us the opportunity to call and send a card,

sometimes even send flowers or a gift.  I know

my mom isn't picky, and chatting on the phone

to her is one of her favorites.  

We seldom pick up the phone 

without a purpose in mind:  inviting someone 

somewhere, following up an email, confirming

an invitation.

What about the none times?

Writing a brief note, saying you were thinking of

someone, crediting them with a memory you 

just thought of or simply to say you were think-

ing of them.

How about that?

No event, no reason, no RSVP, no invitation, no 

specific thank you.

Just to say hi!

A brief note, a thought is what I want to do.  

There are more than the dozen my card supply 

has, that I would just like to say "how goes it?"

What about an email you say?

The reason I'm not going to send an email is

because it is to say hello.  Nothing else.  No

response required.  Maybe they'll stand it up

on their desk in their office as an emblem of

gratitude.  For me to have memories shared

with them.  For them to see how important

they are.

I already send Holiday cards

I used to be one of the first to have my cards

written, addressed, stamped and out the door at

the end of November, plenty of time for the



Makes me wonder how many have scaled back 

sending greeting cards altogether?  Sending an

email instead?  Yeah, right, those little inboxes

that only remind us of work, duty, and too many 

we barely stop to read as we glance through the 

subject line.

No cheating allowed

If you are going to go ahead and do this, you are

forbidden to write a family chronicle newsy 

copied letter that you slip in.  That is not the 


No event reminder

You are simply going to buy a dozen or six (how-

ever many the package includes) and send an

individualized, personalized note to a few some-

ones whom you would like to know they're 

important, you're thinking of them.

You just want to make their day

and may end up making your own for days to 

come.  Passing on kindness, gratefulness and 

friendship has little to no cost.

Don't keep track of how many you send

versus how many respond (like some may do 

from greeting cards).  

Pay it forward, the old way

is what some may say.  That's fine if you need to

label it or accuse me of recommending some-

thing ageless as time.  That's not the point.

I already know of a few whom I will 

send one to (for examples):

* to our bank manager who worked with us who

   changed our mortgage payment date that is so

   much easier to track.

* a new dental office that gave me the greatest

   service with a gentle dentist who I will return to

Those are only a couple but I hope you get my drift.  Send a card with a note to brighten someone else's day and it just may give you some rejuvenation and 
good-hearted spirit as your reward.

I have used images of dance from my Pinterest board Dancereta to share their beauty with you.