Showing posts with label 2016. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2016. Show all posts

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Changing colors of autumn leaves

Listening to Adele on iTunes singing "Hello" takes me back.  The words singing in my ears with such passion.  I wonder who she was talking about when she wrote her songs.  She writes her own songs doesn't she?

I can tell it is getting close to that time when the leaves here start turning colors :: from green, to yellow with soon orange, brown  hanging on until they finally give up a drop.  I guess I'm one of those to drop.  Like a leaf, if you're an optimist.  You don't think about being the last leaf to drop.  You focus on at that moment you are hanging on.  

Some of us fight that sensation.  Of completely letting go.  Fearful, hesitant.  So afraid of what will happen, so attuned to what is going on with those around it, completely ignoring its own decline and decay.

Alas, the wise leaves before us know that the worst that can happen is you don't have a soft landing from those leading the drop before us.  You're not even thinking that far back to make yourself consumed with the hanging on.

What happens when you fall?  Well, you first discover that the fall is not as far as before and those before us have actually softened our fall.  So much that we are in a state of peace of and centered self.  

Do we listen to the sway of the falls falling before us.  Less likely because we're more engrossed in our own survival, shriveling selves that we forget the wisdom before us from others and other life experiences.  

Paranoi is another word for it.  I've developed this sense of paranoi that alarms me.  At what time do you forget things that you know and tackle new fears every day compounding.

TWEET: >>VIDEO and SONG by PITBALL (with Enrique Iglisis) "Messin Around"<<  really catchy song, my favorite right now.  #Long weekend 2016 

Here's a fun song for today.  I double dare you to NOT get up and start dancing to this song, regardless if anyone is looking at you.  Feel what YOU want to do ... NOT what others expect you to do.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

It should be a woman THING!

Unrestraint commentary of the US Presidential Election
by a non-voting, Canadian, woman who represents the bleeding edge into the abyss of Baby Boomers who are starting to fade, lost a lot of their gumption, the only eye on the ball they have is when they're on the golf course or by all accounts the others are gun slinging hunters, card-carrying pistols n handguns owners, NRA card toting proud majority who fear more the threat of changing the constitution than upsetting bang bang shooting away the loss of gun wisdom.

Hillary Clinton by golly by gal
 SHOULD be leveraging the female, woman card!  She is an exceptionally smart woman who is breaking the bar and smashing the ceiling.  Who in her own right had a thriving career for many many years helping the downtrodden without any recognition back then.  As a young lawyer, her options back then would have been get married and have kids over climb a ladder to rise up among the guys and the boys clubs.  How can you even say she isn't amazing?

It must be an aging thing.
It has only been the last two elections in the US that I paid any attention to.  Not even a regular channel changing, I would have changed the channel is the news or broadcasts about the US Presidential elections, debates nor issues.

It could be sprouting from that training that I started in my early 20s when I went into the magazine field.  Yeah, Gail took a chance on me, but gruffly told me that all she needed was the right mindset, ability to learn and absorb new information quickly.   I don't really think I hesitated.  Because my first interview with Donna (the sales director) and Bob (the editor) was so relaxed, like a visit, not even like an interview.

I sure got the love of magazines back then.  In fact, really close friends of our family, my parents, then like an older sister to me said:  "Jeannette, you should be on TV doing the news" and I thought "yeaaaaahhhh right, as if that's going to happen" and "she must be really biased"

Amazing how 15 to 20 years later I say the same thing to
my daughters and the one just smiles and looks "aw
shucks" the other is ranting almost the identical words to
me.  It is amazing the life 
lessons that pop out in your 
50s.  Like all those failures
or painful experiences uncork
when you hit the ripe old age
or the young age of 50.  That
depends on your attitude.  I 
do recall hearing those words
not realizing that after multiple
times of hearing it from my 
daughter aggravated me.  Now I know
 why. I'd heard them before, they were just
displaced.  Coming forth at a time when you think
 wisdom is such a curse. If you are wise or said to
 have wisdom, it usually means that you overcame
 some unsurmountable odds of succeeding at something.
At the time you were in achievement mode, you were more likely
 in DOING mode.  They didn't always mean there wouldn't be bruises.
  Just filed away and pop out when you hit 50 and take it as wisdom.  Wishing or swear if given the day again, you'd probably do things exactly the same again.  Absurd?  Crazy you say?  Hardly, I say. 
 Think about it, you are ONLY in your 50s, not your 60s.
  Now is the wise time to burst forth.

The Wild Card
Donald Trump can't be called anything else.  Oh goodness me, can you imagine the book after this if he were to win:  "The Deal of the Century".  As a Canadian, I can only embrace, then recoil in horror, then lean in a little closer to watch the deal play out.  What deal you ask?  It's surely obvious by me, a mere Canadian gal, more preoccupied with her kids, her husband, her career spin around to see them climb high and then feel low.  I just really used to be into sales.  

Firing on all cylinders
The American Presidential Election is mesmerizing if you look at it like a deal:  two (fierce) competitors with their eye on the prize pulling out all the stops to win.  How can that not be sales-like?  Both (and I will call them this) competitors are trying to boost their own value while minimize the other contender to ashes.  In the best sales deals, both opposing parties have a undisclosed amount of respect for their competition.  They may have won one and lost one to this other entity.  Or they just knew about the other in a sphere to which neither traveled in at the same time.

Putting it all in perspective
I really admired Hillary Clinton during her quest to beat President Obama in his march to the White House.  I was rooting for Hillary, even bought the Biography which still sits on my bookshelf, back in those days.  Then she looked far from stellar a few times when dumb blondeness erruptitis struck her on the side of the head:: you forgot that the "rules don't apply" only when it's men.  I mean seriously US citizens, you don't think that any one spouse (always a woman at the Capital) hasn't blipped the security screen?  Or even worse turned a blind eye when they knew that icon of state cheated on him or mumbled top secret information after imbibing in a dozen too many?  The digital world we live in, in its ever-increasing pace, is open to mistakes.    

Where white is white
Were she not a woman would she even have the "woman card" to play?  I'd say 1000 percent NOT!  (Although rumour has it that politicians always have leanings towards cross-dressing and being dominated -- portrayed aptly in the TV hit series BILLIONS -- I can't wait until it airs again) {side note to look up next season's start date and time HERE}  

and Black is BLACK
In a country where a black man can be President
why wouldn't it by now have had a woman president? I hate to be the one to tell ya, if you don't know by now, that the UK just got its next aka 2nd Prime Minister.  

Social revolution
In a time when black and white hatred is the most unrest exploding south of my border, even ahead of terrorism attacks in far away lands.  What a hotbed of disgruntled citizens, electorate in turmoil, political virtues cynical, the big proud America is now.  You guys really have to get a handle on things.  I wrote to you on my optioneersJM blog right after the Wall Street calamity was exposed, and the financial climate going around the world was cold to icing off like an iceberg appears in the ocean.  I suggested of all things that maybe you needed some mediating, and why not from a Canadian, to get your house in order, get advice from the one country that seemed to barely shake from the earthquakes in country capital.  That was Canada.

The UK pays attention
Yet how I have no idea.  Do I have such an instinctive recollection of all that knowledge I gained from Gail, selling magazines and even publishing one?  Now that our very own Canadian Treasurer glided over the ocean to the UK, and is trying to save that country from financial devastation after the collapse of its citizenship split over a far reaching decision.  Mr. Carney is getting noticed now.  So typical of Canadians.  Immensely talented, seemingly quiet compared to so many others, absorbing, taking it all in, observing and learning from a great many avenues.  

UK's 2nd Woman Prime Minister
The US can't afford to lose its position of leader in the free world.  They are recovering, while lagging behind the UK economically.  {INSERT/FIND graph that had been published on the net on mere hours as the citizenship turned, the UK pound dropped while the US dollar climbed.

1st Woman President of the United States
It really should be Hillary Clinton.  Who comes from a dynasty that led two generations and possibly another one in the works?  Yes, Donald Trump has led two empires:  his holdings/companies and his celebrity from The Apprentice.  Both pretty competitive odds on what could be favored don't you think.

The World Revolves Around Money. 
 Yet this election is not so much about money as it is about wits.  Who is smarter, planning better strategies, on point in front of the media or rallies?  They both are.  We went from watching a number of tennis matches, the ones long before recent Wimbledon :: between Hillary and Bernie, between Donald Trump and that Bush guy (yeah, lol, I know Jebb :: but that about sums it up).  Then Donald and Mario, then Donald and Cruz (my hometown boy who denounced his citizenship and denying his roots here in Calgary).

It's Show Time
Plenty of warm up has been taken and given from either side.  They've been training and practicing against some pretty worthy opponents (not Ted-grudge-MAN).

The McCoys :: SOURCE :: GOOGLE images

Families Stacking Up on Either Side
like the Hatfields and McCoy.  Except this time they're not hillbillies in the mountains, lost touch with reality and in love with their guns.  These two BIG contenders have heavyweight family support.  Their children are successful in their own right:: with their careers, their own life partner and families, uphold strong family values.  And .... taDA ~ their kids represent the Millennial generation.  It hardly gives a much better scene than that.

The Plot Thickens
A Former First Lady versus a Wealthy Businessman.
Last time we watched anything like it, we were enraptured by Dallas and the show that Joan Collins dominated in {INSERT ... or don't bother ... let readers go on a scavenger hunt, and the first one back to comment with the right answer gets to write a blog for all THREE of my blogs as a guest}.  Seriously, since when has their been any plot nearly as good?  

Bernie Sanders, Guest Starring Role
Who certainly wins supporting cast member in a leading role.  The guy who turns things right around when you think you have figured out the climax to only be proven wrong because of the curveballs this contender brang.  A character who will never be forgotten and perhaps even remembered long after folks will remember who was against who in this election.  

Time For a New Twist
There isn't better a time to elect the United States first woman President.  For anything, one needs to examine the skillset and then the attitude.  Both hand in hand, yet independent of each other.  One always more important of the other.  

Resume resumation
Hillary Clinton has some pretty impressive credentials.  That, even compared favorably over Donald Trump.

Side Bar
Just like I did with Hillary Clinton
the last election, I let President Obama
step in.  Definitely charismatic with the
right image:  family, values with a sprinkle
of controversy that forced you to pick sides
and not dwell in the middle.

Sleeping Beauty
At the start, like I would imagine many
of us, we were captured by the Cinderella
Story of Donald Trump.  He seemed to say
more things about what people were thinking
than the usual political rhetoric.  Then it went
to his head and it went from unusual philosophy
to objectionable opinions. Where slander, slurs, shocking statements percolated the public opinion.
So I slowly and hesitantly started to turn my head
towards the other party ~ Hillary Clinton.  I started
to warm up to her when I saw her with her daughter.  Just once.  I can't even remember when.  Like Sleeping Beauty, I was kissed by that amazing moment.  I started to let her win.  Let people truly believe that a WOMAN can become anything.  Just like a black man could become President. :: or a Canadian could become the head of the largest financial institution in the world.

If you enjoyed this, please be sure to share, encourage others 
to comment or subscribe, subscribe yourself, and comment. 
 Don't forget the promise above:  first to comment on the
 scavenger question will be allowed to be a Guest on
 any or all three of my Blogs.  
For Guest Spot here:
  Scavenger HUNT:  1st one to comment with the
 names of my other two blogs gets to Guest Blog
 on the one Blog of their choice. 
 Please include in your comment which one.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

wRiTiNg PeRsOnAlLy To EvErY fOlLoWeR oF mInE

Photo by Ralph Hicker ~

wRiTiNg PeRsOnAlLy To EvErY fOlLoWeR oF mInE 
who believe in the #bestofeverything :: that you have a voice, an opinion, something important to say, under one tall and wide banner under the umbrella of hashtag :: #bestofeverything.

tHe DiE hArTs WiLl StArT a ReAlLy CoOl LaNgUaGe ThAt Is UnIvErSaL
you may want to tune into what I'm meandering about, and there is lots.  There never seems to be an end in sight for one's imagination, as long as they create, investigate, and narrate on things or stuff or garbage one want's to talk to.  

uSe YoUr FuNkY nEw StYlE wHeN cOmMeNtInG oN

tWiTtEr Or FaCeBoOk with #bestofeverything where the truly talented enforcers on social media meet.  Just because someone needed to create a clubhouse for the diehard social media enthusiasts.  Only ONE major IMPORTANT rule ((AND you THOSE testers OR negative SCENE will BE deleted.

The positive + helpful + insightful + non-denominal religion site (so if you can't share on Facebook without Ala's or God's words, along with their disciples  under the umbrella of hashtag :: #bestofeverything.

I will inject music that I find really unique 
and inspirational or fun here.  Again, you can submit your own ideas under comments on this blog (remember clubhouse?)  Only rule, they can't have ever won an award of any kind for their music, acting, or whatever else comes forward:  like chef, writer, blogger, personalities are out there under #bestofeverything :: because the more that hashtag is used everywhere, we'll see if it can be trending on not just Twitter, but also Facebook, Google Search Results, Google Plus, G+ so audience become voters simply when they comment (which can be like a vote, if you will, by the members of the "clubhouse")  :: so that everyone assembled, really starts to help each other, support everyone on that group that they themselves promote.

WHERE have THEY gone?
Indeed, this is a song that I thought we need to hear :: a song that came across my radar from surfing iTunes on Apple.  I went to the earliest recording by it to ensure I captured the right, first person.  Which are often not necessarily that got credit for it.

Mood or what?
does YouTube sense my mood or what?  Quite the line up for me right now:  Coldplay's "Paradise" :: Keane's "Everybody's Changing" :: Snow Patrol's "Chasing Cars) :: Bruce Springsteen's "Born to Run". Go ahead, subscribe to my You Tube channel optioneerJM :: I dare you :: double dare you.  Where's your sense of adventure, and why are you reading this?  I'm not wild.  Trust me.  Maybe I am getting a bit more so in my creative side and writing.  Quite the line up for me now :: 

Family traitor?
That reminds me.  Of family lore.  You see, I am a huge Michael Buble fan with an attitude adjustment. My husband's ex-brother-in-law (ya, I know, if you can figure that out, you're better than me), wrote the tunes for @MichaelBuble +Michael Bublé  he didn't even acknowledge him, never mind thank him for writing the song he won his first Juno for?  Is that a too deep?  Does that put me on the controversy radar now?

PlayLists payOFF!
You know what?  That is an under-promoted feature of Apple.  Maybe someone can tell me who's responsible for the radio stations and playlists?  I seem to be a procrastinator on my blog. Radio or playlists are out of this world.  People have been assembling playlists since the dawning of iTunes.  More used as a tool, than a benefit.  Now, step forward whoever was the brainchild of playlists for sharing?  

We have a lot more talented, musical people worldwide that can't get a break.    Lol, maybe, just maybe, you're like me :: I can't draw a thing, i can't lay out much to the style of which I'm in love with (look for Jim Carrey's personal website if you want to test my theory)  tell me what you think.  I'll start on Twitter with #bestofeverthing #website +jimcarrey52x (in Twitterese) for website supremacy ::  You can disagree, post your own, copy and paste me and I'll #rt to get you more followers.

Classic oldie ::
Puff, the magic Dragon by Peter, Paul & Mary.  That is probably where my childhood registers.  I will have to go back and look up what year it came out and how old I am.  As a mini-experiment for how early do we think our earliest memories are.

You Tube Channel
I actually don't know what happens if an outsider, anyone other than me, to be polite listens to my station?  You Tube is getting pretty smart with predicting our wants.  They get to see just about anything!!  The You Tubes titles you subscribe to, viewed, or bounced off (not recording eWwWw ).  So thrilled, in fact, I just Tweeted :: 

"Loving the music that YouTube is selecting for me  ( available on my YouTube channel optioneerJM ) ~..~ jm" you can Follow me and then #RT and I will follow you on Twitter and give you a boost to your traffic.

Identity Stamp *^*
I've used *^*JM as my signature on Twitter.  I just thought creatively with words and a keyboard to come up with it.  Not really artistic, no.  Imaginative tho don't you think?

~..~ jm
Lately, I started to adopt ~..~ jm pretty much everywhere.  Maybe that is the banner I've shucked myself under as I hit 55 this year.  With new fears, new goals driving them, life moving along.  Have you thought of one?  Well, if you're the two or three followers, you can use your new identity stamp with #bestofeverything so I'll notice and re-share and re-tweet everywhere.  Kind of a scratch each other's back in helping support someone else's dreams, not just be self-centered on your own.

Every breath I take

The Police with "every breath i take, every move

 you make, every step you take, I'll be watching

 you" came on just now, so I'm signing off but

every song I saved, I saved to #bestofeverything 

so that all my choices are stored in my YouTube



Every once in a while, I will share what is striking

a chord with me from Apple's iTunes, a 

company I will continue to support, with a dream

that maybe one day, they will advertise on this

Blog.  So I can quit work and write for a living.

in the meantime

a lady has to live a little dream.  Imagine no 

tomorrows that are filled with sorrow.

Optimism supreme

That the two followers I have will divide and

multiply.  Then help and support each other.

Sounds pretty simple.  Is it?

What I'm making

Potato salad

this recipe is something that I always seem to 

make up, get better at, as time moves along.


6 mid-size potatoes, cubed and boiled

4 eggs, boiled, hard

1 strip of bacon

2 dived by one half onion

1 stalk celery, everything green included

6 sprigs of fresh parsley or italian parsley~cilantro

1 carrot

3 radishes

1/2 pickle (large Klassens)

Cook the bacon with 1/2 of onion (or 1/4 as set out before) lightly brown

Put celery, other 1/2 (or 1/4) of onion, parsley, carrot in chopper shown

Dice pickle, eggs, and set aside

Make Dressing


While potatoes and bacon mixture is cooling make the dressing.

4 Tablespoons mayonaise (prefer Kelman's but will 

      exchange with "Kraft Mayo" at a price i.e.  advertises on blog)

2 Teaspoons "no name" mayonaise (will

      exchange with "French" at a price i.e.  advertises on blog)

1 Teaspoon mustard spice  (will name, for a price i.e. 

      advertises on blog)

Salt and pepper to taste (I often leave out salt 

   but heavy on the pepper)

Mix everything together and let sit in fridge for at least 2 

hours before serving with main dish.  For vegans, without bacon, could 

be a protein laden main dish.


If you make this recipebe sure to @optioneerjm on Twitter 

or share with me on Facebook, Pinterest or G+ for a share by me - don't

forget the link to this blog.  Please and thank you.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Meandering Musings

Often (or I used to be anyhow) I am asked about a particular look :: you'd better catch me wearing it so I'd remember :: because I'm a shopaholic shopping fashionista - here me CLICK!  (I'm going to experiment and give my choicest sites to get that "Fix ").

I'm also gonna write about how to shop guilt-free :: tips | tricks to hide "the evidence".
I think I'll make into a series within my Meanderings about .... blog.  It is here where I let my creativity rip. Whatever  makes me unhinged.

The beauty of writing your own blog (or in my case a few), you are the master of your domain :: really, truly amazing eh?

Call me an optimist, but I really think ladies in their 50s, post menopausal, fire breathing divas, are going to like my blog.  I have faith that once the storm hits, the blog will go viral and maybe I'll even attract a few major brands endorsement on my site :: of which they will pay me in money and gifts in kind (the ones they want me to try and review for women 50+). 

Sound fanciful?  Not really when you think about it, a gazillion percent of the world's population are women 50+.   They call the shots in their lives and influence those around them.  Confident and classy in sync with their inner voice, they need or want a laugh, raise their eyebrows once again, or pat their heart in sisterhood memories davine. 

It will be merged to become one unanimous collaborative voice for women born 1960 or later.  It will eventually be a club, which will charge fees for its membership.  Where only the truly gifted or inspirational women voice will be invited to blog :: about what matters, reflects how we feel, want to be more optimistic, smarter, or look classier.

It will start here.  The place where I discovered my foundling, the #bestofeverything hashtag.  Where inspiration to be the best of anything was born.    I've made some truly amazing connections, interactors, professional, artistic, creative people from around the world.  Alot of fiction writers, since I'm a prolific reader and far fewer of those that feed my knowledge junkie.

The first 50 commenters (subscribers) will automatically be invited into the Fashionista Club.  Fashionista being defined as:  a fabulously feminine,  fashionable, polished lady.  More likely in their 50s but not excluding the daughter Millennials who caught the wisdom of their mothers of studying and approving their lives by the women of influence before them.


Please enjoy the time you  spend with me.  
I enjoy having you along on
 my journey.

:: Love Jeannette ::

P.S.  Let me know what you think of my new page :: design/theme?  If you want a web image consultation, let me know, and we'll see what we can come up with together.